
Remnant On Earth

It was the final battle between the forces of Salem and Ozpin until the Brother Gods decided enough was enough, And sent them to Earth. But for Mason B. Rose, This changed his life forever. [Mini-Harem]

PXL_B_Death · TV
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Silent Drill, And Call of Duty

Mason's House

It's been 1 week since Mason announced the Silent Drill.


As everyone came to Mason, They wondered how they were going to get there.

Mason: "The school is only an hour away so we can just walk, And since I had some old clothes from my mom and dad, Everyone else can just wear those."

Goodwitch: "Why do you have their clothes?"

Mason: "Since my house is so big, we use the attic for a LOT of storage."

Goodwitch: "Alright then, we'll use their clothes, I guess.

As the adults left to get changed, Summer came out of Mason's room all dressed up.

Mason: "Nice, And perfect clothing for the occasion.

Summer: "Thanks, You look good too.

As the adults walked out they saw Summer and Mason standing side by side at the door.

Mason: "Let's go, everyone behind me and Summer."

Mason's Old School

Mason: "Everyone sits on the bleachers; the show will start soon."

As everyone complied when they sat, they then heard.

Microphone Man: "Ladies and Gentlemen I introduce to you the United States Marine Corps Silent Drill team."

Mason, Summer, And other people stood up and saluted as the rest watched.

Nora: "Whoaaaaa, They were like robots!"

Winter: 'It was almost like they were the AK-Drones.'

Microphone Man: "Thank you for the USMC, But a surprise I would like to introduce the US Army Drill Team."

As the Drill Team marched out and prepared to perform the drill, the people of Remnant looked at Mason with a questioning look, but Mason gave them a look that told them 'Later'.

As they finished Mason, Summer, and the other people stopped saluting and either left or talked with other people.

Ruby: "Ok 1. That is cool 2. WHAT WERE THE GUNS WERE THEY USING!?"

Forgetting Ruby's love for guns Mason was freaked a bit.

Mason: "O-ok calm down." As he said as calmly as possible.

Ruby: "Fine!"

Mason: "They were using M1 Garands, But they removed the firing pins or led the barrel."

Winter: "That was impressive, But are they good at combat?"

Mason: "Believe it or not, They are the best of the best.

Winter: "Give me proof, Then I'll believe you."

Mason: "Alright then let's go home then."

As they walk home, They see 3 truck convoys driving past them.

Mason: "Well they are fast."

After 34 minutes they arrived home to just sit down & see Mason pulling up Youtube on the TV.

Summer: "I'm heading back to the room."

Mason: "All right then."

Winter: "So where is the proof?"

Mason: "Here you go, The public footage of some missions in a somewhat recent war"

Winter: "What type of vehicle is that?"

Pondering what kind of vehicle allows the doors to be open while in the air.

Mason: "That is a helicopter, More specifically a Black Hawk."

Winter: "What's its purpose?"

Mason: "It serves 4 purposes actually."

Winter: "Four!? But why it doesn't look like much, Unlike our aircraft."

Mason: "Well since there are different types, They all serve different purposes."

Winter: 'How many models did they go through then!?'

Mason: "First would be an attack type, used for antitank and CAS, In other words, Close Air Support."

Winter: 'Should I have Weiss write this down for me?, Nah we are in a new world, And I lead no military.'

Mason: "The next is transportation, Which is self-explanatory, however.."

Winter: "However?"

Mason: "Depending on what or who's being transported, The mission type, and how many are being transported, They will use a different type of transport Heli. The next 2 are Observation for obvious reasons, And lastly, Multi-mission and Rescue which is also self-explanatory."

Winter: "Hmm alright, I understand now, but why leave the doors open?"

Mason: "Quicker exit time, As usual, the LZ might be hot."

Ruby: "Ok what does LZ stand for & what is hot?"

Mason: "Well LZ is for landing zone, and we say it's hot as it's quicker than saying the LZ is filled with enemies & active."

Ruby: "Ohhhh ok." Grinning widely as she learns more about this world.

Mason: "Alright, And before anyone asks how they don't fall out, We have harnesses, Now let's continue."

A/N: Yeah, I know lazy, I just can't think of anything T-T.

Winter: "So what was the point of this mission?"

Mason: "Evac & rescue, Now next video."

U.S. Soldiers in a Firefight with the TALIBAN

During the entire video, some of Remnant's people were shocked at how intense this was.

Winter: "That was some intense, With some surprises here and there. Atlas didn't see something like this often in Atlas, At least there were some calm moments"

Mason: "Well of course, Depending on the mission, We put our men first over the mission."

Ozpin: "Well then, Considering people post this stuff and apparently like it, Are there any games based on stuff like this?"

Mason: "Yeah."

Ruby: "Whoa so there are military games that are like this?"

Mason: "Yeah, I mainly play Call of Duty."

Ruby: "Can you play for us!"

Mason: "Sure I'll play the campaign for now."

Instead of using his PC, He decides to use his PS5 to show everyone, And after 5 minutes we start.

Mason: "Just so you know, I set the game to realism, So this is as realistic as possible."

As everyone understands we start.


Several Months Later

A/N: Every time they talk, It's either quick or Mason pauses.

Mason: "So that everyone knows the Several Months was after we killed a general supplying terrorists."

As everyone looks back at the screen, we continue.

Shepherd: Come in.

Mason: "This is General Shepherd, the General of the US Army, and a founder of Task Force 141, and before anyone who questions anything, TF 141 and Shepherd don't exist."

Winter: "It's nice to see another general, Even if he isn't real."

Mason: 'Oh how wrong she will be...'

Shepherd: Laswell.

Mason: "This is Kate Laswell a CIA spook; I believe she is a Station Chief."

Ozpin: "Hm, what is this CIA and Station Chief?"

Mason: "Well the CIA is our Central Intelligence, they are tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world."

Ozpin: "Intriguing."

Mason: "A Station Chief is a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency official stationed in a foreign country."

Ozpin: "Ok I believe we understand now."

Laswell: General Shepherd.

Shepherd: Boy, I know that look. Are we at war?

