
Remnant's Sorcerer | RWBY x MARVEL

From the Earth-838 B Universe... Matthew Strange, the younger brother of Stephen Strange (Supreme Strange) from another universe, was transported to a new world... The World of Remnant. ========== This book is inspired by the movie Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, various Marvel comics, past MCU films, and the RWBY universe (volumes and comics) ========== Q: Hey Author! Is this going to be a harem? A: No and I don't want to make this one a harem fic. For me, writing a harem book requires more brain cells and I don't like the insertion of unnecessary things that are not with the main storyline. Q: No R18 stuff? (insert Megamind meme) A: A little fluff and teasing would be suitable, and the romance will be slow and steady. Q: Is English your first language? A: I'm still learning a lot about writing in English and I'm sorry in advance if you guys saw some wrong grammatical errors in this book. Q: Will the MC be OP? A: Although They were like one. They were not the kind of people who can simply punch the antagonist into outer space. There will be ups and downs, and timeskips will be rare. Q: Wait, wait, Author... Did you mention "THEY?" A: Ah, yes! There will be two MCs. That's all.

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As a Student?

1st Person PoV

Curse Ozpin...

Me placing in a four-person team, and worse is that they're two!

How did I end up in this situation?

I don't know, and I don't want to ask further.

I don't have the power to protest since Ozpin's reasoning is rather valid and the way that I assisted those two teams into what they are right now, makes them a perfect blend for the perfect team.

Morning arrived and anyways, I am currently inside the Headmaster's Office because Ozpin wanted to discuss something about me.

"We're going to unlock your Aura," Ozpin said.

"A good motive for them not to know the truth behind my origin." I immediately answered as Ozpin hummed in agreement.

"Yes. That is what we had in mind before the initiation you participated in. Because there will be a Combat School as a major subject for your curriculum here in Beacon. So, for them not to suspect you-"

"Hence my Aura..." I finished.

"Very well, Matthew... Professor Goodwitch?"

Glynda steps away from Ozpin and stands next to me. She placed her right hand on my chest and her other hand above my head.

"Now, close your eyes and focus. Clear your head and take a deep breath."

I followed her instructions and cleared my mind, with only nothingness swallowing my consciousness, Glyda Goodwitch started her chant for unlocking Auras.

[ "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death.

Matthew Strange, I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee." ]

Glynda's aura of purple starts to flicker before I felt a torrent of energy flowing inside of my body, and deep into my soul.

She was about to release her hands after the chant when...



3rd Person PoV


A shockwave blasts Glynda away from an unconscious Matthew that instantly collapses on the floor right after the incantation.

"Glynda!" Ozpin cried out rushing to her. Ozpin forces himself to cover his eyes as he drags a stunned Glynda away. "What is happening to him, Glynda?"

"I-I don't know, Professor! All I did is unlock his Au-AAHH!"

Another burst of shockwave traveled from Matthew's unconscious body, it went on for a few seconds before the wind dissipates around him. He gently hit the ground as the room went quiet.

"In-Incredible..." Ozpin was awed in fascination. "Truly those two..." He added.

In Ozpin's whole 'life', he had caught sight of something like that from Matthew's older sister two years ago.

And now it was Matthew's turn.

Matthew's Aura starts to show its color. His body was surrounded by green for a split second before it was fully changed into a bright orange with a mix of obsidian black.

"Two colors..." Ozpin murmured.

He and Glynda snapped out of their thoughts as the sorcerer was still out cold on the floor.

"Professor Goodwitch... The kid..." Ozpin signals her to carry the boy which Glynda acknowledges.

She places Matthew on a makeshift bed from two chairs and after a few minutes, he wakes up.


1st Person PoV


My head...

What in the fucking world happened?

All I remember was the chant from Glynda and then I blacked out, literally, and my body went into a state of shutdown.

"Ugh..." I groaned, slowly opening my eyes to scan the room.


It seems I'm still inside the Headmaster's office.

. They heard me groaning and Glynda wasted no time helping me sat on the makeshift bed while Ozpin is behind her.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Strange?" Ozpin asks with concern.

