
Remember, It's Your Name

"I am a Salvatore, Abcdef Salvatore, I will never let anyone tarnish my identity" How important is your name? For Abcdef it may seem that his name given by his parent was not well-thought of, it was simply taken from the alphabet yet for him it serves as his identification,people knew him by that name, when talking about the name Abcdef, he made sure that everyone will knew who is that person that owns the name. What personality he holds and his attitude, he made sure people who choose to know him will remember the owner of the name—it is him Abcdef Salvatore. However, although Abcdef viewed his name as important and necessary to the point that he will live a well and respected life, the people around him are tainting their identity, their name and living a messy and scandalous life. How will Abcdef help those important people in his life and make them realize that a name must not be taken for granted? That alongside bearing it is a responsibility?

Gaze1608 · Realistic
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1 Chs


The growling sound of thunder brought fear in the woman's usually wicked and full of menace eyes, her pair of black orbs is staring at the opposite direction intently. No. She's not looking at the young man, rather she's staring at the person beside the young man. Rain started to pour but the three figures remain standing in the middle of the road, they let themselves get soaked as the two person's remain locked to each other. The young man is just a mere bystander, an audience to the confrontation that will happen between the man and woman. Break up? No it's more like a condemnation full of hatred and mocking. The young man folded his arms as he take a few steps backwards leaving the two in the middle of a quiet road.

"Why did you do that?" the man's voice held a gravely dangerous tone, yet the woman remain unflinching, her mocking eyes was then accompanied by a mocking smile.

"Why shouldn't I do that?" the woman knew that the person in front of her is pissed off her, but she care less, because for her, what she did is rightful and justifiable. The man balled his fist showing few of his bulging veins, he suddenly felt furious upon the womans words but he force himself to calm down, because he knew if he loses his control right now, he won't be able to stop hurting the woman.

"Let me guess Miss whoever-you-are, you're basically thinking right now that you did me a favor am I right?" the tone in the mans voice is firm and it brought a quick surprised expression to the woman's face.

"You're right, I actually did you a favor, do you want me to tell you why?" the man signaled his hands dismissing the offer of the woman.

"Nevermind, because no matter what your reason is, either you just wanted to ruin someone's relationship for fun because you're bored or you're just jealous to the woman you target, or you knew something I don't know—none of those matter, none of what you did is justifiable, what matters is you ruined a relationship" after what he said the man was just about to turn his back when the woman retaliate with a loud voice.

"Hah! stop with those bullshit! You act like you're not curious, you're blaming me for doing what I did because you are afraid of the reason why I acted that way! You're scared! You know what, forget it! I will tell you why I ruined your relationship with that woman—because that woman is trying to seduce your brother while she's in a relationship with you! See she's basically a whore, and if she easily wanted to break up with you after what I did—doesn't that mean that she's more interested in your brother to the point that she's not willing to fixed your relationship?! I did you a favor and you're being ungrateful!" she point her finger to him, the woman is frustrated! She knew she's not supposed to, she never felt so frustrated before when she break other people's relationship, she always felt happy and contented knowing that she succeeded with her plan. But this one, the woman knew it hit different, and she doesn't really understand why.

The man—although what he heard from the woman shakes him to the core—stared directly at the woman after giving a quick side glance to the young man who remained unfazed to the whole situation.

"No matter how messy it is or what conflict is inside the relationship, you have no right to interfere, want me to tell you why? because you're a stranger, you're a third party and you only saw the piece of the situation not the whole, so what gives you the right to judge? You're not a judge, stop acting like one" the man doesn't know who is he angry with, he doesn't know what to believe, but he remained rational. Although he felt suffocated from the revelation, and different emotions are rumbling inside him, he maintain his facade—a serious and calm facade.


The woman however shows an expression completely different to the man. Disbelief. Guilt. Realization. Sadness. Frustration, her eyes shows it all, the menace in her expression completely vanish from her face.

The young man watching, observe how the confrontation brought changes to the expression and tone of the two people—one moment they felt like they're going to aim for each others throat then the next second they displayed vulnerability—

The young man step between the two to break the tension, he wears a playful smirk yet his eyes shows calmness and it penetrates the very soul of the person who he is staring at, as if it can see through the core of any person he met.

"So much for a confrontation between the known wicked leech and known undisputed lover boy, too bad you both lack common sense and good manners to introduce yourselves." he shakes his head in disbelief as he continue to speak "Well, let me do the honor. Brother, this is Karishma Laxamana, our campus very own relationship breaker and Karishma, this is my brother Stuv Salvatore—well he is an unlit version of stove" the young man chuckled as he introduce the two to each other, who now both wear an unreadable expression.

"It's best to know the name of the person you're talking to, not just using cat-calling or name-calling, you wouldn't want everyone to identify you with your alias right? after all who wouldn't want to be called in their names? " the young man playfully wiggle his eyebrows.

"Anyway, if I were bearing your name, I won't be carelessly do anything that will make the people forget what is my name by coming up with some sickly and corny group of words to identify me" he turned his back on the two after saying the line that he always use to say to himself.

"Remember, It's your name, not just any alias"