Laswell: You would be the first to know, Sir.

Winter: "That makes sense, If a general doesn't know of the war, How can he command his troops to fight."

Shepherd: Damn right I would. Talk to me.

Winter: "Do they have to use... explicit language?"

Mason: "Sorta, I mean it gets the point across, So yeah."

Winter just deadpans at the response.

Laswell: We have a hit on Ghorbrani's second-in-command.

Shepherd: Hassan Zyani. Quds Force Major.

Ruby: "Why would they go for the second-in-command?"

Winter: "So they have nobody to lead them, The problem would be getting to him"

Laswell: He's taken the mantle for Iran.

Shepherd: Supplying terrorists.

Laswell: Money, Weapons, Intel.

Winter: "3 great assets during times of war."

Shepherd: Well, He's ambitious.

Laswell: He's dangerous sir. He wants retaliation for the Ghorbrani strike. He's planning something.

Shepherd: We can't take him to Iran.

Yang: "Why not?"

Mason: "People there could see it as an attack on their country causing a war."

Laswell: He's not in Iran, sir. He's on the ground in Al Mazrah.

Mercury: "Now where the hell would that be?"

Mason: "Although not real, It is set in Western Asia."

Shepherd: What the hell is he doing in Al Mazrah?

Laswell: There is only one way to find out, sir.

Winter: "He seems like a great general, Acting quickly to stop an imposing threat."

Mason: "…"

Laswell: Who do we send?

Mason: "OK during this mission, We will focus on 2 people, Ghost and Soap."

Yang bursts out laughing with a few snickers here and there, "Why is he called Soap!?"

Mason: "He earned the nickname 'Soap' for cleaning house with remarkable speed and accuracy in room clearance techniques & urban warfare tactics."

A/N: Thank you for this answer.

As he said everyone just shuts up.

Coco: "Well that... is impressive."

Winter: "That I can agree."

The scene switches to a military base with Ghost slowly appearing on screen.

Shepherd: You're wheels up in five.

Ghost: Roger.

Shepherd: Marines are loading in now. You and the Sergeant are leading the way on this.

Ghost: The Sergeant?

Shepherd: Soap McTavish.

Soap walks up to Ghost.

Soap: Let's get ourselves a win, Yeah LT.?

Weiss: "What kind of accent is that, is he from some different place?"

Mason: "Yeah he's Scottish, From Scotland."

Coco: "What about this Ghost fella? He kind of has an accent like Velvet?"

Mason: "Ah yes Ghost is British, With that British accent, While Velvet has a somewhat Australian accent."

Coco: "What does that mean?"

Mason: "You see Australia was once ruled by Britain, And with that soon came a different accent while speaking, And Australian is how Velvet sounds, Compared to Ghost's British."

Coco: "I kind of understand now."

Soap: Save ya a seat, sir...

Ruby: "Well, That's nice" A smile starts to form on her face.

The camera pans to Ghost's face.

Ghost: Fucking hell...

Ruby: "But that wasn't." The smile quickly disappears after Ghost's response.

Yang: "That's a cool mask, though."

Nora: "It looks awesome!"

Shepherd: Ghost- You copy?

Ghost: Yes sir.

Shepherd: Any issues?

Ghost: Negative, Sir. Out here.

Weiss: "Well what was his issue?"

Mason: "Nothing really, They have an interesting friendship."

With Mason saying that everyone questioned what type of friendship that is. The game continues as the camera shows a screen with the combat zone.

Laswell: Airstrikes are hitting enemy positions bordering Al Mazrah.

The screen zooms into an angle where we see two main areas, But three buildings.

Laswell: Intel confirms a concentration of AQ fighters converging in the valley, we believe they're protecting something.

Winter: "Most likely the HVT."

Ruby: "Uh.."

Mason: "High-value target & In this case it's Hassan."

Ruby: "Right!"

Laswell: Surveillance indicates soldiers guarding three structures.

The screen zooms to two pop-ups of the first two buildings. As Laswell continues to speak, We zoom into building three.

Laswell: Major Hassan may be holed up inside.

Then screen the zooms to Ghost's and Soap's mission profiles.

Laswell: Ghost & Soap will lead a Marine.

Special Operations unit 'The screen pans to Alpha team' to kill or capture Hassan, tonight.

Winter: "You told me the Marines were best of the best, What's so special about these two that they lead them?" Winter looked confused as she was aware that Soap was only a Sergeant, And Ghost a Leftenant. (If you know, you know.)

Mason: "Ghost & Soap are a part of Task Force 1.4.1."

Winter: "And what's so special about this Task Force."

Mason: "Task Force 1.4.1 is a multinational special operations unit, The Marines are the best of the best for the US, 1.4.1 takes the best of the best, Of the world."

With the Atlas military shocked they looked quickly back at the TV. The screen then shows the Helo 2 drop points & route.

Laswell: One Helo will insert two teams at separate offset points bordering the target area.

We zoom back to building one & two.

Laswell: The Bravo team will sweep and clear buildings one and two. The camera zooms to building three' Alpha Team takes building three.

The camera zooms to a picture of Chorbrani and Hassan, with Hassan's wanted poster next to it.

Laswell: All shooters have execute authority but we want Hassan alive for interrogation.

Winter: "So it's an eliminate-all mission."

As the screen changes to a Helo landing

Laswell keeps talking.

Laswell: And be advised. Major Hassan is AQ's lifeline. If he is there, They will die for him. Good Hunting...

Winter: "And so it begins."

Ghost: Bravo team offloads here. The alpha team stays in range. Both teams meet in the middle. Remember, We want Hassan alive, But this is capture or kill.

The Bravo team equips their NVGs & offloads, While Soap before getting off gives an Alpha member a fist bump.

Ghost: Keep up, Soap.

Ruby: "Cool goggles, what are they?"

Ruby stares at the NVGs wondering what they are.

Mason: "Night vision goggles, Or NVGs."

Blake: "Wait what?"

Mason: "You'll see.

