
Remarried Heiress's Revenge

"Why marry someone you're not in love with and who isn't in love with you back?" . . Lola only married the man her father wanted her to marry because it was advantageous to their business. She didn't expect to be happy because she knew she and this man weren't in love. Her marriage appeared normal at first, but after five years of no child, she discovered that this man had decided to bring in another woman under the guise of surrogacy. After all of the ups and downs in their marriage, Lola decided to divorce him. She didn't think about getting revenge after successfully divorcing this man; it didn't matter at first, but when the reason he brought a surrogate in the first place came to light, she couldn't let it go. She intended to exact revenge at first, but her plans changed when she ran into her one and only ex-boyfriend from high school, Luis Borbón, again, who unexpectedly asked for her hand in marriage. Will Lola put her vengeance aside and agree to this marriage? Or will she concentrate on exacting her vengeance?

Kuchi_G_ · Urban
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149 Chs

The Perfect Wife

"What are you doing here, Ms. Livia?" someone asked from behind her. Livia flinched and turned around to see Laura smiling brightly at her.

Livia smiled back and said, "Oh Laura, it's you. Nothing, I was just out for a walk and ended up here."

"Isn't it beautiful?" Laura asked, looking at the framed photo.

Livia raised her brows and inquired, "Huh? What are you on about?"

Laura moved to the framed photo and adjusted it slightly before responding, "I'm referring to this photograph, which I noticed you staring at. You must have thought it was lovely as well."

Livia smiled again, nodded, and responded, "Ah! yes, the photo, it did catch my eye, "

Livia then pursed her lips and walked away, saying, "I'm leaving."

Laura's smile faded; 'That woman is definitely up to something,' she thought as she watched Livia leave.

Livia, on her way to her room, nibbled on her thumb, musing, 'Did that maid hear anything?'

"Well, she didn't seem to notice anything, even if she did hear there's nothing she can do," Livia mumbled as she walked into her room, an evil smirk on her face.

When she settled down on her bed, her room door crept open; she lifted her head up and smiled when she saw who it was.

"You finally found your way into this house," said a maid at the door, her brow furrowed as she glared at Livia. She had shoulder-length black hair and a few freckles on her face.

"Amber my love," Livia stood up from her bed and hugged her. Amber bit her lips angrily and pushed Livia away from her.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that? You don't have the right to call me that, and don't ever hug me like that," Amber half-yelled as she shut the door behind her.

"I don't understand why you're so angry," Livia said, pouting her lips.

"You sly bitch, you forced me to work here as a maid for four years just so you could spy on Mrs Lola and Mrs Santiago," Amber yelled.

Livia knitted her brows as she walked up to Amber and covered her lips with her hand.

"Shut up you wretch, didn't I pay you? even being a maid here pays the same. "

Amber took Livia's hand from her lips and threatened, "You know I could expose you, I know all your secrets."

Livia burst out laughing and replied, "If you do that, I will not hesitate to put you back in prison."

They both glared at each other for a moment before they burst out laughing.

"Now to business, I need your assistance," Livia said with a smile.

"Okay, what is it this time?" Amber sighed, rolling her eyes.


Later that afternoon,

When Lola got home, she walked into the house and saw Santiago talking to the family doctor as they both made their way to the front door, where Lola was standing.

"Don't worry, Sir, she's fine and the baby is fine," The doctor said as Santiago sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Thank you very much, Doctor," He said.

"A word of advice, if you want to avoid that happening again, I recommend changing her room," The doctor advised. Santiago nodded and led him away.

He and the doctor passed Lola, who was perplexed by what she had just heard. As she entered the living room, she noticed Livia with a bandage on her forehead and Paula sitting on the sofa. Paula was trying to console Livia while yelling at a maid who turned out to be Amber.

"I'm sorry, mother, I wasn't careful; it's my fault," Livia said as she wiped away her tears.

Amber had a look of disgust in her gaze as she stared at Livia, ' I can't believe this damn crazy b*tch made me do this.'

"No, my dear, it wasn't your fault; it was this maid's fault; couldn't she have cleaned your room properly?" yelled Paula.

'And now I'm being yelled at,' Amber closed her eyes and bowed, as this words forcefully made their way out of her mouth,

"I'm sorry, ma'am."

"Mother, it's okay, thankfully nothing happened to the baby," Santiago said as he walked in.

Paula sighs as she continues to console Livia.

"Will someone please explain what's going on?" Lola inquired and they all turned to look at her.

"Oh Lola, you're back, that's good, I wanted to ask you to exchange rooms with Livia," Santiago said.

Lola looked at him, puzzled, and asked, "first explain what happened?"

"This maid over here didn't clean Livia's room properly, she slipped and fell to the ground, hit her head, and fell unconscious," Santiago explained.

"I don't see why I should have to switch rooms with her; she just needs to be more careful next time," Lola said sternly.

Paula rose to her feet and angrily matched toward Lola, slapped her hard across the face and yelled, "Lola, are you out of your mind? You almost lost your child today, The heir to the Rodriguez fortune."

