

Don’t read it* It’s a waste of time* A 30 years old adult losses his life in an accident as a consequence of him being careless however he gets his awareness back and finds himself in a mysterious location. As he wanders around, he encounters a voice calling itself God from whom he gets a request in exchange of retaining his former life’s memories on beginning a new life in a new world. However he’s unknown to the intentions of God. Note* Gonna rewrite everything from the beginning after some time. This is actually a draft version and it’s full of grammatical errors.

naurakauma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 29

When the thread connects with the item you can open your eyes. You'll constantly see vision of line in your head and once the link breaks the line also breaks and the vision gets vanished from inside your head.

"I am going to wear it around my left hand's wrist since using both hands to cast magic is way more superior than using only one hand."

Well, I can use either of my hand but my right hand is better at casting magic at lessen time than my left hand so wearing the ribbon on my left wrist is beneficial than wearing it on my right wrist.

I enfold it around my left wrist and fastened it in balanced way.

"Good, it's not too tight or too relaxed and it looks good too…"

I tried performing magic. The process was instant plus the ribbon glowed every time I used magic.

"This is great, thank you Master."

I said as I got exhilarated.

"Wait, let me examine something with it."

I thought of making it tie by itself on my wrist.

I took it off as I untied it and hold it on my right hand.

"Now, let's get started."

I've to link myself with it otherwise I won't be able to control it.

Close your eyes and just focus… focus… focus.

After the link got activated I opened my eyes as to observe it.

"Ohh… now let's control it…"

The ribbon was floating.


I use my right hand and my mind to move it around and operate it.

Afterwards while making it to tie and fasten around my wrist, the vision got vanished.

I succeeded after ten attempts.

"Wait, where's the knot."

I observed the tied ribbon carefully hoping to find the knot.

"Why's there no knot? How am I going to untie it?"

I thought of doing the same process I did earlier. By doing so I was able to untie it and tie it again.

"The ribbon seems to connect without without a knot. That's interesting."

"Guess I'll write her a replay letter now."

I went to sleep after finishing the letter.


My beloved Master Iris

Thank you for your the gift and the letter Master. I got amazed when I heard a letter was arrived from you. At first I couldn't believe dad's words but later I couldn't help myself but to get thrilled while reading it. I got genuinely happy.

You said you're currently in Yeils kingdom working as a tutor for the prince and also tutor at the magic university and you had reached Dragon God third tier. That's really great news, I'm so happy for you Master. Congrats on your success.

Master, please be cautious there. Don't let the prince have his way around you. Make him not to cause you any kind of trouble. I know he gets punished but getting punished isn't going to make him change his mind, I'm sure he's going to be pervert forever unless he changes his mind. Anyway just be careful there.

Master, thank you again for such a wonderful gift. I have wore it around my left wrist and I liked it a lot.

Don't worry master. You didn't get scam. I'll be able to cast magic with my both hands either using incantation or without using any chant due to the ribbon. It's all because of you, Master.

You know I'm now able to cast third tier advance level magic effortlessly plus I've made a friend, yes a friend. She's about my age and has long pointed ears. You guessed it, she's from elf races and by the way I didn't make any friends besides her.

I think I'll be good at beast language after some weeks. My swordsmanship skills still lacks but I practice it time to time and every time my dad gets free time he trains me hard.

I planned to start learning god's language or the language of angels after I feel confident in beast language also I am not going to stop practicing and learning magic and optimistically I'll get better at swordsmanship.

Master, you know I actually slept in your room on your bed at night after you left that day. It felt like you're there sleeping with me. So I time to time went to your room and slept there.

I think you've became more beautiful. I can't wait to see you again. Hope we'll meet again soon.

And hopefully you'll let me sleep with you the next time we meet and I want to bath with you also.

I'm missing you a lot. I want to be with you already. I'm looking forward to your next letter, Master.

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you…

Your pupil who loves you all the time



"I wonder what to send her as a gift."

I went to sleep as I wondered about it.


The next day in the morning I found out about my mom being pregnant. I congratulated her and my dad as I found out about it.

After one week I handed over the letter to my father with no gift included since I couldn't be able to think of any gift.

I also asked him to get me book about Angel's language. He bought it after someday and I began learning it however it was not easy as the other two languages I learned.

By doing nothing but usual stuff like practicing magic, training swordsmanship with father or training by myself, spending time with my friend or becoming her tutor, reading books and helping around the house two month passed.

Even after two months I didn't hear anything from my Master. I asked my dad about the time to take my letter to reach her and found out about it taking two to three months or even four months. Then I remembered she said about writing me a letter twice a year in her letter.

Four months passed.

Nothing any intriguing have happened during the past few months however due to the fact that monster were getting active in the forest, people like my dad go there in order to eliminate those monsters so that the villagers can live peacefully.