The camera changes to Soap's POV





28 OCT 2022 0130

Mason presses a button on the controller, And with that Soap pulls down his NVGs.

The screen illuminates in a green color.

Winter: "Now this is interesting."

Blake: "It's like Faunus night vision, Are we more advanced or less, Because last I checked Atlas doesn't have this."

Weiss: "I have no idea, At some points, We are better, In others we aren't. I don't even know if we are advanced anymore."

Ruby: "Yup yup!"

Razor 1 Pilot: Razor-1, All Bravo deployed.

As Bravo walks through the field, They suddenly hear.

Razor 1 Pilot: All stations - Razor-1 is bracketed, We're getting lit!

Winter/Qrow: "This doesn't seem good./Oh shit…" Winter just deadpans at Qrow's response.

Ruby looks on worried for them, even though it is a game.

Razor 1 Pilot: Incoming - Flares! Flares!

A rocket was sent to the Helo but was redirected by the flares.

Ruby: "WHOA WHAT WAS THAT!?" Ruby questioned the bright lights the helicopter shot out.

Mason: "Flares, A pyrotechnic that produces a bright light or intense heat without an explosion. They are usually used to signal for a Pickup, Rescue, Or Redirecting Rockets."

Bravo 7-3: Shit that was close!

Qrow: "No kidding if I was on there, We would've been hit."

Bravo 7-6: Second Missile!

The Helo tried to use its flares again but was too late as the rocket hit the tail rotor.

Qrow: "I spoke too soon."

Winter: "You think?"

Qrow then deadpans at Winter's response.

Razor 1 Pilot: Razor 1 going down! We're going down!

Ruby: "OH NO! Those poor people!" Ruby looked on distraught as the Helo spun to the ground.

Ghost: Hold up!

All of Bravo stops in a line watching the Helo make an impact on the ground.

Ghost: Alpha what's your status?

Everyone watches on hearing some coughing.

Ruby: "They're alive!"

Ghira: "They must be some tough people to survive that with no Aura.

Willow: "That they are."

Ozpin: "I would agree, but there is a problem..."

Ghost: Alpha how copy...?

Alpha 0-2: Bravo-Alpha is immobile, Multiple Critical!

Ozpin: "As I suspected, They may have survived but they did sustain a lot of injuries."

Alpha 0-2: Oh shit- We are taking effective!

Ghost: Alpha, We're moving to building 1. Hold Tight!

Ruby/Weiss: "How will that help!?"

Soap: Ghost, We need to secure that crash site now.

Weiss: "My thoughts exactly!"

Ghost: First, We clear for Hassan, Which takes the heat off Alpha. Then we secure that crash site. Clear?

Ren: "You happy with that answer?" Ren said with some sass in his voice.

Nora: "Wow Renny never took you to be a sassy person!"

Weiss just looks at him and the screen with disbelief.

Soap: Roger that.

Ghost: Let's move.

As the Bravo team approaches the house.

Ghost: Force up to the house.

Bravo team stacks up on the doors until they hear.

AQ Soldier 2: Bring more ammo! Fast! Fast!

Winter: "Those terrorists are too focused on the crash site. Doing so leaves them open."

Jaune: "They should've posted a lookout somewhere that can see the building entrances while still in cover and out of sight to report on anything wrong, While they post guards inside & outside the doors all the while the people inside are firing upon the enemy, In doing so allows protection while they fire without having to worry about ambushes."

Everyone looked shocked as the 'dolt' & 'Vomit boy' of Beacon just created a great plan within seconds.

Ghira: Who is that boy?" Ghira looked in shock as Jaune looked at the screen a little tensed.

Winter: "As far as I'm aware he is Jaune Arc leader of JNPR, but that is all I know." Winter also knew the flirting attempts Jaune made to her sister from the messages she received, but kept quiet.

AQ Soldier 1: Fire at the helicopter! They will send others to help them!

A Bravo soldier takes the hammer off the first guy and hands it to him.

Nora: "HAMMER!"

Ren: "Nora calm!"

AQ Soldier 1: Our brothers are on the way!

Ghost: Breacher up!

Bravo 7-3 says to himself 'Hammer Time'

The breacher smashes the hammer against the door busting it open while AQ is still firing at the site.

Ghost: Sweep through!

Soap kills the first soldier as three Bravo walk inside sights trained & killing the soldier inside.

Winter: "They seem quite effective."

Bravo 7-2: First deck clear! Negative on Hassan.

Bravo 7-3: Copy that, the second deck's clear!

Ghost: Rog.

Soap and the rest of Bravo fire upon those outside of building 2 killing them. Soap kills the AQ soldiers with deadly precision.

Ruby: "Whoa! I wonder who's better me or him!?"

Ghost: All Bravo, Move on to building two!

As they start to move, They can hear Alpha starting to talk again.

Alpha 0-2: All stations, Crash site is taking rocket fire from building two, Second deck!

Ghost: Alpha, Taking building two now, hold fast!

Soap jumps through the window, While an AQ soldier pops out the floor hatch startling everyone but Mason.

Jaune: "Smart move." Jaune a little startled realizes the good idea.

Bravo 7-4 takes out the soldier while Soap walks into the hallway removing his NVGs & seeing a body collapse in front of him.

Yang: "Well we don't need to worry about him I guess."

AQ Soldier 2: Fire the rockets! I will cover the door!

Bravo 7-3: They're up here.

AQ Soldier 1: Okay, brother! Kill anyone who comes through!

7-3 slowly peaks into the door until he gets riddled by some bullets.

Blake: "Not good."

Weiss: "Seems he's dead."

Yang looked at Ruby who was worried but looked back at the screen.

Bravo 7-3: I'm hit!

Soap throws in a flashbang, And the audience sees a bright light and ringing noise in the doorway come out.

The Faunus cover their ears from the sudden loud ringing.

Kali/Blake: "Now what was that?!"

Mason: "Flashbang, used to temporarily blind and take out the hearing of an opponent, by letting out a bright flash and ringing for 5 seconds."

Winter: "That is a smart tool, Being able to stop your opponent's vision & hearing can always be a game changer."

