

Don’t read it* It’s a waste of time* A 30 years old adult losses his life in an accident as a consequence of him being careless however he gets his awareness back and finds himself in a mysterious location. As he wanders around, he encounters a voice calling itself God from whom he gets a request in exchange of retaining his former life’s memories on beginning a new life in a new world. However he’s unknown to the intentions of God. Note* Gonna rewrite everything from the beginning after some time. This is actually a draft version and it’s full of grammatical errors.

naurakauma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 34

I made him to follow me and as we reached Anni and Reyna.

They looked astonished.

"Don't worry about her. She looks like she's going to eat you but she will not. I believe in her. Right Saya?"

"Woof, woof."

"You can come out and pet her. She's definitely gonna be happy if you be friendly to her and will never imagine to hurt you in anyway."

They came out of the barrier and began interacting with her.

"See, I told you."

"You're right. So her name is Saya, right? Did you name it?"


Of course I named it. Did you hear anyone here calling her Saya.

Oh wait, maybe she's just testing me weather if it's all just an act to make them believe that I have good intentions for them or not.

Guess it can't be help since I'm just too powerful for them. It is obvious to them to be cautious about me. I killed the snake monster without any problem and didn't fear at all while facing the dog.

But that's a good thing. She had gone through this nice-nice talk a lot of times and trusted others as a result letting her guard down which caused her to suffer badly.

So she must be cautious at all cost about any stranger especially a stranger like me.

Well, I did saved both of them and also told them that I'll gonna give them shelter in my family. At least she can trust me.

But wait, maybe she had already gone through this type of situation.

You know, someone offering her to help her and taking her to their home as to give her shelter or somewhere like hotel as to get her some job but raped and humiliated her daily by locking her in the room while giving her little food and freed her only to sell them off to some slave traders with good money.

Damn, if she's gone through this than she's strong, she's really strong, stronger than me.

I should thank her parter for taking her with him as his bride and giving her better life.

I better be cautious like her always and think every possible thing even if the chance of its occurrence is almost zero.

"Dad can we ride on her back?"

"Um… I never asked her about it. Maybe she'll dislike someone being on top of her or just want you to ride on his back. I'm not sure about it."

Wait, what did you mean by that? She doesn't understand you or them or any human language or does she?

"Saya, do you understand me?"

Ah, what am I asking? It is obvious that she doesn't.

"Woof, woof."

See, she can only say woof, woof.

Anything I said to her, she's only gonna reply with two words which is woof, woof.

"Woof, woof."

I guess I'll try woof woof too.

Why are you looking me like that?

She petted me with her paw.

What the heck! Why I'm being petted by her.

Ani and her mother laughed at me.

Maybe she's copying me since I copied her.

Earlier when she woof-woofed me, I petted her.

So now I woof-woofed at her, and she is petting me.

"So you do understand us, do you?"


Of course two woof sound- wait she only woofed one time this time so what does it mean?

Is it means yes or no?

Even if it means no it doesn't matter since by saying no to the question I asked means she understood and yes is obviously yes, you know.

Like if I ask foreign people 'do you understand Japanese' in Japanese language then they saying yes means they do and no means they do.

No that's not right. They saying no can also mean they actually don't know however they can say something like this 'No Japanese' in fancy English accent.



Again one 'woof'.

"So can we ride on your back?"


What? She just signaled yes by her head.

So she really understands us.

That's amazing.

But no, how she understand humans?

Is she one of the beast race?

But she completely looks like Annil and how can she be human or is she actually hiding her true human form?

Talking of which can she transform into human and transform back into dog just like dragon?

Should I ask her about it?

I guess I'll but I believe it's not the right time.

But wait is she really understanding me?

I mean, barking one time or two or multiple times doesn't mean that she understands us, right?

She replied with one woof instead of two and there's a possibility of she barking as to get friendly with us plus there's no any proof of she understanding us.

Wait, I can ask her to do something and if she do it right then I can be sure about her comprehending us.

Hmm… what should I tell her to do anyway?

Like jump…?

For now, I should let them feel comfortable around her.

Oh, they already got friendly. That's fast.

But wait, is she deceiving us as to eat us later?

No, I should stop overthinking.

Let's plan what to do next.

Since we're deep in the forest, we should first get out of it.

But there's a question.

To which direction we should head?

I can't ask them because I'm definitely gonna be suspicious in their eyes if I asked about it. I've to find way out of this forest by myself.

To do that I've to become a drone and observe surroundings from high altitude.

I can't find drone but I can become drone and achieve the same results by using magic.

I never tried going way more up but now I don't have no any choice but to do it.

Well, I mean I can climb tree and observe but that's just a hard way. I can just use magic to reach clouds with low effort so I'm gonna use the easy and fastest way.

Okay, let's do it.

I turned the opposite side to them and found myself going upward towards the sky.

This time the shape is triangle.

I don't know why its shape is unpredictable but anyway focus and reach enough height as to observe the surroundings.

Okay, I should just stop, this is enough for to observe my surroundings.

I guess, I can see everything from here and that's the direction we should go towards as to reach village.

There are trees only on the other directions plus I can see mountain.

I'm hearing them calling me from below.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

I yelled while looking down towards them.

What the heck! From when did started getting height sickness or simply acrophobia?

Why the heck am I feeling like jumping from here when I take a glance to below from here?

Take control of yourself and observe the surroundings, make a plan and execute it you dumb.

So, all we have to head towards that and we're going to reach the village.

Ah, the sun is beautiful.

It slowly rising up from the mountains looks beautiful.

I want to others to see this scenery too but I'm not confident enough to operate two… um… what should I called this magic? Tower… pillar… skyscraper…?

Anyway, I can't take risk to make them another one structure like mine due to the fact that I'm not confident enough and anything can go wrong or happen so I'm sorry for enjoying its view all by myself Anni, Reyna, Saya…

Okay, enough appreciating nature's beauty, now it's time to go home but getting down is the first step.

Then I've to tell them about we leaving.

If they have belongings like important items or things hidden somewhere, then I'll escort them as to get those things and only after that we'll head home.

I began to descend.

The scenery of the village seemed familiar and that of mountains too.

I thought God teleported me somewhere opposite to the world but I'm glad he didn't otherwise it would be a pain in the ass.

Talking of which what are we going to do about Saya?

We can't take it home with us so he might just have to stay here in this woods.

It seems long way out also. Should I request her to take us on her back and help us to get out of this forest faster?

She's big enough to carry us effortlessly so she might let us to ride on her back. She also bark one time when I asked about it earlier.

Oh, they're riding on her already. Guess I don't have to worry about it.

It's time to go home.

Hmm… am I forgetting something?

Oh, there important things.

First accompany them to get their belongings and then head home.

And comes the hard part which is explaining everything to my parents after reaching home.

Let's execute the plan.

"Dad, dad, come ride with us."

"Yeah um…"

How should I address her mother?

"You want to discuss something?"

Her mother got off of Saya.

"Yeah um, how should I address you?"

"Since, Ani calls you dad, I'm your wife-"



"I'm joking. You can call me by my name."

Oh I guess she's still examining me if suspicious.

"Okay so since we're gonna leave this forest now I suggest you to take your belongings with you like important items or things or clothes, you know."

"Oh, for that we've to first go to our home or shelter."

"Let's go then. You'll show the way, I'll keep my eyes on surroundings and if monster shows up I'll protect you. By the way is it far from here?"

"No, it's not that far."

"Okay then let's go. Saya don't runaway when you see monster and if you sense it make sure to tell me."

I looked at Saya as I talked.



She again signaled as if she understood me by moving her head.