
Remnant's Sorcerer | RWBY x MARVEL

From the Earth-838 B Universe... Matthew Strange, the younger brother of Stephen Strange (Supreme Strange) from another universe, was transported to a new world... The World of Remnant. ========== This book is inspired by the movie Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, various Marvel comics, past MCU films, and the RWBY universe (volumes and comics) ========== Q: Hey Author! Is this going to be a harem? A: No and I don't want to make this one a harem fic. For me, writing a harem book requires more brain cells and I don't like the insertion of unnecessary things that are not with the main storyline. Q: No R18 stuff? (insert Megamind meme) A: A little fluff and teasing would be suitable, and the romance will be slow and steady. Q: Is English your first language? A: I'm still learning a lot about writing in English and I'm sorry in advance if you guys saw some wrong grammatical errors in this book. Q: Will the MC be OP? A: Although They were like one. They were not the kind of people who can simply punch the antagonist into outer space. There will be ups and downs, and timeskips will be rare. Q: Wait, wait, Author... Did you mention "THEY?" A: Ah, yes! There will be two MCs. That's all.

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Beacon Academy

Matthew is seen inside a Vale airship flying in the sky with the other airships traveling in a pack. He is sitting near the windows and he is with the other students that are minding their business. Matthew was interrupted by the sisters calling him with headphones on.

"Right, Matthew?" Yang's muffled voice distracted Matthew from his music. This caused him to remove his headphones as he looks at them.

"Oh, sorry. What did you say?"

Yang rolls her eyes while Ruby snickers.

"I said; Don't you agree with me that Ruby was awesome, now that she's with me to study at Beacon? No offense but you're awesome too, Matty."

"Matty?" Matthew's eyes squinted at Yang's new nickname to him.

"What's wrong with it? I think it's cool and cute."

"Then it's okay to call Ruby, shorty?"

"Hey!" Ruby cutely glares at him, puffing her cheeks. "I am not that little! I drink milk!"

"Whatever you say, 5'2."

"G-Gah!" Ruby gawked in surprise. "T-Then I'll call you s-stickman!"

Matthew raised his eyebrows at Ruby's new nickname for him.

"Huh? Okay, at least this stickman can kick your butt." Matthew replied with a mocking grin.

"Oh yeah? And this short one is quick enough to beat you!"

"Bring it on, Gremlin."

"G-Gremlin?! Why you!"

The two went on with their bickering and Yang can be seen in the distance, watching them both in amusement. Seconds later and their little quarrel was interrupted by the announcement from Glynda Goodwitch, the other professor of Beacon Academy through a hologram.

"Hello, and welcome to Beacon."

Both Ruby and Matthew looked at each other as they both stood next to Yang, while she watches the hologram.

"Who's that?" Yang leans to the left, whispering to Matthew.

"I think I heard Ozpin mention her name as Glynda. Just continue watching the hologram and you might know the answer."

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch."

"Told 'ya."

"You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsman and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it."

"She's got a point," Yang commented in a mumble.

"You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

The cries of several students catch the attention of the trio, especially Ruby.

"Wow..." Ruby's jaw dropped as she walked near the windows.

"What is it?" Matthew asks as the two follow Ruby from behind.

"Matthew look! You can see Signal from up here." Ruby gave way for Matthew to peek out to the window, seeing the academy in both Ruby and Yang attended when they were young.

"Ohh, that's Signal?"

"Yeah... I guess home isn't too far after all."

Ruby's words hit Matthew deep and this caused him to give her a pained smile.

"Right... Home..."

Ruby notices the sudden change in Matthew and she realized that she said something wrong.

"O-Oh! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say--!"

"It's okay, Ruby. I'm fine." Matthew reassured her but Ruby can still see the sad look on him. Suddenly, they heard a blonde student going to hurl his breakfast, he hastily ran to the back of the ship passing in between the three.

"I guess not everyone's fond of traveling in an airship," Yang commented, putting her hands on her waist as the trio watches the blonde guy run past them.

"Too right for that." Matthew agreed.

"I wonder who we're going to meet?" Yang thought out loud. "Please make them kind to me..." Ruby muttered

"Don't jinx it, Ruby. It's the law." Matthew informs her.

Matthew looks down to see a bit of puke on Yang's shoe and her foot.

"Uhh, Yang?" Matthew calls her, pointing at the gross liquid on her shoe. "You... got a bit of-- that..."

"Huh?!" Yang's face panicked as she looks at her feet. "Eww! Gross, gross, gross, gross! Matty get it off my fee- He's gone?!"

"Put your foot away from me! Get away, get away, get away!" Ruby steps back while she evades Yang. "Matthew! Help!"