Soap quickly dispatches the AQ fighter and moves to check on 7-3.

Bravo 7-3: Agh... Fuck- There's one in that hallway.

Ozpin: "Hm prioritizing the mission over yourself you never see many of those types of people."

Mason: "There is a saying that I can connect to this."

Ozpin: "What would that be Mr. Rose?"

Mason: "Stated by G.K Chesterton 'The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, But because he loves what is behind him.'"

Ozpin: "He seems to be a wise man."

Mason: "To me and others, He was."

Soap walks into the hallway taking out the AQ soldier but hears.

Hassan: The West must pay for a century of hostile acts against us, Together we will avenge the death of General Ghorbrani.

Winter: "Looks like we got him." Winter looks at the screen grinning.

Hassan: We will have revenge for the death of our General.

Soap walks into the room to see a lady pick up a gun & point it at him before shooting her.

Weiss: "Why did he do that!?"

Mason: "She picked up the weapon, Intending to shoot him, Either they drop her or lose a comrade."

Weiss stares at the screen with disbelief.

Soap then turns his head to see a recording of Hassan.

Winter looked at the frowning "Are you serious?"

Qrow: "Hehe game tricked ya Winter?"

Winter: "Don't start with me Orow."

Soap shoots the recording.

Soap: Ghost, We're secure. Negative on Hassan.

Ghost: Roger. Time to hit the crash site.

As Soap walks through the door, He sees 7-3 right.


Weiss: "Seriously, First those helicopter things crashing, Then being shot but they are still alright!"

Mason: "The helicopter part I can say I have no idea, But Little Rose & Ice Queen, 7-3 is still alive because of a plate."

Ruby: "Plate?"

Mason: "Ah right you don't have those. Well then, My Pretty Rose, You see soldiers wear armor plates which are steel plates, Usually weighing 5-11 lbs depending on the size, It stops us from getting killed but getting hit still hurts."

Ruby blushed at the nickname, With Yang staring daggers at Mason.

Winter: "So this is why you guys have such big vests."

Mason: "Precisely."

Soap: You good, mate?

Bravo 7-3: Yeah, the plate stopped hit. Are these the fuckers that hit Alpha?

Winter: "Again with the language."

Mason: "If you saw your comrades get hit, killed, Or almost killed what would you do, Besides get sad or fight back?"

Winter: "I- Fair enough."

Soap: Aye. Now we can secure the crash site.

Ghost: All Bravo, Circle up outside.

Soap: Ghost, Soap- AQ's workin' with some good gear.

Ghira: "It would seem so if they were able to bring down those helicopters."

Ghost: Soap- We're moving to the crash site to help the wounded. Rest o' you hold here and cover us.

Ruby: "Hopefully they're all alive." Ruby had some worriedness in her voice considering how long it had been since the crash.

Bravo 7-6: Rog.

Ghost: Alpha 0-2, Bravo 0-7. Building two is secure. We're coming to you.

Alpha: Alpha copies all.

Ghost: Expect contact. AQ's waitin' for us.

Winter: "That is a good assumption, As most people would go and help"

Ghost: Soap, tighten up.

Ghost & Soap quickly got to the helo

Ghost: Blue! Blue!

Yang: "Uh what?" Yang looked at the TV with confusion why say blue?

Mason: "Indicates friendlies."

Yang: "OK then." Yang still looking confused looked for somebody who was the same.

Alpha 0-2: Damn good to see you guys.

Ruby: "Where is everyone else.." She looked worried as only 2 people.

Alpha 0-2: We got 5 KIA, One wounded. It's just me, my gun & I'm low on ammo.

Ruby: "Ahh! Only 2 are alive!?"

Winter: "A heavy loss but you should be able to replace them, right?"

Mason: "You can't replace a soldier, instead you uphold their legacy.

Winter: "What do you mean you can't replace them? You have your version of AK's, right?"

Mason: "Negative, Although still in development we don't have full combat robots to replace soldiers."

Winter: "But how, Your world's army is so large."

Mason: "Because we volunteer to join the army, Or when in war get drafted/conscripted."

Winter: "Drafted?"

Mason: "Pretty much forced."

Winter stayed silent after her answer.

Alpha 0-2: Help me move him.

Ghost: No time. They're here. Get your gun on that tree line.

All 3 soldiers turned & mounted on the windows waiting for the enemy.

Jaune: "Hm, Not sure that is the best idea, that wounded is in front of an open door, As well on their right side."

Soap: Got movement.

Ghost: Engage!

All of the soldiers started firing.

Alpha 0-2: Shooters at the wall!

Soap: You called it, LT.!

Blake: "This does not appear to be a good situation, they are outnumbered and gunned down."

Mason: "Well there is a saying I like by Mark Twain, That would say otherwise."

Blake: "What would that be?"

Mason: "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog"

Blake: "What does that mean?"

Mason: "You may be the biggest in a fight, But doesn't mean you are the strongest, Nor will you last the longest."

Ozpin: "He sounded like a wise man."

Mason: "He was, Anyways let's continue."

Alpha 0-2: RPG!

As the RPG hit the whole helicopter, everyone inside was a little dazed.

Alpha 0-2: Fuck man, FUCK!

Winter: "Again with the language." Winter looked at the TV slightly irritated that these 'professionals' didn't act like it.

Mason: "Well swearing in this world is very common, And I mean common."

Winter: "But why do it?"

Mason: "To express how we feel, & to get the point across without any measly arguing."

Ghost: Get your gun up.

The 3 continue to shoot at the AQ soldiers just blindly charging in or taking out those in the smoke.

Ghira: "Them charging in is the most foolish plan ever, What could they ever accomplish."

Mason continued to look at the TV sweating from Ghira's statement remembering the German Stormtroopers and D-Day landings.

Ghost: They're getting close!

Ozpin: "This doesn't seem to be good."

Ghost: Watch the rear!

Soap: Threat eliminated.

Weiss: "How is he so calm in a situation like this!?"

After another 30 seconds, the firing seemed to stop.

Soap: Are we clear?

Ghost: For now... Stay sharp on that tree line.

