
Remember Me

Natalie had always been a fairly happy girl with a life that she was content with. At least until six months ago when her lifelong best friend, with who she had shared everything with up until that point, suddenly decided that they needed to end their friendship with no warning. The life that she had known and loved shattered around her, taking her with it. Now, she's closed herself off from everyone around her and made a vow to herself to never let anyone in again in an effort to never have to go through that pain again. For six months, her plan had gone smoothly and seemed fail-proof. That is until Riley, who happens to be way too handsome and charming for his own good, abruptly finds his way into her life and flips her world upside down. No matter how much she pushes him away and tries to keep her vow, she keeps finding herself in situations that could ruin everything she's worked so hard for. The more she's around him and is struck by the light he brings into the world, the harder it becomes to keep her vow, and herself, safe. Her life starts to spin out of her control as she tries to figure out what Riley really wants, who he really is, and why her gut keeps telling her that there is more to him than she could ever imagine. As if her plate wasn't already full enough, she's also troubled with trying to figure out why Colton has been acting the way he has and why he really left her. Natalie's life has become anything but simple. But it can only go up from here, right? Wrong. The catastrophic rollercoaster that has become her life has only just begun. Will Natalie ever be able to let down the walls guarding her heart or will she miss out on any

BllueEyedMisfit · Teen
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182 Chs

Chapter 151

The man swivels to my right side, and Connor leans against the wall to my left in all his shirtless glory- close enough that he can get to me in no time at all should I need him for any reason. Not that the man has done anything besides act professional and kind.

He glances up to Connor as he snaps on a pair of gloves and begins cleaning my skin. “That’s some sick bruising dude,” he comments casually, a silent inquiry.

The corners of Connor's lips twitch as he slides his hands into his pockets. “Tell me about it. My girl here can get a little carried away sometimes.”

My eyes widen at him, but he doesn’t even look at me. He just watches the guy's hands as they work, taking in every movement. The artist gives me a once-over, stunned disbelief written all over his face.

He nods approvingly, his face twisted to mirror his nod. “I guess it’s true when they say you can’t judge a book or something like that.”

“She may be small but-”