"My head's all fuzzy. But I'm fine... Wait, what happened after I unlocked my Aura?"

The two professors looked at each other before they looked at me. Ozpin opens his mouth for a moment before answering my question.

"You passed out, slightly hurting Ms. Goodwitch at a point."

"I hurt her? How so?"

"You emitted a shockwave seconds after you collapsed, it went on for a few minutes before your Aura calms down. And I am quite interested because of your Aura...

has two colors."

Two colors?

Is that common?

I wanted to ask Ozpin if the color was ordinary, but I immediately got his reply with a smile.

"You have a mix of orange and black as your Aura a rare phenomenon, but in terms of your semblance... You'll have your answer soon since you just unlocked yours.

I slowly nodded, absorbing the information that now I have an Aura.

Rare, huh...

Even if unlocking my Aura was unnecessary, having one is a good thing to have since Aura is a sort of barrier to protect your body.

Also, for they not to suspect me that I'm not from this world.

"I see..." That's the only word I have said to Ozpin.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up from the bed with Glynda still cautiously watching me, making sure that I won't fall or go out of balance.

"Are you sure that you are recovered?" Ozpin asks once again.

"Yes, and about the curriculum that I have?"

"You have the subject list on your pocket, the names of your professors, time, and place to go. Every week you have the schedule to sleep in their dorms in a shuffle. This week is Team RWBY's dorm and by next week is Team JNPR's."

"Their dorms are just near to each other, right?"

"Coincidentally, yes. So you don't have to travel far just to reach their dorms."

"Okay." I simply shrugged my shoulders and turned towards the elevator. "I guess I should go now before the first class could begin."

Ozpin nods silently as I pressed the button, and the door slides open. I didn't look behind as I speak.

"Professor, about Donna..."

I sensed that Ozpin's eyebrows arched as I mentioned my older sister's name.

"Did she receive the news?"

Ozpin let out a sigh, explaining the situation.

"She had a mixed reaction when she heard that you weren't with Stephen, and when he... died."

"And here I am wondering how did you know my brother from the beginning... I guess his world-hopping ended up valuable."

"True, Matthew. I still owe him a debt after all."

I stepped inside the elevator, turning around to smile at them.

"You're already paying your debt to him, by taking us under your care. And for that, thank you for watching me and my sister here in Remnant, Headmaster."

"I'm just doing my job, Mr. Strange," Ozpin replies as the elevator door closes. "Good luck..." He muttered.

A couple of seconds after the conversation with the Headmaster, the elevator doors sounded once more, as I reached the ground floor of the courtyard. Remembering the class card that Ozpin gave to me, I observed the card which includes the time and the course of today's schedule.


7:00 - 7:30 [Breakfast]

8:00 - 10:00 [ Professor Peter Port] [Grimm Anatomy and Military Strategy]

10:00 - 12:00 [Professor Thumbelina Peach] [Plant Sciences]

12:30 - 1:00 [Lunch Break]

1:00 - 3:00 [Professor Harold Mulberry] [Weapon Crafting and Upkeep]

3:00 - 5:00 [Professor Glynda Goodwitch] [Combat Awareness and Sparring]

5:30 - 6:00 [Dinner]

"Neat schedule." I whistled as I saw the curriculum has [Sparring] and [Grimm Anatomy] that caught my attention, I wonders if my older sister was enrolled somewhere around the four academies in Remnant.

Hmm... Is she okay out there?

Putting the card back in my pocket, I briskly walked to the dorms that Glynda gave me the direction to it and checked the time from my wristwatch.


Still early for the first subject.

Quietly, I stopped at the front door of Team RWBY's dorm, and before I could twist the doorknob, a noise from a high-pitched whistle resonated from the room.

And as I opened the door, Ruby energetically shouted at the agitated members of her team.


Ruby happily waves her hands, while the others slowly get up from their slumber. Except for Weiss, falling from her bed in shock.

"Oh, hey Matthew! GOOOOD MOOORNINGG!" Ruby shouted as she sees me, with a small silver whistle in her left hand.

"Good morning to you too, Ruby," I spoke to her while I scratch the back of my head.