Lola was unprepared for a slap. Although the pain was intense and sudden, it was nothing compared to what she had previously experienced. She didn't cry out or even flinch back; instead, she grabbed her cheek and looked Paula in the eyes as calmly as she had before. She did not appear angry or scared, but rather calm and confident. The more Paula saw it, the more enraged she became.

"Oh I'm sorry. How would you know what it's like to have a child growing inside you when yours didn't even make it past the first trimester, let alone the first week?" Paula yelled again.

Lola met her gaze and replied coldly, "What are you even saying? I completely understand how it feels to lose a child who is growing inside of you. When I lost my children, you did not console me; you had no idea how I felt; in fact, you insulted me. Now you insult and slap me because she almost lost this child due to her own carelessness? I'm the wife of this house, and that room is mine. "

"What good is a wife who can't even bear children?" Santiago inquired, and Lola gave him a glance before he continued, "Last I checked, I was the owner of this mansion, and I gave you that room, correct? As the owner, I have the authority to make changes, so if I say you should exchange rooms with her, you should. It's not my fault, Lola, that you can neither get pregnant nor be a good wife."

"So, if you had to choose between Livia and me as your wife, you'd pick her, right?" Lola asked with an expressionless face.

Santiago lowered his head, pinched the bridge of his nose, and then pulled his head back, saying, "I never said that Lola, I'm just saying she's the pregnant one here and she needs a safer environment."

' That can't be the only reason you're defending her,' Lola reasoned.

Lola nodded and pressed her lips together, sarcastically responding, "Yes, of course that's what you were trying to say."

She turned and looked at Laura, "Laura, I'll be having dinner in my room," She said, and Laura nodded and dashed off to the kitchen.

"Do whatever you want, but she can't have my room; there are many other rooms in this mansion; let her take those," Lola replied.

She turned and walked to her room. Paula clenched her fist, glaring at Lola as she walked away.

Santiago was about to say something when Livia interrupted, "It's okay Santi, I'll take another room as long as it's safer."

Santiago sighed deeply and replied, "Okay then." And left the living room, followed by Paula.

Livia , clenched the hem of her dress and bit her lower lip tightly, trying to keep her rage at bay.


An hour later, after Lola had finished her dinner.

She was already dressed in her white silky nightgown, working on her laptop on her room's table, when she heard a small knock.

She sighed, looked at the door, and said, "Come in."

Someone walked in, and it was Livia.

"I apologise for what happened earlier; I wasn't expecting Santi to ask you to leave your room," Livia explained.

'Did she come here for that?' Lola reflected as she returned her attention to her work.

"What Santi said earlier wasn't appropriate, you're an amazing wife," A hollow smile form on Livia's lips as she clasped her hands together.

'Is she sympathising with my situation, or is she just rubbing salt in my wounds?' Lola wondered still not looking at her.

She inquired, "Are you finished talking? If you are, please leave because you can see I am busy and don't want anyone to bother me, okay?"

Livia nodded slowly and walked out of her room. 'You made a mistake by marrying Santiago, so I'm going to ruin you gradually and then throw you out of this house and Santi's life... Lola.'

Laura crept out of her hiding spot and knocked on Lola's room door when Livia had finally entered her room.

"Who is it?" Lola inquired, clearly irritated by the distractions.

"Madam, it's me, Laura," Laura said quietly.

"Alright come in," Lola said, and Laura rushed in, closing the door behind her.

"Madam, that Livia is a sly b*tch, I tell you," Laura exclaimed.

"What exactly is it this time, Laura?" Lola inquired, not looking at Laura.

Laura said, "I saw Livia enter your room this afternoon."

Lola raised her head and locked gaze with Laura.

"Really?" Laura nodded as Lola inquired, intrigued by her statement.

"When I walked in, I saw her staring at your wedding photo with an expression I'd never seen her make before," Laura continued.

"What kind of expression?" Lola inquired.

Laura mumbled, "Anger...No, contempt."

' As I thought, She did tell Santiago she wanted my room,' Lola reasoned.

"Madam, this woman is attempting to replace you; you should..." Laura spoke up, but Lola cut her off, "Laura , I understand you're worried about me, but I'm fine; you don't need to concern about my problems. It's fine with me if Livia wants to be Santiago's wife; he already believes she's the perfect wife for him."

Laura vigorously shook her head and stated, "No madam, you are the ideal wife, I don't know why Sir doesn't see that."

"You didn't quite get what I said, Santiago thinks she's the perfect wife whereas she knows nothing about being a wife, I know I'm better than her in every aspect but the thing is I and Santiago were never interested in this marriage in the first place so if she wrecks it, it's not my concern, I will file for divorce when the time is right," Lola replied and chuckled slightly.

"Madam..." Laura mumbled, her face gloomy.

"You may leave Laura," Lola said, and Laura nodded and walked away.

"First, I need to find proof that he's cheating on me," Lola grumbled.

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~Lots of love from your sweet author ಥ‿ಥ.

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