

Don’t read it* It’s a waste of time* A 30 years old adult losses his life in an accident as a consequence of him being careless however he gets his awareness back and finds himself in a mysterious location. As he wanders around, he encounters a voice calling itself God from whom he gets a request in exchange of retaining his former life’s memories on beginning a new life in a new world. However he’s unknown to the intentions of God. Note* Gonna rewrite everything from the beginning after some time. This is actually a draft version and it’s full of grammatical errors.

naurakauma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 3

I think it's dinner time. Let's go and help my mom prepare dinner.

As we ate, my mom and dad started to converse about things.

As they talked I interrupted.

"Mom, dad… I need to confess something. It was me, I damaged the garden by throwing small stone that I somehow managed to create by reading book. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to do anything dangerous. I just got curious while reading it. And did it without thinking about the consequences. I'm really sor-"



They both laughed in a sync.

My mom began afterwards.

"I knew it! However I wasn't sure about it but I knew it that it was you."

She continued to chuckle.

Then my father.

"So, it was you. You really managed to do that trick at this age, didn't you? I thought you might be able to use magic at the age of three or four or five or six-"

What? Is he going to continue saying that till he reaches hundred?

"-or seven or eight or nine or ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen or fourteen or fifteen, but you are already using it, I'm astonished."

Thank God, he stopped. Wait, why am I thanking him. He doesn't help anyone you know or he does anonymously. Maybe he does. He was probably lying back then when I was summoned to his place.

My mom continued.

"Do you know, your father couldn't be able to use any sort of magic when he was a child of age five and he still can't use magic at this age."

"Oh, really?"

Why he can't use magic? Is it because of mana deficiency? Or he just can't or he just you know 'Only weaker ones need magic, a great swordsman like me doesn't.' think like that or he just doesn't find it interesting.


Oh well, she just said that he couldn't able to use magic so mana deficiency must be the problem but wait, I also didn't able to use magic when I first tried it or was I being doing it in wrongly? Maybe.

Then my father.

"Your mother was able to use magic when she was four years old, she too failed many times before she succeeded."

Four? That's impressive.

Normally children in my previous world go to school at the age of six I think.

"Your father couldn't able to use magic so he started training with wooden sword or stick. I found him swinging his stick back and forth or up and down everyday."

"Yeah, but it wasn't easy at all. Swinging sword one hundred times a day was pain. And the moment I was able to swing one hundred times easily, I was forced to do thousand swings per day. It was nightmare…."

But who guided them? Like do this or do that or move in this manner or that manner. Must be their tutor or master but they're not talking about the person they got teaching from.

"Ohh… one hundred swing, that's hard."

By the way I want to know about their parents. Should I just ask them or… no I should not. That's the thing I'll eventually know about it.

"Yeah, I'll start your training soon so get ready to swing one hundred to one thousand swing per day."

"No I can't at this age."

"Of course once your body gets you know, strong enough to swing one hundred times."

"Oh, when that's going to happen?"

"After you turned three."


Did I hear him wrong?

He just said after I turned three.

So will my body going to be developed that much as to start swing sword one hundred time?

Talking of which am I going to swing or practice with real sword or wooden one?

Are you dumb? It is obvious that you'll be playing with wooden one the real one since you'll be only three and who's parents want their child to play with sharp objects, you dumbass.

"Yeah, once you turned three you'll swing little wooden hundred times a day meaning you can rest then swing again then rest then swing again, got that?

"I got it."

Stop calling yourself dumbass.

So I'll be free from swinging one hundred times per day when I first begin.

That's going to be a lot easier then swinging hundred times at the same time without taking a single break.

As my parents kept conversing, I finished eating and proceeded to my room.


The next day.

I was at my usual place or room or second-floor room.

"First focus on the target… and that'll be that branch."

I was standing near the window. My right hand was stretched out as to carry out attack magic.

"Do the process of creating water ball and wait till it goes flying, as a result hitting the targeted branch."

As I said that I started concentrating in order to create spiky ice.


I got thrilled as I said that.

"Oh… it hit it… that was instant."

Immediately it flew towards the branch and broke it. The broken branch got stuck in other branches instead of falling to the ground.

I got curious and shot it out towards another branch without accumulating any mana into it.

Like earlier it flew towards it however there's no any damage done to it.