Weiss rubs her bumped forehead as she gets up from the floor.

"What... In the world is wrong with you?!" Weiss spoke with a hint of irritation in her voice. Then her eyes landed on me. "And why is he here?! I thought his room was on Team JNPR's?!"

"Haven't you heard Headmaster Ozpin's announcement? He said that he had to stay in our dorm and theirs." The groaning voice from Yang explains as she was just next to the still-sleeping Blake.

"Yang's right, and now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business. That includes you too, Matthew."

"What if I don't want to join?"

"I'll let Yang do the talking, simple as that," Ruby replies with a smile that made the sorcerer shiver in fear, remembering the time when he nearly cut Yang's hair.

"Okay, okay. I'm just kidding anyways. Sure I'll join."

"Yay!" Ruby jumped in happiness before she notices that everyone looked at her with eyebrows raised. "Ehem! Anyways! We're going to do..."

"Decorating!" Yang finishes Ruby's sentence while she holds a box of her things in her arms.

"What?!" Weiss exclaims.

"We still have to unpack." Blake pointed out, her luggage fell with all of its contents. "And clean?"

Weiss narrows her eyes at her teammates, and yet another whistle was blown from Ruby that made her jump in surprise.

"Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader, Ruby, have begun their first mission!" Ruby said enthusiastically. "Banzai!"

Ruby lifts her arms, going out for a "Banzai!", with the others except me and Weiss following Ruby, and an additional tilt to their left.

"C'mon, Matty. Join us!" Yang stated for me to join them but I diligently refused.

"I already mentioned that I'll help you to decorate your room, that's all."

"Lame..." Yang rolls her eyes as the others start to unpack their belongings.

Seeing them doing their decoration makes me occupied for a bit and I also enjoy helping them to move around, with Yang over her posters, to Weiss and her elegant paintings, Blake and her... -uhm, suspicious books that I don't want Ruby to get a hold of it, and finally, to Ruby's nerdiness over her weaponry.

We finished the first step, but now we're onto the next obstacle...

The beds.

We hardly stared at the beds, thinking about how to deal with it.

"I do not understand, how are we going to sleep if there are inadequate beds? Especially when there is a 'boy' here in a 'girls' dorm?" Weiss stated the obvious while she glares at me. "You think I'm going to trust him?"

"As much as I wanted to stay here and enjoy my semester. Your hostility and your attitude disgust me that I would happily sleep on the floor rather than steal your bed, Snow White." I snarked in reply.

"How about a compromise?" Yang proposed, grabbing both of our attention.

"Spill it." We both answered back as Yang's face made a smug look.

"You two should share the same bed!" Yang happily spoke out, earning a shot of a look from Weiss and a surprised face from Blake and Ruby.

"Yang that's genius! Now, Matthew won't have a problem sleeping on the floor!" Ruby added to Yang's suggested proposition.

I can also hear Blake muttering inaudibly that I only heard the phrase "Book" and "A reference".

"NO! Not! And never!" Weiss immediately rejected her suggestion with a flustered face, while she did an X motion with her arms.

I slightly ignored the girls as I stare at the messy, stacked beds.

Stacked beds...



Looks like I have an idea.



"You have an idea on how to fix our beds?" Ruby just repeated my plan with her wide silver eyes. "Oh, oh, oh! Are you going to use your semblance? Eek! I'm excited!"

"Set your hopes to the highest, Ruby," I said. "Then I'm going to do-uhh... Bunk beds? Is that okay with you girls?"

All of them agreed with their heads nodding, so I started to resort to Material Conjuration.

With a flick from my hands, it glows orange as I stacked the beds in two, creating two bunk beds at opposite sides of the dorm, another twirl from my finger created a ladder for them to climb up, and lastly, a clench from my right fist, creating a small drawer at the bottom of the beds.

Weiss and Blake were shocked to see my Mystic Arts again in action, not in a fight but rather in constructing items. Yang simply whistles in impression, while Ruby giggled in excitement.

"Ladies, your new and improved Bunk Beds." I presented with a respectable gesture.

"Whoaaa..." Ruby had twinkling stars in her eyes as Team RWBY slowly inspected their new bunk beds. "This is so cool!"