Matthew is seen on the back of the ship watching them from the distance.

'*Sighs* Good thing I already noticed the puke earlier and placed my illusion next to them.' Matthew thought with a relieved sigh.

••• ••• •••

••• ••• •••

Silence fills the atmosphere as the airship landed on the drop pad. The trio was mesmerized by the view of Beacon Academy grounds and when the ramp lowered, the blonde guy rushes out to puke on a trash can. The sorcerer observes the blonde and he felt sorry for the teen.

'I guess a little assistance would be good.' Matthew noted in his head as he approached the blonde. He secretly went behind the blonde and placed a green magic spell on his back before leaving him in complete confusion.

"Wha- What happened? How did I--" The blond asks himself in confusion while he turns his head from left to right.

The sorcerer chuckled as he walks away from him and he reached where the students are assembling.

"Now to find those two..."

Matthew alongside the other students walked on the small archway toward the central grounds, with his goal to rejoin the sisters.

The sorcerer can be seen stopping in front of a statue. The statue's appearance is both man and woman claiming their victory on a defeated Grimm Beowolf underneath their foot. Matthew was impressed by the statue and he was about to continue his search for the two when--


Matthew saw a huge explosion near the fountain. He investigated and walked toward it to see who made that clumsy mistake, and he saw her...

"Ahh damn it, Ruby," Matthew muttered with an unimpressed look. He saw her getting scolded by a woman in high stilettos, she had snow-white hair in a ponytail, and her outfit was weird enough for fighting since she wears a dress and a skirt, with a rapier holstered in the left side of her hip.

"Unbelievable!" The girl stomps her foot in anger, still scolding an embarrassed Ruby, fiddling her fingers. "This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!"

"I'm-I'm really, really sorry!" Ruby replied while she continues to fiddle with her index fingers.

"Ugh! You complete dolt!" The girl groans in frustration and before the situation could worsen, Matthew steps in.

"Excuse me, but she already made her apologies." Matthew stood behind Ruby and her face of embarrassment went into a relieved one in an instant.

"And, who are you?" The girl observes him from head to toe with a disgusted look.

"My name's not of your concern, Snow White. Now if you'll excuse us, we need to go to the Auditorium and cleanse our ears from your yelling.

"How dare you speak to me like that!"

"Then don't shout at us when we were like this close to each other, entitled princess. You're making my ears bleed." Matthew retorts as he cleans his ear in a mocking gesture.

"It's heiress, actually." Another voice joins them just behind Matthew.

Matthew saw the tall, black-haired girl with a bow on top of her head as an accessory. She has yellow eyes and a passive look on her face.

"Heiress? Where did I hear that word..." Matthew repeated in a mumble, then he realized who is in front of him due to his acquired knowledge from Chapter 1. "Oh shoot! So I was really talking to alter Snow White all this time, or should I say in another language as..."

"Weiss Schnee?" Matthew said in a german accent.

"The heiress of the Schnee Dust Company." The girl stated.

"Hah! Finally, some recognition!" Weiss boasted, placing her hands on her hips while glaring at Matthew.

"Is that the same company that doesn't follow the rules and regulations regarding its mining industries?" Matthew asks mockingly.

"And shady business partners." The tall black-haired girl finished Matthew's words, causing them both to exchange some grins with an irritated Weiss stuttering in response.

"Y-You--! T-The nerve of--!"

Weiss moves forwards, squinting her eyes while Matthew counters this with his mocking grin.

She retreated with her final words before she left the three.

"We're not finished."

Weiss left the group, snatching the vial of fire dust from the girl's hand. Ruby tries to shout but Matthew places his hand on her shoulders while shaking her head.

"By the way, thanks for-- Huh?" Matthew was about to thank the girl from earlier but she was already walking away. "She's... weird."

As silence fills the air, he could not help himself but take a short glance at the girl's butt.

'That glorious lower back, though.'

"I-Uhm... T-Thanks for the help, Matthew. " Ruby looks down with a minor rosiness on her cheeks. "I guess I'm not the only one having a tough first day..." Ruby kicks some pebbles in the courtyard dejectedly.

"Hey, not bad for the first time." Matthew cheers her up which made Ruby smile for a second. "And there's still time until evening. Have confidence, Ruby."

Ruby then remembers something as she looks around to find someone and before she could speak, Matthew cuts her off.

"Before you could ask me where's the girl from earlier, she already left us."

"Oh... I see." She weakly slumps down on her knees while she looks up at the view of the academy. "Welcome to Beacon, I guess..."

