
Remnant Alien Force

Jaune Arc ha sheen rejected to come to beacon academy even with the false transcripts of the best forger in vale though during a self depressing walk through the woods Jaune nearly gets crushed by a meteorite only to find out that it wasn't a meteor but instead of the combat weapon called the Omnimatrix built by the First Thinker Azmuth. Jaune now possesses a weapon capable of shifting his dna into the shoes of other alien species now he's capable of achieving his goal of being a Huntsmen by being a hero

Ken_Harvick · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Vale and Lancer

Chapter 2: Going to Vale

Jaune wakes up slowly staring at the Pumpkin Pete's Alarm clocking showing 12:23 PM meaning Jaune slept late today due to his experiment in the woods and nearly scaring the life out of his parents in the process though after carefully lying about the origins of the alien made Gauntlet now seared onto his right hand and arm with no way of getting it off until the tiny grey alien came back with a 'Master Code' But Jaune has no way of knowing when or how long that would take or if at all.

Jaune groans slowly getting up exposing his muscular upper body complete with highly toned pecs though most his sisters don't know about his extremely muscular body due to Jaune hiding it with his Pumpkin Pete Hoodie and over sized shirts not wanting to expose the blonde knights late night training sessions in the woods and a training saber.

Jaune looks down once more onto the green gauntlet on his right arm then used his left hand to press the button underneath causing the dial to surge forward glowing bright green exposing one of the forms which looks a large bulky creature with a tail "huh, what are you?" Jaune asked to himself wondering what the creature is but Jaune presses the button under the dial causing the dial to surge backwards as if it wasn't activated "Jaune! Wake up!" Came the booming voice of Jaunes second eldest Violet.

Violet was the smartest in the family and Jaune second to her in intelligence, Jaune groans getting up grabbing a shirt on the ground then puts it on covering his masculine body now Jaunes out of his room walking down the stairs thinking about what to do when he does arrive in vale so where will he stay? How will Jaune provide for himself while doing crime stopping on the side.

Jaune enters the kitchen seeing Violet, The second eldest at the age of 24 and Maria, the third eldest at the age of 21.

Violet looks over at Jaune pushing up the red framed glasses she always wore "Jaune, father has informed me of your late night training along with the perfected forge of your weapon...even after we all agreed you would go to a perfectly NORMAL and SAFE collage" Violet straightens her long blonde hair though Maria nearly chokes on her Bagel looking over at Jaune shocked "Jauney!? Don't you know how dangerous it is being a Huntsmen?! She yelled getting up fast where her unproductive clothing that consists of a tank top and shorts with a complete and disheveled short blonde hair showing the sign of a party girl "dad, did you tell them?" Jaune asked completely redirecting the flow of conversation to Jaunes Father, Author Arc.

The blonde man in the wheel chair chuckled wheeling over to the table setting down Jaunes breakfast consisting of 3 Eggs, 2 Pieces of Toast, and a Glass of Apple Juice to which Jaune walks over sitting down just as Jaunes Dad explained his reasoning "I had to Son, they wouldn't stop bothering me" Daisy giggled at the reason though nodded at Jaune "so what do you plan on doing Sweetie? You can't really go to beacon after receiving a rejection letter" Jaunes mother exclaimed seeing both Violet and Maria sigh in relief but hitched three breaths once more hearing Jaunes plan "I intent on going to vale, training a little bit there before resending my application next year" "Wonderful! I'll have your father buy a bullhead ticket!" Daisy informed causing Author to almost choke on his eggs "what!?" Daisy merely turned her eyes towards him in a dangerous look to which Author starts sweating nervously.

Author sighed and nodded knowing this is going to put a dent into his wallet "Yeah son, I don't mind plus that's another child getting out of the house" Jaune and Author chuckled but seeing a horrified look from the mother and daughters.

After breakfast Jaune returned to his room taking off his shirt to once more reveal his muscular body to the room though he almost jumped in fear when a voice comes through the Omnimatrix "Testing, Testing, 1 2 3. Homosapian I know you are listening to me, this is The Great Thinker Azmuths assistant" Jaune raised his gauntlet towards his mouth speaking into it "uhhhh hello?" "Oh good, I want an update on the Omnimatrix and progress with its use" Jaune raised an eyebrow unsure of what to make of this and the fact there's a possibly intergalactic communication device built into the Omnimatrix "how are you talking to me?" Jaune asked as calmly and quietly as possible because Jaune can't risk letting others know about this so the device generates a glowing vibrant green when its speaking.

"Alright man....what do you want from me?" Jaune asked unsure of what the 'assistant' wants this time "ughhhh tell me your first night with the Omnimatrix and if anyone knows the true purpose besides it" Jaune nodded at it responding honestly "well before I went home and after you left me, thanks by the way, I used 2 of the Alien Forms, the large grey bulky creature and a green goop that morphed into things" "it seems you learned somewhat of the Atasians and the Mechamorphs, its good personally that you are learning about the Omnimatrix and the alien DNA's coded within now has anyone got suspicious about the device" Jaune thought about it but so far only Jaunes family knows about the gauntlet but Jaune carefully ruled it off as a secret weapon "no, my family got close but I ruled it off as a newly forged weapon" Jaune informed earning a sigh of relief on the other end.