"Impressive," Blake commented while she opens up the lower drawers. Yang climbs up the ladder to check out the upper bed.

"I mean- The handiwork is average," Weiss stated neither with positive nor negative, while she sits on the lower bunk.

"Yeah, sure..." I rolled my eyes at her comment as Ruby looks at me. "Wait, where are you going to sleep, then?"

"I told you, he's going to sleep on the floor, and NOT. ON. MY. BED." Weiss reminded.

"I have my spot." I simply replied, shrugging my shoulders before I gestured to the white door at the end of the room.

"Blake, can you please open that door?" I said to her as Blake nods.

The rest of them peeked at the room before they went speechless.




"YOU HAVE A BIGGER ROOM?!" Ruby yelled at my ear that I covered it. "What-Why-How?!"

"My 'semblance' lets me create, conjure, and transmute certain objects to my liking. Like-uhh, can you give me your water bottle, Ruby?"

"Huh? But this is empty." She confusedly replied.

"Just gimme," I said with a gesture.

Ruby gave me her water bottle with hesitancy, then I gave it back to her after a quick second.

"I told you, this water bottle is- FULL?!" Ruby quickly opens the lid of her bottle with wide eyes to see that the bottle is full of it. "Amazing!"

"I assume you can be a delight at birthday parties." Weiss snarked.

"Lots of it," I answered back.

After a few minutes of explaining to them the half-truths and lying about my Mystic Arts, since I don't know what is my semblance yet, the girls changed into their uniforms and did their morning rituals before Ruby realizes something.

"Hey, what time is it?" Ruby asks us before I looked at my wristwatch, a gift from my late brother, Stephen.

"Clock's close to 9 o'clock." Then I mentally cursed myself for Ruby not hearing it. 'Ahh, shit.'

Turns out, the class Professor Port's going to start at 9 since he approved that his class will start at that time to give his students a chance not to be late.

"WHAT? Did you say 9 o'clock?!" Weiss exclaimed.

"I just recognized it, too," I replied.

"We're going to be late, it's 8:55, you dunce!"

"Hey, don't blame me!"

Weiss bolted out of the room, sprinting, as the girls of Team RWBY follows suit. I was about to stop them but I was already late.

"Hahh... I was going to say that I can teleport them to Professor Port's class. Welp, at least I'm not going to run and tire myself." I shrugged as I used the Sling Ring to open up a portal just outside of the hallway before the room.

Fixing my uniform, I entered the classroom with Professor Port seeing me as he nods.

"Ahh! Wonderful time to have you here, Mr. Strange. It is truly a 'strange' phenomenon to see the young man earning the spot for two teams as a special member."

Goddamn Strange puns...

"Good morning, Professor Port. And please, no puns to my surname..." I said with a sigh which made the mustache professor booms in laughter.

"I was simply jesting, Mr. Strange. No harm may do if you can lighten up the mood of your class, am I right?"

"Agreed, sir. I just despise anyone who is mocking my surname." I replied, then scanned the seats. "Is there any seating arrangement, Professor?"

"No, no at all, young man. Just sit anywhere that is still vacant, and we will start the class."

"Thank you, sir."

The Professor nods at me in acknowledgment as I found a vacant row of seats in the middle of the room. I was about to take a seat when Team RWBY and JNPR appeared from the door, catching their breaths.

"WE'RE NOT YET LAAAATE!" Ruby yelled as soon as they reached the door.

"Quiet down, Ms. Rose." Professor Port warns her and the rest. "Now, take a seat and be remindful to you and your team not to repeat your tardiness, is that clear Team RWBY and JNPR?"

"Y-Yes, sir!" They all replied in unison.

"Good, now take your sets and we will start our first lesson." He said.

The two teams quietly went to their seats, then Ruby and Co. saw me staring at them.

"H-How did you get here?" Ruby asks in confusion, and I can that they wanted an answer too."

"You know that I can open up a portal to this room, right?"

"Huh? That's unfair! Why you didn't tell us earlier?" Yang exclaimed.

"You girls didn't ask."