As my mother's belly got bigger and bigger he stopped going outside for since he have to take care of her. He rarely got out and when that happened I accompanied her with my friend.

One month later I received letter from my Master which was delivered by my father's friend or my friend's father.

I read it later in the night that day.


Dear my smart pupil, Jason

How are you my beloved, Jason. I received your letter. I'm really happy that you liked my gift. Thank God, I didn't get scammed. You said you can use both of your hands to cast magic.

That's genuinely unbelievable and you don't even need to chant a thing. Well, I can't help but to get astonish by you.

By the way you said you made a friend and reached Advance third tier, congratulations for that and thank you for worrying about me and your warm words.

Like I said before prince is pervert and he actually steals panties and kept them as a collection. Mine was also got disappeared and existed as his collection like the other female workers in the mansion. I discovered his private whereabouts randomly and after going in there I saw panties attached to wall with owner's name. I felt like burning the place down but I calmed myself down and searched for my panties unfortunately I never found it there. Maybe he is hiding it somewhere since it's his Master's panties.

He's wired or unique I don't know what should I call someone who's hobby is collecting panties.

You don't have such hobby, do you? You better not.

Like you I'm practicing magic everyday hoping to improve magic skills even further and studying magic. I'm working hard and you better work hard too.

You said you slept in my room on my bed alone, did you miss me that much,oh well next time if we met I'm gladly willing to invite you to bed.

So until then, bye-bye and I miss you too.

Your Master




I decided to wait for two months before writing her reply letter hoping something to happen in my life so that I could write about it in the letter.

Unfortunately nothing any interesting happened however I got better at beast language and started to feel confident due to that I started learning god's language and found it quite difficult.

We, me and my father were always on my mother's side accompanying her and helping her plus every time my friend came we accompanied her together.

I waited for one more month since I desired to write about our new family member in the letter.

At the end of the month we're blessed by two baby girls and they're twins. Midwife from the village was invited to assist her during her delivery session.

It was in the morning when those precious little ones arrived to our world making us overjoyed. My parents happiness reached its peak.

One month later, I wrote her letter and hand it over to my dad.


My beautiful Master Iris

Master, you know our family just got bigger. Two cute little baby girl joined our small family and they are twins. They completely look alike however their hair colors make easy for us to distinguish them.

One has bluish white and my parents named her Emily and other has light pink and her name is Sophia. They're cute, so cute. I can't wait to see them to grow up. I've to be a better brother in their eyes, you know.

They also have nicknames. Emily is nicknamed Emi and Sophia is nicknamed Shophi.

By the way Master, I just started learning angel's language and unlike other languages it's different words, grammar and phonology makes it difficult to learn but instead of quitting I continued learning it.

The prince got really unique type of hobby. Since you didn't find your panties in that room I'm sure about the panties being precious to him so I think it'll always be close to him and I wonder if you'll ever find it.

In this big world people collect books, swords, magical devices or other things as their collection but the prince has such a distinctive hobby of collecting panties. It's surprising.

I don't know if I have any hobby like collecting things but I'm sure I don't collect panties so worry not.

You said you'll let me sleep with you the next time if we meet, well I'm looking forward for that day and hope we'll meet soon.

I miss you so much and I love you. I hope you'll write me back.

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you…

Your disciple who wants to meet with you



Some months later I turned seven and my precious twin sisters were three months old.

They're getting cuter as they grew up. My parents hand got busy nurturing them, as for me I assisted them in need and also spent my time with the little ones and my friend too every time she came.

Talking about my friend, she improved herself a lot from literacy skills to magic.

It was night time.

I was staring at the stars from the window.

Sweet air was flowing smoothly towards me making me feel so delighted.

I headed to sleep after watching the stars a bit.

I was awaken by sudden discomfort. It felt like as if the skin of my legs were getting poked by something sharp.

As I opened my eyes I found my vision blurry and after few blink it got distinct. I saw sky sparkling with stars and there's a moon in waxing gibbous phase.

"What a serene night-sky." I thought.

Wait a minute, how am I seeing such clear sky from my room? And what is the poking sensation around my legs and hands? And the smell, it's completely different. It feels as if I'm in grassy land or somewhere like it. Also why am I feeling something is crawling over my body? plus I don't feel my pillow there.

I fiddled with my hand, it felt like grasses as I watched the sky.

"Grass?, Huh!, what?"

As I said that I found myself sitting on the grassy land and observing my surroundings.

"What's going on?"

I felt grasses poking on my feet the moment I stood up.

"An empty field near the forest."

"But, how did I get here?"

"Oh you're finally awake."

I heard somewhat familiar voice coming from every possible direction. I looked around hoping to perceive the person but as far as I could see was nothing but an empty grassy field.

"Did you miss me?"