"Good boy, now I have informed the great thinker of your situation and he was outraged at me but couldn't say anything because he to have done the same with Ben Tennyson" The Assistant exclaimed though monotonely when he spoke about this 'ben' "who's ben?" Jaune asked wondering why this great thinker hates Ben Tennyson "Ben Tennyson is a Young Adult Human Male much like you....actually now I stop to think about it you and Ben Tennyson are no different...annoying, stole an invention from the great thinker and your annoyingly persistent dream of being a hero. In anycase he to held two versions of the Omnitrix, the original Omnitrix and a Copy built by a pretender called Albedo" Jaune was slack jawed at the information being presented to him"

"Alright Homosapian, the great thinker has already started to work on the Master Code for the Omnimatrix but to make sure you don't die I have sent a mercenary"

Jaune raised an eyebrow wondering what type of alien needs to be a merc but immediately bashed that thought because the universe is still a place inhabited by people or aliens son there's no doubt people need to work "Alright what type of guy is he?" "A Petrosapian" and like that the two way galactic call ended between the Grey Alien and the Remnant Inhabitor "Jaune! Come on! We need to get you that ticket! And grab your things boy!" Jaunes father yelled from the living room causing Jaune to chuckle looking around to start grabbing his things.

Three Hours Later-

Three Hours has passed since Jaunes father bought the ticket to vale now Jaune sits there looking outside more bored then ever even though he was supposed to hurl his guts out thankfully he packed his Air Sickness Meds before he left, Jaune kept thinking and thinking about what to do and with 10 Alien Forms that the blonde hero looked through on the Omnimatrix.

Jaune looks down at the green gauntlet once more wondering what he should do with it because being a hero won't be easy.

The red lights blared suddenly causing Jaune to spring up heart pounding when the captain spoke through the intercoms "no need to panic, but a swarm of Lancers is COMING RIGHT FOR US!!" He screams causing everyone to panic within the passenger bullhead and with no air defenses or Huntsmen or Huntress around this place is ripe to destroy 'that's the opposite of calm' Jaune thought to himself getting out of his isle walking towards the back entering the cargo spaces.

The blonde man takes off his hoodie revealing his toned muscular body with a muscle top before raising his gauntlet then pressed the dial for the watch to come alive showing the form of Diamond Head "now I need a form that can fly, but also powerful to combat Lancers..." Jaune moves the watch section towards a few forms before landing on one which looked useful slamming it down causing the transformation to proceed.

Jaunes bone shifted and broke reforming his limbs into a white jellyfish like base with blue patterns while his body sprouted skirt like parts, the transformation finished showing Jaune as a jellyfish like creature with four arms, two legs, three skirt like parts for the main body and two glowing green eyes with the watch planted into his chest.

Jaune raised his four arms looking downwards then the rest of his body "what the?" His voice sounded like smooth jelly "ok, I can float so good news?" The jellyfish man asked himself just shrugging moving towards the metal wall with his body producing a small aura of lightning surrounding himself then he literally went through the walls into the outside air, upon leaving the bullhead Vio Intangible allowing Jaune to see a horde of Lancers flying towards him so Jaune raised his arms shooting out bolts of lightning which hits several of them killing them instantly though the rest stopped there advance turning towards Jellyfish Jaune who stood against them "so, you bitches wanna tango?" The Lancers hissed charging at Jaune which he raised all four of his tentacles shooting out torrents of lightning which killed several of them but two dodged underneath raising there stingers to hit though Jaune made his of his boneless body by dodging them narrowly then raised his left bottom tentacle shooting out a bolt of lightning killing the two Lancers.

Jaune floats back fast avoiding another strike then shoots them with some lightning "ok so that was eas-" Jaune started to say until he was knocked to the side hard hitting the back end of the bullhead, he groans then looks up to see a very large Lancer Queen blaring darkly at him "soooooo....yeah....." Jaune commented sweetly as his voice before his body surged forward lightning erupts from his hard "ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHH DIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!" He roars with the lightning erupting from his body disintegrating the lander queen in an instant.

Jaune pants hard floating in the air looking around for any more Lancers to kill only to find none "oh good..." the blue jelly exclaimed not realizing that a news bullhead that just arrived at the beginning of the fight to document the attack for the news only find a blue and white jellyfish man just killed them, Jaune turned and flew towards the bullhead with his body shifting and turning into lightning entering the bullhead.