Alpha 0-2: They're still moving out there...

Blake: "Most likely the people from building three, or reserves."

Ghost: 7-6, Call for fire. I want close air on that tree line.

Ozpin: "Smart move, knowing their allies are behind they can use air support to eliminate anything in front of them" Anything in front of them.

Bravo 7-6: Rog, Calling it in.

Ghost: Dig in lads. We're not done yet.

Bravo 7-6: 0-7, CAS is three minutes out!

Ghost: Roger that.

Ghost: Air support's inbound.

Alpha: Hey- we got smoke at the tree line!

Soap: No visual...

Alpha 0-2: Yeah, I don't see shit...

Winter was about the say something but decided not to because of the last conversation.

Ghost: Incoming!

Ghost: Take cover!

Alpha 0-2: They're launching grenades!

As the 3 continue to shoot at the barely visible targets, let's take a look at the families we haven't seen or have talked to yet.

Saphron: "This day keeps getting weirder and weirder."

Nicholas Arc: "I'll say, we appear in a new world because our world was destroyed."

Juniper Arc: "And now we watch a kid playing video games after watching some new world military spin guns."

Jacques: "This is ridiculous! We lost the SDC and now just the bottom of the barrel people."

The Schnees just roll their eyes at the sight.

Jacques: "Now I'm stuck with these dirty Faunus!"

Ghira: "What was that!?" Ghira looked at Jacques pissed.

Kali: "Honey calm down." She tried to de-escalate the situation but failed.

Jacques: "You heard me!"

Mason paused the game & yelled at the two.

Mason: "Knock it off or you both are sleeping outside!"

Jacques: "Who do you think you are!"

Mason: "The owner of this house, I can kick you out if I want!"

Jacques: "Well I can simply buy yours and then what!"

Mason: "News flash, Lien and the SDC don't work or exist here, So shut your mouth god damnit!"

Jacques: "Winter arrest him!"

Jacques: "Winter arrest him now!"

Winter: "And put him where? I am a part of no government of this world, I have no jurisdiction, I am just a civilian now."

Jacques: "Oh my Oum!"

Willow whispers to Mason.

Willow: "Can I do something?"

Mason: "If it involves him then yes"

Mason sounded pissed off from the Jackass.

Willow: "Jacques dear can you come here."

Jacques: "What do you want woman?"

Willow proceeds to grab Jacques and pull him.


Willow: "Taking out the trash."

Everyone just looked at Willow in shock.

Mason: "I-is she gonna?"

Willow then throws Jacques out the door and locks it.

Willow: "And good riddance."

Everyone else just deadpanned at the scene that has just taken place.

Saphron and Terra just looked at each other in confusion but had a look of agreement & grabbed Adrian & just went to sit near Jaune and the rest of their family.

Mason: "Let's continue before I pop a blood vessel."

Mason rubbed his temple before sitting down.

Tai: "Well uh, That was dramatic?"

Qrow: "I'll say." Qrow just stared at Willow for a second blushing but sobered up & realized what he was doing.

Qrow: "Agh! Get out my head you!"

Tai: "You good Orow?"

Qrow: "Y-yeah."

Winter realized why he was screaming and looking at her mother 'Oh no... Don't tell me!'

Mason unpaused the game and everyone looked back at the TV.


Jacques left walking down the road, Trying to find someone to help him.

A/N: 1 Month Later he died… Anyways!..

Alpha 0-2: 2-3's hit! Man Down!

Ghost: He's dead!

Saphron who had been covering Adrian's eyes since the killing had started to shout out loud. "He's dead!?"

Jaune: "Knew they should've moved him, but either way no time."

Yang/Ruby: "I don't think they had enough time."

Velvet who had been taking pictures the whole time questioned something.

Velvet: "Is there a reason they couldn't move him, From the looks of it they had a good amount of time."

Mason: "Baseline soldiers weigh 43 pounds with the standard gear, Not accounting for the other 15 pounds of stuff they carry like tools and food."

Velvet: "I guess that makes sense.

Ghost: Keep your gun in the fight!

Soap/Mason then turns to kill AQ soldiers coming through the back entrance, with a few shots missing.

Weiss: "Hmph, You could have done better than that."

Mason pauses again with some people getting frustrated that he keeps pausing.

Mason: "At what? Killing people."

Weiss: "So what it is a video game."

Mason: "People are people, imagine the burden you would have to carry if you've killed a person."

Weiss: "Like that would ever happen."

Mason: "Don't worry you don't know but I do."

Weiss: "Wait what?"

Mason: "Forget it."

Mason unpauses the game and continues to play

Alpha 0-2: Only a few left!

Ghost: Finish 'em!

After 15 seconds...

Ghost: No movement!

Ghost: You good, Soap?

Soap: I'm good.

Alpha 0-2: 2-3 got hit. He's gone...

Ghost: 7-2, I need you up here now.

Bravo 7-2: Rog, Moving.

Soap: Ghost we should fall back to the house.

Jaune: "Didn't Ghost just call for 7-2 to get with them?"

Jaune was ignored, But he just signed and continued to watch with Pyrrha patting his back.

Ghost: Negative -- We clear this position and push. If Hassan's still here, He's out ahead.

Ozpin: "That is true but risky as we don't know what else this army has."

Ghost: 7-6, Patch us through to air support.

Bravo 7-6: Rog. Stand by...

Kilo 0-1: 7 Actual, Kilo 0-1, Fire is one mike out.

Ruby/Yang: "Mike?"

Mason: "Stands for 1 minute."

Ghost: Kilo 0-1, you're cleared hot on anything forward of our position. Danger close approved.

Kilo 0-1: Roger that.

Alpha 0-2: Shit-! What now?

Bravo 7-2: LT., we got armored vehicles incoming.

Ren: "This doesn't seem to be good."

Coco: "It does not."

Bravo 7-2: There's four of 'em

Ghost: Conserve your ammo. Let'em get close.

Winter: "Smart move."

Bravo 7-2: Here they come!

Ghost: Standby to engage!

Ghost: Get ready...!