"I heartfully disagree... 10 minutes have passed and you're already sulking in the middle of the courtyard? Where's the excited and talkative Ruby Rose earlier on the airship?" Matthew stated as he offers her a hand to stand up. "*gasps* Don't tell me a giant cookie bird ate her?! Who are you and what have you done to Ruby?!" Matthew acted with a horrified gasp making Ruby laugh, thus lifting her mood.

"Hahaha! You're funnier than Yang!" Ruby commended.

"Oh please, I can't withstand Yang's puns either. If she would work in a comedy bar, I can imagine flies and crickets as her audience."

The two laughed together with Matthew mimicking Yang's behavior while they were walking around the courtyard.

"And she said-- OOF!" Matthew accidentally bumped into someone while he wasn't looking, and he saw the same blonde guy that he helped earlier, he pretends that he doesn't know him and plays by it. "Oh sorry, I didn't see 'ya."

"I know you... You're vomit boy!" Ruby pointed her finger at him, gasping in shock.

"Ooh! That guy on the airship!" Matthew added to Ruby's reaction.

"Uhh, hello. Do you know where the auditorium is?"


The three walked deeper into the courtyard as their new companion opens up a new topic.

"Look, what I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than Grimm!"

"But can a Grimm have motion sickness?" Matthew counters it with a question that the two look at him with confusion.

"What's with that question? Of course, the Grimm can't have motion sickness! They could not even fit inside of a bullhead!" The blonde insisted.

"I'm sorry, Vomit-Boy. But that was the first thing that came to my mind."

"O-Oh yeah? Then how about I call you--uhh... Crater Face?" He replied then he looked at Matthew with a short pause. "And he'll be called-uhh... Stickman?" This sudden comment made Ruby quietly snicker and Matthew choke on his spit.

"Heh. Stickmannn..." Ruby said with a smug look. "I knew that would fit for you, Matty."

"Ma-Matty? Did you use Yang's nickname for me?" Matthew let out a groan while the two giggled. "That's so awful like her puns! Oh, and I like the Crater-Face you gave to her, considering that she 'literally' exploded."

"Hey! That explosion was an accident!"

"I never knew that your sneeze was dangerous," Matthew muttered.

"What's that?"


"By the way, I think we forgot to introduce ourselves." Matthew quickly changes the topic as they turn to face the blonde. "My name's Matthew."

"And I'm Ruby!"

"Well, the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it!"

"Do they?" Both of them said with doubt and a lifted eyebrow.

"Well... I hope they will. My mom told me that a man should be confident whenever and wherever they are."

"Really?" They both said in unison again and with full doubt.

"Y-Yeah! And she told me also that-- Y'know what, never mind..."

The two awkwardly laughed until Ruby said a new topic.

"Sooo, I got this thing."

Ruby quickly pulls out Crescent Rose from her holster and she nearly scratched Matthew with its tip as she slams it on the concrete.

"Watch where you aim your weapon, Ruby. You nearly cut my arm."

"Hehe, sorry..."

"Whoa... Is that a scythe?" Jaune inspected Crescent Rose while Ruby nods proudly.

"It's also a customizable, high-impact velocity sniper rifle."

Jaune cluelessly looks at Matthew for an explanation.

"In brief explanation from Ruby's nerd intellect... It's a gun with a blade."

"So a gun blade?"

"Sort of..."

"That's cool! Then what about yours, Matthew?"

Ruby giggles in excitement as she looks at Matthew with stars in her eyes.

'Ahh shit, here we go again.' Matthew thought with a groan.

"Oh, oh! I can tell you this, Jaune. He had the coolest weapon in all of Remnant!"

"Really?" Jaune's attention was caught by Ruby's statement so they both excitedly waited for his weapon demonstration.

*sighs* " My weapon is called "One", why? Because of this weapon... Can do this kind of stuff."

Matthew pulls out the Staff of the Living Tribunal and extended it into a whip.

"That's cool..." Jaune muttered while he stares at the whip.

"See? See?" Ruby vibrates and is going to faint due to nerdgasm.

"If I'm in a tight situation, I can change my weapon into something bigger." Matthew declared.

He retracts the whip back to the staff then he turns it vertically and the staff changes into a more familiar weapon to Ruby.




A scythe...

"Wa-Wait!! T-That's me-- Hahhh..."

This was the last straw that caused Ruby to faint as she collapsed on the ground. Matthew stops his demonstration as the two boys looked at each other and then back to the unconscious Ruby.

"I overdid my showcase, did I?" Matthew said with a scared chuckle. 'Yang would kill me if she saw this.'

"I was just going to ask where the auditorium was..." Jaune muttered, whining.