
Chapter 82

      A country's state that cannot be considered good is undoubtedly a problem—both for the leader and the people under his leadership. However, every issue is not without a solution. Problems are always there, and solutions are there with them. Whether sooner or later, every situation will find its way of solving it.

      Remanu, who has lived in the Land of Nirvana, and knows how long it has been in terms of years in his original world, feels that the situation in that place is much more complicated to understand. Maybe because he feels foreign because there is very difficult to get what he wants, but in that country, Remanu finds other things that sometimes seem more attractive.

      The war there was not as easy as Remanu thought. In their home country, technology is very advanced. Weapons are much more diverse than what is in the Land of Nirvana. Remanu must be ready with all conditions, and it feels pretty heavy for now.