When he finished a shot rang out then...

Ghost: Cut'em down!

Alpha 0-2: Hassan turned AQ into a fucking army...

Tai: "It seems so."

Yang: "This isn't good." Yang looked worried.

Coco: "How can they get out of this!?"

Qrow: "Well they said a minute out, And if those helicopters are as fast as Bullheads, they should be here any second now."

As the 4 took cover they heard 0-1

Kilo 0-1: All Bravo, Kilo 0-1 is inbound hot, danger close.

Bravo 7-2: Air support on the station!

As he said that the ground erupted with gunfire and explosions taking out AQ.

Ruby: "YEAH THEY'RE SAVED!" Ruby cheered out loud with a few other students.


Ren: "Nora please calm down."

Kilo 0-1: Engaging secondaries.

As Kilo 0-1 cleared out the area while the soldiers watched the show.

Bravo 7-6: Kilo 0-1, good hits! Good hits!

Yang: "Hell yeah they were!"

Soap: Are we clear?

Ren: "From the sounds of it yes."

Alpha 0-2: Fuckin' hope so.

Ghost: All clear!

Winter looking impressed at the helicopter responded, "With firepower like that no doubt!"

Bravo 7-6: Kilo 0-1, No movement in the area. Thanks for the assist.

Kilo 0-1: Roger that, 7-6… Kilo 0-1, going into a holding pattern.

Ruby: "Uh?"

Winter: "It means he's going back to where he was and waiting if they need help."

Ruby: "Why can't he just fly over them?"

Mason: "Remember Razor-1?"

Ruby: "R-right." Clearly remembering what happened at the start of the mission.

Ghost: 7-6, Task a bird for casualty evac.

Bravo 7-6: Rog'.

Ghost: Get yourselves sorted. Hassan is still the target.

Winter: "Still focused on the mission, but clearing helps those who are dead instead of leaving them behind." Winter looked on with respect to Ghost for caring about both.

Soap: Aye, Let's go get this fucker.

Ghost: Alpha- you're with us.

Alpha 0-2: Roger that, Lieutenant.

Ghost: Let's move out.

Alpha 0-2: Those fuckers used us as bait, didn't they?

Ghost: They're well-supplied and fighting smart, Thanks to Hassan.

Weiss: "Smart? Yeah no, They just rushed in with what seemed to be no plan."

Mason: "Calm down Ice Queen it's a game."

Weiss: "HEY!"

Soap: Aye...

Soap: Looks like you were right, LT.

Soap: You think Hassan's still here?

Ghost: Heli crash gave 'em an opening. Let's see if they took it.

Ozpin: "Most likely did, thinking they all died would be very arrogant considering 1 did survive."

As he said that an A-10 flew by after the buzz.


Mason: "A-10 Thunderbolt, Or Warthog in other words."

Ruby excitedly tried to calm down as it left.

Ruby: "That was so cooool!"

Bravo 7-3: Flyboys are still on station.

Ghost: Keep'em on standby. We're moving in.

Bravo 7-6: Rog!

Bravo 7-3: Visual on building 3.

As they slow down and crouch Soap/Mason saw the laser.

Weiss: "Wait a minute what's that great"

Right before she finished she heard a pitch then a...


A Bravo member got what seemed to be a headshot sniped.

Bravo 7-2: Fuck! Man down!

Jaune: "They got a visual on them, this isn't good."

Ghost: AQ sniper on the roof! Get down!

As he said Soap/Mason counter-sniped him.

Ghost: Soap, Hit the dirt!

Soap: Sniper down!

Ghost: More snipers on the roof, Take them out!… Who's hit?

Bravo 7-6: 7-5 is down!

Alpha 0-2: How the fuck are they seeing us?!

Nicholas: Wouldn't it be obvious that they have those... uh?"

Mason: "NVGs"

Nicholas: "Right, Thanks, NVGs too?"

Mason: "The terrorists usually don't have high-grade equipment, But since Hassan is supplying them, They do now."

Bravo 7-6: AQ's got night vision! We're just sitting ducks out here.

Soap: Got another!

Ruby: "Woah Ho!"

Ghost: Good shot. Soap, keep us covered, we're moving up!

As the rest crawl and Soap/Mason snipes back they wonder how they can get inside considering it looks so well-guarded.

Soap: AQ's pressing hard-- If Hassan's not here, what the hell is?

Ozpin: "That is true, Truly a mystery."

Winter: "From my thoughts a lot of supplies or something they really shouldn't have."

Bravo 7-6: We're getting chewed up out here!

Alpha 0-2: We're not getting out of here without air support!

Ghost: 7-6! I want to fire on that building now!

Winter: "Not smart, The HVT could still be inside."

Soap: Ghost, We don't know if Hassan's in there!

Ghost: They're forcing our hand! 7-6, Hit that building, But don't level it.

Winter: "But that is smart, Enough to take out the outside targets, And injure but not kill the inside targets."

Bravo 7-6: Kilo 0-1. Call for fire. Target is in the building ahead of us. Do not level the building.

Kilo 0-1: 7-6, Copy that, Making our run. Right after that 0-1 shot round after round, With 3 rockets only wrecking the building a bit, But not leveling it.

Bravo 7-4: Yeah get some.

Ghost: That's a glorious sight.

Soap: Thank Christ for air support.

Weiss: "Who?"

Mason: "I'll just say, One of the many gods, Beliefs, And religions here."

Alpha 0-2: Yeah, I Hope Hassan's still in one piece...

Ghost: Several pieces will do.

Coco: "Th-that's a little dark."

Ghost: Easier to find that way...

Velvet: "It got worse." Some people looked on with a little fright on their face thinking, Who the hell says something like that so casually?

Ghost: All Bravo, move up. I want this building locked down.

Ghost: Lead us in, Sergeant.

Before anyone said anything about why

Soap/Mason is leading they remember this is a game, And why Soap got his name.

Ghost: Let's find Hassan, Dead or alive.

Soap/Mason slowly walked in, aiming at any open area until an AQ soldier walked around the door in front of Soap/Mason pulling a grenade pin.