Jaune lightning bolts his way into the cargohold panting hard as the dial started blinking red "bee boo bee boo wooomp" the dial flashed red shifting Jaune to his human base form "woah....that was intense!" The blonde human exclaimed returning back to the passenger area sitting down looking ahead towards one of the many free TVs which is tuned to the news

-Lisa Lavender is sitting at the news desk looking through a stack of paper before looking up gracefully taking another page of paper from an Offscreen Intern looking through its contents before looking at the screen "This is Lisa Lavender of Vale News Network, Breaking News in the Skies as a horde of Lancers was shown attacking a passenger bullhead. With no air defenses guarding the civilians nor any Huntsmen or Huntresses onboard to assist with protection, only one creature had appeared"

The screen shifted to the skies where a strange blue and white jellyfish creature is shown shooting bolts of lightning killing lancer Grimm as well as the whole fight leading up to Jaune charging at the Lancer Queen imploding himself in a EMP style attack disintegrating the Grimm

The screen shifts back to Lisa continuing her session "we are unsure of what type of creature this is but the way it moves during the fight suggests that it's mostly jellyfish in nature, though it's no Grimm as it's behavior and appearance do not correlate with the Commonly Known Grimm so the question is...what is this creature and does it have any good intentions concerning humans and Faunus? In other news-" Lisa finished this breaking news story to continue with others-

Jaune smiles at the scene showing with his new form that he dubbed 'AmpFibian' however he was lucky the news caught him before he left which means that he will start amassing recognition which means criminals shall start cowering in there shoes

-Beacon Academy-

Ozpin was flipping through news stations seeing if there's any news worthy about his Huntsmen and Huntresses or any stories that are worth his attention until he came across the news story of a blue and white jellyfish creature fighting against a horde of Lancers "huh..." Ozpin exclaimed taking a sip of his coffee unsure of what to make of the situation "Hey Ozzy" "Professor Ozpin" Came two voices that entered through the elevator which a man in a grey shirt with a tattered red cape Came walking in with a woman in a business like attire complete with a tattered purplish cape.

Ozpin raised his cup to which Qrow raised his flask in mirror move to Ozpins though Glynda has made no move to acknowledge that "Headmaster, there's been stirs within town and whispers of a supposed dust raid in Tegachi in Several Days" Glynda Goodwitch has explained setting down a stack of reports onto his desk while Qrow Branwen looks at the TV watching the Blue Jellyfish fight "Lightning? What kind of Faunus is he?" Qrow asked looking over at ozpin who stared at the TV with fixed eyes "no clue but the news believes it to be a Jellyfish Faunus, or rather an unknown aquatic species that's more animal the human" Ozpin gave his thoughts of the Faunus while taking a sip of his coffee.

-Atlas Academy-

James Ironwood gripped his coffee cup so hard that it shattered when he saw the blue jellyfish defeat a horde of Lancers and a Lancer Queen so easily with the inherent ability to conjure lightning "what kind of Faunus is that?! Where did he come from!?" James yelled at the screen while Winter Schnee entered the room with a stack of Papers "sir?" James snapped towards winter sighing as he sat down "apologise winter, some new Faunus creature appeared in vale that had masterful control over lightning".

Winter nodded at the information putting down the stack of papers onto the generals desk "well if that were the case sir then should we hunt down this and study him? Maybe even figure out how to use that lightning for the military" James rubbed his temples but stopped the idea popped into his head nodding at her "good idea Specialist Schnee. I'll have Doctor Polladonna start building devices to capture this creature"

-Back to Jaune-

Jaune is walking through the street late at night wondering more like as he looked down at a piece of paper with an address on it which is the Address to Jaunes new apartment though as he looked for his apartment the blonde man also looked for a good place to work so he has a flow of income then Jaune doesn't have to rely on his family so much.

As he continued to look around he heard someone shout "STOP HIM PLEASE!!" Jaune heard this loud and clear raising his gauntlet activating it before pressing it down transforming.

A man in a ski mask is running through the alleyways laughing as he gripped a purse happy of his crime though he slammed into something but whatever the criminal has slammed into didn't budge, The criminal lands on his butt growling looking at the dumbass until that look of rage turned into hear seeing the upper and lower body was pure purplish rock with the exceptions of the arms, shoulders, neck and head which were all diamond "The Police has finally caught up" the creature said with a very deep voice causing the man to shiver then screamed as the diamond creature did something.

Two police officers wielding pistols ran through the alleyway with a Tiger Faunus Woman behind him though after a few minutes they all stopped seeing the criminal on his front knocked out with a pair of crystallized cuffs on his hands, he also had a note on his to which they picked up reading

Dear Police,



Diamondhead of the Shifters.

Ps: a new set of heroes are in town

The two police men blinked at the note wondering who this 'Diamond Head' is and what did he mean about 'Heroes'?

Jaune smiled to himself whistling a nice ol shanty toon of his youth that Grandpa Redbeard used to sing to him before he died at sea but Jaune stopped seeing a Help Wanted sign at the location Dust Till Dawn so he starts walking in there taking out his resume hoping to apply before Jaune sets his Heroes Initiative in vale.

To be continued...


There guys tell me what you think of this and give me ideas on how to continue the story.