
Remember to Forget

"Who are you?" "It's me. Don't you remember?" "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." ********* A boy, with a condition that enables him to remember everything at glance.... And a girl, the forgets everything once she opens her eyes... Two different people embarking on a story, that will unlock a new chapter of their lives What could happen to the two of them if they met in an unexpected situation? How would their story possibly end? (P.S. - Photo not mine, credits to its original owner)

AR_Phantom · Teen
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2 Chs


I have never once believed in love. I don't think it's any special. I mean, what makes it so important that people could go crazy for it?

Like for instance, I don't understand how people say they can't live without someone when they barely even knew them like, are you mad or something? You've lived well enough before you can even met them, how could you say that now?

To a very obvious point, yes. I have never fallen in love. And I had no intention to be one.

In my belief, as long as you can provide for yourself, that's what matters. Who cares if I don't get married, or if I stay a virgin? Everyone has their own life, and in my life, I want to skip those levels.

I'll just get dedicated to my job, buy a house and grow old in the house I bought with my insurance. I don't need an other half to complete me. I am already full.

If the world was a person, it would have beat me up right now.

The modern world's eccentric rules have tied us all up in a rim. Over the years, we have come upon stupid and non-reliable rules that most of them grit us if we don't follow. And honestly, if would given the chance, I would gladly punch the world.

That is—if is survive this...

Remember to forget. Copyright © 2022 by A.R. Phantom. All rights Reserved.