AQ Grenade Soldier: Die!

Everyone-Mason: "WHAT IS HE DOING!?"

Bravo 7-6: Back up!

As Soap/Mason backed up the soldier exploded.


Mason: "People here will die for what they love and sometimes before they die they hope to at least take some people with them."

Weiss: "T- they're insane."

Mason: "Congrats, You learned something new about this god-forsaken world."

Bravo 7-3: Heading into the first deck.

Ruby: "T-they just brush off the guy exploding!?"

Mason: "We get used to it, or we are trained to not react."

Bravo 7-2: Moving in, first deck.

As Soap/Mason walked into the kitchen he shot a dead body.

Winter: "Why would you shoot a dead body?"

Mason: "When you go for the kill, Always make sure they are confirmed dead."

They now thought what did he mean by confirm?

Ghost: Check the bodies, We need a positive ID on Hassan.

They heard shots coming from upstairs and heard from 7-2.

Bravo 7-2: Hostile down.

Ghost: Does anyone have eyes on Hassan?

Soap: Negative on Hassan.

Soap/Mason turned the corner to see an AQ soldier who seemed to be limping out of a door until Soap/Mason proceeded to kill them.

Bravo 7-2: Negative, no eyes on the HVT.

Bravo 7-4: Negative. No visual on Hassan here.

Alpha 0-2: Alpha's interior. First deck.

They found nothing on the first deck and proceeded to move upstairs, but before reaching the stairs, Soap/Mason saw one coming around the corner and gave him a second before shooting him.

Soap: One iced.

Alpha 0-2: Not him.

Weiss: "Oh come on! It's obvious he's not here!"

Mason: "Gotta make sure, And also gotta clean the whole house."

Ghost: Pushing, First deck.

As he said that everyone heard Hassan's voice.

Yang: "Well, looks like you were wrong Ice Queen."

Weiss snarled at Yang's response.

Bravo 7-6: Heading up to the second deck.

Winter: "Stacking up like that isn't a good idea, A lot of collateral could happen."

Mason paused the game and sighed considering all the times he had to pause, But they are new to this world and need some help learning, So he sucked it up.

Mason: "Well, considering they just got hit by rockets from the Apache and are currently dazed they can't react soon enough."

Before Winter could talk back to it, Mason made another remark.

Mason: "Another reason is the armor, If one goes down the other has their back, And since our bullets can't pierce our armor without AP rounds, we usually do! Or something scuff happened."

Ruby: "What's an AP round?"

Mason: "Armor Piercing, Any other questions?"

Whitley raised his hand.

Mason: "What's up?"

Whitley: "How can you tell who's on who's side in a place like this?"

Mason: "Well considering the scene I'm paused in; it should give you a clue.

Whitley: "That flag?"

Mason: "Yup all personnel of that army, wear the flag of the country they are a part of. Another way you can tell is the gun and clothing/gear."

Whitley: "So I'm guessing everyone from the same army has the same of everything?"

Mason: "Yes, Although these vary depending on your unit."

Mason unpaused the game.

Mason: "Let's us continue."

Soap: Pushing to the second deck.

As the soldiers push upstairs Ghost and the others hear footsteps behind the door next to them.

Yang: "That doesn't sound good."

As the door opens Ghost grabs the AQ soldier and pulls his pistol shooting him in the stomach and then face.

Yang: "I stand corrected."

Winter: "Quick, and precise something a soldier should be good at."

Ghost: Got 2 x-rays… Not Hassan.

Ghost: Dump 'em.

Ruby: "Did they have to kill them?" Clearly wondering why, couldn't they just arrest them?

Mason: "Permission to shoot all targets, If you dump the guy then no problem from them in the future.

Ruby: "Yeah but still." Ruby was still not convinced.

Mason: "Then when we let them serve their time, they get free and go back to this."

Now Ruby was finally convinced.

The Ghost and Soap listen to Hassan's recording.

Ghost: Hassan's everywhere...

Soap: Everywhere but here.

Ghost and Soap leave the room stacking with 7-6.

As they walk through the door an AQ soldier pops out a door but gets wasted immediately.

As they continue through another soldier from a little hole in the floor starts shooting.

Soap/Mason wastes them with no hesitation.

Soap/Mason: Heads up lads, Sneaky little gits are everywhere. /I always hate campers.

As they enter what was seemingly the last room, they spot a soldier peaking behind a door and an injured soldier on the floor who was quickly killed by Soap/Mason.

Weiss: "You really like this game, don't you?"

When she said that Mason paused the game and looked back.

Smirking Mason replies: "What makes you say that?"

Weiss: "You are very quick to react, and you seem to know where they are."

Mason: "Looks like somebody was paying attention."

Weiss looked proud when he said that.

Mason: "Remember when I said I played in professional esports?"

Coco: "This is the game isn't it?"

Doing a little gun motion Mason says: "Bingo. Right on the dot."

Mason: "Although not the campaign, But the multiplayer."

Mason looked back unpausing on what felt like the 100th time.

Ghost: He was here. This is a bloody ops center.

Ghost: Poke around, Soap.

Soap/Mason walked to the clothing on the chair, which had a white circle near it.

Soap: Look- Hassan's uniform.

Soap: So he was here.

Ghost: Lost him when we secured the crash site.

Soap: Are you sayin' we shouldn't have helped

Ghost: Choices have consequences...

Bravo 7-6: All Bravo- we got movement out here.

Blake: "How many people survived that... Apache, right?"

Mason: "Yup."

Ghost: On the way...

Ghost: All Bravo, circle up outside.

Soap: If Hassan's gone, what the hell are they still protecting?

Winter: "Seems my hunch might be correct."

Qrow: "That's a first right snow-white."

Ozpin: "Not now Qrow."

Qrow looking unamused shrugs and just walks over to Willow relaxing near her.

Weiss and Winter noticed this and looked on not happy, while surprisingly Willow looked amused at his boldness.

Ghost: Let's find out.

As all of Bravo walks outside, They see a roll-up door open.

Ghost: What we got?

