

Don’t read it* It’s a waste of time* A 30 years old adult losses his life in an accident as a consequence of him being careless however he gets his awareness back and finds himself in a mysterious location. As he wanders around, he encounters a voice calling itself God from whom he gets a request in exchange of retaining his former life’s memories on beginning a new life in a new world. However he’s unknown to the intentions of God. Note* Gonna rewrite everything from the beginning after some time. This is actually a draft version and it’s full of grammatical errors.

naurakauma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 20

This is a theory that I came up with so It can or can't be true.

Excessive radiation causes mutation in earth but here

mana causes mutation. Living beings get mutated by immoderate amount of mana and they transformed into unusual creatures that is known as monsters and they become invincible meaning extremely strong and hazardous.

About the gathering of mana, I think it can also be explainable a bit.

In earth there're some places that are constantly burning due to natural gases that are coming outside from inside the earth.

So mana actually is coming from ground itself and gathering at certain places like… like volcanic eruptions.

But Master told me that mana doesn't always gathers it stops gathering sometimes and continues to gather time to time.

Maybe this planet is itself a source of mana energy and due to that it is this beautiful.

Excessive amount of mana can destroy this world that's why god asked me to help him balance energies of this world, right?

I can be wrong.

I thought as I observed the monster.

It has thick tail and two large horn on its head pointing upward and another one on its forehead.

Forehead one was not big as the other two.

It's body is large and its skin is really tough and there are spikes on its back that are sharp.

I wonder how my sword technique managed to cut through its skin.

I thought of cutting it by using new sword technique that I discovered after the water one which was to speed up the flow of water.

I guess, it cuts but I've to apply little force.

It's skin is hard, maybe it can be used in making armors or clothes or something like that. If that so then I can earn money selling it but I can't carry and take it with me and selling is out of question.

Plus cutting its skin does takes some time and effort.

I just have to make water move in really fast speed and it'll cut it.

It looks big for me because I'm small but not for them. However if I've to guess its height, it's double the size of them.

After a while I stopped to check on them.

They are still not awake.

I guess I've to cast healing magic on them one more time.

Oh oh, he's showing the sign of waking up.

I better hide.

I don't think they know about my presence.

Let's see how will he react.

He literally showed movements earlier. Why is he not waking up now?

Wake up, god damn it.

He coughed blood.

He noticed the person next to him who was unconscious but breathing.

"Tilla, Tilla, wake up!, wake up Tilla!, please wake up!, don't leave me!…"

"Please don't leave me…"

Ok, he's crying.

Of course he's going to cry if his precious part of his heart is not waking up.

"Don't die! Don't die on me! Please wake up!…"

Hey, hey, she is fine now, let her rest a bit. You better be aware of your surroundings. Just look around, there's a carcass of the monster you're fighting before getting knocked out. Isn't that seems mystifying?

It can't be helped, the most important person in his world isn't waking up. He doesn't care about his condition nor his surroundings, he just wants her to awake and speak to him.

"There's lot of things that is left us to do. You can't just die now! You promised to have my babies, didn't you?…"

Have babies? Okay, so they're going get married in the future.

I hope they invite me in their marriage.

Talking of which am I going to marry my Master or Ivy or both?

Damn, I want them both.

No, you stupid, don't decide that on your own. Let them be the one to decide.

"Don't die!, don't die!, please don't die!…"

She's not dead. At least check her breathing, you stupid man.


Oh, she's awakened.

He embraced her tightly.

"I thought I was going to lost you."

"Are you alright?…"

"I am feeling much better than earlier but I was injured before. Did someone healed me?"

That's right, be cautious about your situation.

"Um, no. I found myself next to you when I awakened."

"As much as I remembered, I got hurt by monster while we're battling it and you took me here then I don't remember what happened after that."

Yep, you're unconscious but breathing. I cast healing magic on you without getting noticed.

"Yes, you're badly hurt by it and I carried you here."

"Afterwards I started brawling with it."

"That monster seems dead, did you kill it?"

"No, I got knocked out by it and when I woke up, I was next to you."

"You didn't kill it? Then who did? Did someone come to assist us?"

Yeah, I killed it.

"I don't know. Killing this monster is not an easy task. This must be a high ranked adventurer's work. And my wounds were gone too. It is completely healed. Someone must have came to assist us, I'm sure of it."

No, I'm not a adventurer but a five years old kid who saved your asses and there's no any other but me only.

"You're right. My wounds are also healed. We're blessed by their support. But where are they? This monster is still in one piece."

"Yeah, this monster's skin and horn sell for a lot."

Oh, I thought so.

"And it's a rare and can only be found in a certain areas were mana accumulates."

"Yeah, but why they didn't peel it's skin plus Its horns are still in place."

"It's strange… Eh, it's really hard to cut. No wonder why I was having trouble fighting it."

"Yeah, its skin is used in making armors and clothes. I don't know about its horn though, maybe a weapon or something like that."

Oh, I thought so.

"Oh, I guess we can't leave without its skin and horns. We need allowance to travel, you know…"

"Damn, it's tough…"

It's not that easy, it requires more effort.

Now what am I going to do? Should I let them know my presence? Or should I keep hiding? Hm…

Since I'm near to the road I should approach them from the route. That way I can make them believe that I was coming here and I'll help them peel that thing's skin. That way I can ask for little money. I don't know what am I going to do with the money by the way. Maybe I should buy a book or something. Maybe a gift for my friend.

Right, I'll buy something to give her as a friendship gift.

Wait how am I going to help them peel skin? With this wooden sword, huh? I can but a five years child shouldn't be peeling or cutting skin or flesh. He should be playing with children not with sword.

I'm mentally adult but my body isn't so I've to be cautious about myself.

But I want to give my friend a gift, hm…?

I got it, since I'm teaching her magic I'll give her my wand. It's also count as a gift. She's gonna receive lots of thing from me. Like my Master gave me a lot of things, knowledge, skills, wisdom… I respect her a lot. I want to a admiring person like her into my friend's eye and my parents and my siblings.

Talking about siblings, I really don't have one, I did hear them doing it many times. Even though my mom never showed any sign of pregnancy. If she happened to get pregnant in future, I wish to get a kawaii little sister.

Now it's time to surprise them.

I gotta make them believe that I just arrived.

But should I let them know the truth or not…, it's on them, I'm not going to tell them myself however I might tell them if they ask.

Oh they don't seem to notice me, that's good.


I yelled from a distance.

They noticed me.

I ran to approach them afterward we started to converse.

She seemed more knowledgeable than him.

Later I offered him help but he laughed and thought as if I was joking. However afterwards he was filled with amazement.

I introduced myself while helping them.

Later on we finished our task and started to head back.

As we talked on the way they introduced themselves.

They seemed to be an adventurer.

We headed our way after saying farewell at the intersection.


I am glad he promised to give me my share since I helped him.

Wait, how we are gonna meet up again. Well, I told him who's son am I so he might shows up to our house asking villagers If he really cares to give me my portion for helping him.

It can't be helped if he is lazy.

I can't wait to find out the test of this meat. But should I really give it to my mom to cook it? I better ask my dad first.

I thought as I walked.

I made it home.

I saw my mom and dad flirting in the garden.