"So it is normal ice if there's no any mana accumulated into it."

Wait no, normal ice also can do damage, you know.

So if it's not normal ice then what it is?

I created ice without accumulating any mana into it and touched it.

What the heck? What's this squishy-squishy manner of it?

When I touched it, it became soft and squishy however it's appearance was like ice and inside of it was water like water.

I kept shooting out ice towards the tree without accumulating any mana into it.

I thought of creating multiple spiky ice and shooting it out.

I managed to created two squishy-squishy spiky ice and shoot it out toward the tree however I couldn't create more than two squishy-squishy spiky ice.

Afterwards I again began to feel tired.

So my body is telling me to stop.

"Okay, my body I'll stop. Thank you for reminding me. I love you my body."

"Wait why am I saying that to my body?"

Well, it's obvious to love your body don't you think?

By the way why am I getting tired? Yesterday I got tired while performing magic and today too.

As I was looking at the sky I thought.

Today I started to feel tired after shooting out some spiky ice… I don't know the exact number but if I've to guess maybe it's fifteen or twenty or between them.

Yesterday I was able to shoot out only one spiky ice however I used magic to create snow, ice and water continuously many times.

So does that means shooting out requires more mana then just creating or calling it out from nowhere?

And am I really getting out of my mana?

I think so if not then why am I feeling tired out of the blue?

What's the connection between my mana and the energy I get by eating foods?

Food turns into energy in my stomach which is used by my body to operate, right?

And that energy is… glucose I think.

So mana is … mana is… mana is… what is mana? What is it really? What's the relation between mana and glucose, I mean the energy food gets turned into while after getting digest?

Talking of which how can I increase the capacity of it in my body?

That's right, I just have to practice magic on daily basis and eventually I will not or never run out of mana.

By the way I'm not sure about it. I guess I'll learn about it tomorrow.

I thought while watching clouds in the sky.


The next day I went to backyard as to shoot ice at trees.

I felt tired after shooting out forty squishy-squishy ice.

That made me sure about my mana getting increased and only way to increase it was to practice magic everyday till getting tired.

And three and half month passed by doing so.

I practiced magic plus read books especially the two languages book one after another. I didn't read it, I just.. you know, fliped through it and I didn't just flip through it I did read some texts or phrases that my caught.

I slowly started to understand few words of the beast and demon language, I mean I started to recognize the letters and words.

My vocabulary also got better than before as I continued reading books and listening my parents conversations daily.

I never thought of using incantation method to use magic since voiceless incantation was more convenient for me.

I didn't read swordsmanship and cooking book much.

Magic and language books took my attention most then the other twos.

I was outside the house on the edge of the small stream of river.

I was playing there by myself just by watching leafs racing and moving along the stream.

I first put leaves on the water, next I watched them move.

I do the same process till I get satisfied.

Sometimes I randomly encountered small fish swimming around sometimes I didn't , sometimes I stayed in the backyard sometimes I came here as to play, sometimes I helped mom, sometimes my dad, sometimes my mom took me outside as to

roam, sometimes my dad took me and sometimes they both.

What am I going to do today?

Practice magic? Not in mood.

Read book? Not in mood.

Then what should you be doing?

Oh I can practice fire magic since I'm near to water and it's safe for me to practice.

There's no one around me too.

"Imagine fire, and create it."


Wait is anybody around?

I observed my surrounding and saw no one.

"Okay, now let's try fire to water to snow to ice to fire to water to snow to ice to fire to water to snow to ice…"

"Great, I can do it."

Now let's try making a blow of air.

But how do you make a blow of air? Air can't be seen but only can be feel.

I wonder how can I create it just by using my imagination?

Think, think.

I got it. I just have to think about the behavior and characteristics of air and by doing so I can create it or can I not.

Well, only way to find out about it is to try doing it.

"Imagine and create it."

My hand was facing towards the stream of water as I started the process.

I succeeded.

The water was blown away due to that I got wet a little bit.

I tried aiming it toward the tree which was near to me.

This time I didn't accumulated any mana into it.

The tree suddenly started to move as if there's a real wind affecting it to move.

Weaker or old leaves of the tree's fell to the ground and some fell on the stream of river.

Some leaves got stuck on the edges of the stream due to the weeds in water while moving along the direction of the stream.