

Don’t read it* It’s a waste of time* A 30 years old adult losses his life in an accident as a consequence of him being careless however he gets his awareness back and finds himself in a mysterious location. As he wanders around, he encounters a voice calling itself God from whom he gets a request in exchange of retaining his former life’s memories on beginning a new life in a new world. However he’s unknown to the intentions of God. Note* Gonna rewrite everything from the beginning after some time. This is actually a draft version and it’s full of grammatical errors.

naurakauma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 31

We ran towards the direction of the noise.

Afterwards we found her mom siting under a tree.

"Mom…!, mom…!"

As she got closer to her she began crying.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely gonna save her no matter what."

She had green colored hair too.

I began to cast healing spell on her.

She was badly injured even though she was breathing.

She was in really bad state however she was refusing to give up on her life. Her willingness to live was extraordinary.

Her condition got better as I kept casting healing spell on her.

Okay, after she recovers I'm gonna ask for explanation.

Hope she tells me.

Obviously she's gonna tell me because I just save her life, you know.

She got conscious.



They embraced each other.

Okay, so now I've to ask for an explanation but first let them feel save and sound.

"But why are you here? The monster…"

As she noticed me I smiled.

"Hello, don't worry about the monster, It's dead."

"Yes mom, he killed it and also saved you."

She looked at me.

"Thank you so much, you've my gratitude. How can we play you back?"

"Don't worry about it but I want an explanation."

"Let me introduce first, I'm her mother Reyna and she's Anni."

"I see, I'm Jason by the way."

"Okay so I shall begin."

I nodded.

"We have nowhere to go and this forest is the only place we can call home."

Okay so homeless and taking shelter in this forest.

"Our society abandoned us since the day her father left this world and deported us from the village."

"Why is that?"

I questioned.

"My girl couldn't able to transform into dragon was the main reason for we getting deported from our homeland."

What? She's dragon? So she must be dragon too.

"Her father died protecting us from getting attacked by other dragons. I couldn't assist him because I was not dragon but a mere weak human."

I guess I was wrong, she's human plus since she said Anni couldn't able to transform so her daughter probably be human too.

"Once he died, we didn't have any choice but to run away from there."

"I see."

But why didn't they moved to somewhere safe place like the city or village. I'm sure people there probably had accepted them.

"We didn't move to the city or other places because I was afraid of her getting abducted from me as to work as a slave for rich people. Slave traders in the city or ordinary people first show themselves as a virtuous person and tell people like us that they'll do something good for them like giving some place to stay or finding them jobs as to work and favors them with delicious food and right after eating that food they fell asleep and after when they wake up, they found themselves in cage or locked room or inside of something, their hand tied by rope as to stop them from escaping."

"So they sell them off by drugging them to slave traders. By how you talked, did you also fell into their virtuous trap?"

"Yeah, that's why I didn't want to go there again."

"I see, by the way how did you get out from that hell?"

"I met his father and my fate changed."

"Lucky you, other girls probably didn't have such luck like yours as to met someone like your husband. Poor them they probably are working their asses off somewhere while constantly getting beaten or humiliated by their owners. I hope good people buy those slaves instead being dumb people buying them as to play with them like their play thing."

"You're abnormal. You surprised me by saying that. I wasn't expecting that coming from a child like you, by the way are you really a child? How old are you?"

"Yeah, I'm going to be seven after some months."

"I see, you also killed that monster too and you converse like an adult. Are you really a normal child?"

"Well, I shall thanks my parents and my Master for that. They had given me such teachings that can't be comparable to anything."

"Oh, I hope to meet them someday."

"Of course you will."

I said that while smiling.

"Talking of which how did you eliminate that monster?"

"I used magic as to chop it up into three pieces."


"Yes mom, that thing was cut like as if it was nothing."

Anni agreed.

So… do you want to eat it's meat? If so we can go back and cook it with fire, you know after chopping it into suitable sizes."

What should I say if she asks me about my presence here?

"You're really mysterious. By the way why are you here?"

She did asked now I'm in big problem. What should I say to her that would make her understand the explanation of me being here?

"Well, I was just sauntering around here and noticed her getting chased by monster. I was in good luck since it didn't saw me so it got much easier to eliminate that monster."

"I see, by the way are you allowed to come and roam around here by your parents?"

"Yes but I need permission for that however today I d-"

What? Why am I not able to complete it?


"I mean I d-"

Again, what's going on? Is God making me to not to say that?

"Can you be more clear?"

"Yeah, so I didn't know why but I just got hit by sudden desire to come here so I asked my parent's permission and arrived here."

"I see."

"So how long have you living in this forest?"

"We've been living here for almost two years but hadn't seen any fearsome monster like the one we just encountered earlier."

"For two years?"

"Yeah, we completely depended on this forest. It provided us foods to eat, shelter to call home, beautiful place to go and warmth scenery to enjoy."

"I guess you know everything about this forest, am I right?"

"Not completely but I can say I know everything about it."

"Great, since this place is going get dangerous from now on, where will you be going next?"

"I can survive here alone but I don't want to risk her to stay with me too so, I've a favor to ask."

"Yeah, go on."

She is probably gonna make me take her with me. I'm sure of it.

"Can you be her dad from now on and take her with you?"

"No! No! Absolutely No! I want to be with you forever."

She started to cry as she said that.

"Ani, I am not going anywhere. I'll be with you always in your heart, in yourself. So don't worry about it and go with him. I'm sure he's going to nurture you better than me."

Should I accept her request? Or decline it? It's going to hard to explain everything to my parents too and if she got accepted then I'll have to take all the responsibility for her which I don't want plus I'm not good with children too. What should I do?

If I make both of them to come with me then I will not have to be her parent at all. Her mother gonna take all the responsibilities. But how can I just ask my parents to adopt them? Plus how will I explain about everything? And I'm not sure if they'll just welcome them to our family too.

I was absorbed in my thoughts.

What should I do? What should I do?

Hey God, if you're there then guide me through this situation.

Are you sure? The outcome will be unforeseen.

You are really there! Why didn't you show yourself before?

I'm not here, you're just hearing my thoughts that's it.

Of course so what do you suggest?

Kill the mother and take her with you.

Are you kidding me right now you stupid God! Why do you want her to die so badly. I just have saved her and now you want me to kill her, are you serious? Do you even have a mind?

She's not going to die but gonna reborn in new world with better life than she currently living so what's with wrong killing her?

What do you mean by that? Even if she can get a better new life she won't leave this world because I have experienced her willpower to survive earlier while healing her plus she has her precious angel with her. Who would want to die before seeing their children grow up, huh? Are you lost your mind? And even if you told her about her getting new and better life she would never accept her death.

Why did you heal her anyway? I told you to save the one with the dark green colored hair, didn't I?

What? What's wrong with saving someone's life? You want someone to die that badly and you call yourself God, huh? I thought God wants to save life instead of ending one's life but I was wrong. You're now telling me to kill her. You stupid God!

I'm not stupid but I'm God so what are you gonna do now? If you have given me to take control over you I would have killed her and had taken her daughter with me. Since you didn't let me control instead asked for suggestions you saved her twice. Now tell me what choice you're going to make?

Take the daughter or take both of them or decline her request?

Each choices is going to play big role in balancing this world's energy so choose wisely.

What? At least help me to choose if you can't suggest a single good thing.

That's your request? If so then let me help you to choose. If you decline her request, they're going to die in this forest.