Bravo 7-6: A warehouse. Roll up the door open. Head somethin' inside...

Ghost: Copy. Let's clear it.

As they all enter they are suddenly blinded.

Kali: "What in the!?"

Tai: "Agh too bright!"

Yang: "Holy shit!"

As they were shouting about how bright it was, Soap/Mason removed the NVGs hearing an AQ soldier.

AQ Soldier 4: Die in shame...!

Soap: Contact.

When they all recovered from the blinding light they saw two Bravo members get smoked.

They then saw a very bulky man run to Soap while getting shot until Soap put a few more rounds into him.

Ruby: "W-what the!?"

Yang: "How can he take so many rounds I thought you guys didn't have Aura!?"

Mason: "We don't, He just has a LOT of armor on."

Weiss: "Considering his size that must've been really heavy."

As they cleared out the warehouse, they heard Ghost speak.

Yang: "Talk about a surprise party."

RWB_ Just groaned at Yang's attempt to make a joke.

Ghost: Are we clear?

Soap: All clear.

Ghost: Search it. Let's find what they were hiding...

As he said Soap/Mason went to a storage container, making everyone question why a storage container.

Bravo 7-3: AL Qatala's got some serious shit in here.

Ghost: This warehouse wasn't on the intel.

Ozpin: "Like that isn't suspicious."

Soap: What the fuck is this?

Ghost: It's all in English.

Juniper: "Is that a bad thing?"

Mason: "Al Qatala and other foreign terror groups don't write stuff in English, mostly their own/foreign language."

A/N: I'm taking a shot out in the dark here, I don't even know if they do.

Soap flipped a switch, And container and saw...

Soap: Steamin' Jesus.

Ghost: Ballistic missiles.

Ozpin: "Seems I was right."

Winter: "Considering it is a missile it already is destructive enough, but what's the difference with a ballistic one?"

Mason: "The difference is a Ballistic missile destroyed an entire military arms deal, which consisted of 100 vehicles with tons of personnel."

The whole room looked in shock that a weapon like that was stored in a terrorist's hideout.

Soap: It's a mobile launcher.

Bravo 7-6: They'll go 1,000 miles.

Ghost: At least.

Ruby: "That far!?"

Weiss: "How did they get this!?"

Soap: How the hell did Iran get their hands on this?

Ghost: 7-6, get us through to Laswell.

Bravo 7-6: Roger, stand by...

Bravo 7-6: Bravo 7-6, Charlie to Watcher-1

Laswell: This is Watcher-1, send traffic.

Ghost: Laswell, this is Ghost, we got something.

Laswell: Tell me you found Hassan...

Soap: Ghost, Take a look at this...

Soap moved revealing an American flag which shocked everyone but Mason.

Ruby: "I-isn't that your country's flag!?"

Weiss: "Are you people insane? Why would you give them this, Then attack them too!?"

Mason: "We didn't."

Winter: "Don't play dumb! This is obviously your country's missile."

Mason: "Didn't say we gave it to them on purpose… We fought a war against terrorism, Not with it!"

Everyone looked at Mason now wondering what he meant.

Mason: "Those missiles were stolen from an ambush on a convoy."

Everyone looked shocked that the most powerful military lost powerful weapons in an ambush.

Mason: "Luckily this isn't real & is a game."

Winter: "R-right..."

Laswell: Ghost, do you have Hassan?

Ghost: Negative. We found a weapons cache. Hassan's got missiles... They're American.

Mason: "I'm going to end it there."

Ruby: "What!? Why!?"

Mason: "I'm getting tired we should all go to bed."

Ruby: "B-but I-"

Tai: "Ruby, let's just listen to him. I am getting pretty tired."

Mason: "Alright, let me show you guys to your rooms.

As he left everyone followed soon after.

Mason: "This is where all the adults were sleeping, Pick who y'all want to sleep with since I don't get that many beds."

Qrow: "Guess, I'll sleep with Willow since I rather not sleep with anyone else in here."

Winter: "Better not do anything to my mom you hear me, you drunkard."

Qrow: "Whatever."

Qrow hopped into a bed & lay on his side immediately falling asleep, With Willow following soon after.

Everyone else followed Mason as he left the room.

Mason: 'This is y'all room."

A/N: Imagine 4 bunk beds.

Well, however many people there are left.

Mason looked back to leave the room but saw Winter.

Mason: "Winter, why are you here?"

Winter: "I came to converse with my sister since I hadn't really connected with her since I left for the Atlas military."

Mason: "Alright, Try not to start any fights, Cya."

Winter: "Now wait a minute-."

Mason already left the room.

Winter: "Like I would start a fight with students."

CRME Neo were just relaxing and talking about what they should do considering the new world.

After hearing all the talking from everyone inside he heard Summer behind the bookshelf.

Summer: "You'll be here in a week? Ok then, Love you, Sis, bye!."

Mason: 'Aw shit, She's coming here in a week how am I supposed to explain everyone here!?'

As Mason got in bed & fell asleep let's see what everyone is doing.

With the Ozpin's inner circle.

Ozpin: "I must say today has been eventful."

Goodwitch who somehow had stayed quiet the entire time finally spoke.

Goodwitch: "I'll say we learned a lot when we watched that game and those videos."

Goodwitch looks to Qrow who turned in his sleep and had his arms over Willow who somehow turned around and was snuggled in his chest.

Goodwitch: "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Ozpin: "At this point, I've given up on good or bad."

Goodwitch: "Knowing the 3 Schnee kids, this won't end well."

Tai: "They'll have to accept it."

Ghira: "Let's just hope the Schnee kids don't do anything too irrational."

Kali: "For now let's just pray. That kind man is letting us stay, we shouldn't destroy anything here." With Salem

Salem: "Great I'm alone stuck with these fools… Welp might as well just sleep."

Everyone left for bed and as they all fell asleep, Winter walked in looking happy being able to reconnect with her sister, until she saw Willow and Qrow

Winter who was as quiet as she could be 'What is the name of Oum!'

Finally done! This took way longer than I thought it would take to write all this down.


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