
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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Chapter 42 The Obelisk of Vaelexis (Bonus Chapter)

When Azrael woke up, Lily was sleeping beside him. Although they didn't need sleep normally, it still felt very comforting. He felt completely different from before. He quickly examined his Nexus, which had transferred to his heart in his base form and found the mini-universe filled with stars of different colors.

It looked like the other elements had fused with the Stellar Energy to form these stars and it governed them like an elder sibling. He realised that his Nexus was separate from the 108 trillion universes that formed his multiverse.

Lily woke up beside him and he ended the inner examination. She realized that he had awoken from his long slumber and excitedly hugged him. They spent the whole day in bed and visited Aurelian the next day.

Although Aurelian didn't show it, he was also relieved that Azrael had woke up. He continued the lesson that had been cut short due to Azrael's Cosmic Nirvana.

"Now that you both know about your Nexus, I ask you again, what makes up your existence?"

It was a trick question that they would only be able to answer if they paid attention to his lectures. Azrael and Lily looked at each other and answered at the same time, "Our Will."

Aurelian satisfied with their answers, gave them a nod and continued, "Good. At least you both aren't dumb. You are right, it is your Will that makes up your existence. The rest; the other pillars and your affinities are just the shell. You are now ready."

"Ready fo..." Aurelian suddenly transported them to another place. The rest of the Zodiacs were waiting for them standing around a deep hole. "...r what?"

Aurelian joined them and they divided themselves into two groups. One of the groups sang using Cosmic Aria, while the other started a ritualistic dance. As if spellbound, Azrael and Lily joined the dance, their bodies moving by themselves.

The ground began to rumble as an obelisk rose from the hole. It was carved with incomprehensible ancient runes and it exuded a transcendental aura. When the obelisk had fully appeared, the Zodiacs stopped their performance, and with them, so did the duo.

They were still confused as to what was going on. Aurelian understanding their confusion said, "This is the Obelisk of Vaelexis, and it was formed from the remains of the first Cosmari Empyrean when they died. We were also born from those remains."

"It was his final gift to us and the Cosmari race. This Obelisk contains the foundational technique of the Cosmari Empyreans, Vaelexis named after the first Cosmari Empyrean. Only primogenitors of new subspecies and Cosmari Empyreans are allowed to witness it."

"This Obelisk will form the most suitable variant of the Vaelexis technique for you and the future members of your race. The Vaelexis technique allows you to form avatars that will traverse the universes of your seniors. Their experiences will help you form your own cultivation system. Transform into your true forms and touch the Obelisk."

The duo still dazed from the sudden proceedings, did as they were told. They felt an intimate aura wash over them and their consciousness was bombarded with information..

In Azrael's mind, the details of the technique became known,

Vaelexis Eternia: Primordial Ascendance

Step 1: Celestial Ignition and Primal Awakening

Azrael, the embodiment of the Cosmari Stellarium Celestia, enters a state of profound connection with the cosmic energies dwelling within him. As he delves deep into his vast consciousness, he reaches the core of his being, where a dormant soul star lies, pulsating with untapped power.

With focused intention and unwavering will, Azrael kindles the dormant soul star, igniting it with cosmic fire. The star blazes to life, radiating a brilliant luminescence that reverberates throughout his entire being. This act of Celestial Ignition marks the awakening of his true potential, as the soul star becomes a beacon of his cosmic essence.

As the soul star burns with celestial flames, it resonates with the energies of Creation, Destruction, Space, Time, Fate, Karma, Destiny, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Stars, and Judgment, infusing Azrael with their sublime power. The ignited soul star serves as a focal point, channeling the vast cosmic energies within Azrael, empowering him with extraordinary might.

Step 2: Soul-Splitting and Avataric Genesis

Drawing upon the ignited soul star's radiant power, Azrael engages in Soul-Splitting—a process through which he fragments his own soul essence to form avatars. With his ignited soul star as the guiding light, he divides his soul into countless shards, each containing a spark of his immense power.

From these fragmented soul essences, Azrael brings forth the avatars—ethereal beings that shimmer with the cosmic energies that permeate their essence. These avatars are like blank slates, devoid of individuality or predetermined identity. They represent vessels ready to embark on transformative journeys.

Step 3: Celestial Travels

Guided by Azrael's ignited soul star, the avatars traverse the celestial tapestry of senior Cosmari universes. They venture into realms resonating with diverse cultivation systems and cosmic forces, offering paths of growth and enlightenment.

Within these realms, the avatars experience the interplay of cosmic energies and engage with enigmatic entities. They explore the myriad cultivation systems that shape the cosmos, absorbing the essence of these universes and gaining profound insights. Their journeys are guided by the radiant presence of Azrael's ignited soul star, illuminating their path in the vast cosmos.

Step 4: Ethereal Assimilation

After their celestial travels, the avatars return to Azrael, carrying within them the essence of their experiences. In this crucial step, Azrael facilitates the Ethereal Assimilation, allowing the avatars to integrate their acquired wisdom and insights into his own being.

Through a profound connection with the avatars, Azrael opens himself to their energies. The avatars willingly dissolve their individual identities, merging with Azrael's cosmic essence. Their experiences and insights blend seamlessly with his own power, enriching his understanding and strengthening his connection to the chaotic primal forces within.

Step 5: Empyrean Fusion

As the assimilated wisdom merges with Azrael's being, a transcendent process of Empyrean Fusion occurs. The avatars' experiences and insights harmonize within him, forming a grand synthesis of cosmic knowledge. The diverse perspectives and understanding gained from the senior cosmari's universes converge within Azrael, shaping his profound understanding of cultivation systems and cosmic forces.

In this state of Empyrean Fusion, Azrael becomes an embodiment of untamed power and limitless wisdom. His being resonates with the chaotic harmony of his multiverse, where the energies of Creation, Destruction, Space, Time, Fate, Karma, Destiny, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Stars, and Judgment converge in perfect unity.

Step 6: Cosmic Genesis: Shaping the Multiversal Path

Empowered by the Empyrean Fusion, Azrael harnesses his refined understanding and boundless potential to engage in Cosmic Genesis—the final step of the technique. Drawing upon the insights gained from the avatars' celestial travels, he shapes and forges a unique cultivation system, one that encompasses the vastness of his multiverse.

Through Cosmic Genesis, Azrael weaves together the energies of Creation, Destruction, Space, Time, Fate, Karma, Destiny, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Stars, and Judgment into a tapestry of cosmic mastery. He harmonizes these forces, molding them into a cultivation system that resonates with the essence of his multiverse.

In this step, Azrael becomes a cosmic architect, designing the pathways of growth, the techniques, and the principles that will guide the universes within his multiverse. Drawing upon the ignited soul star's radiant power and the wisdom of the avatars' journeys, he forges a cultivation system that aligns with his own celestial essence and the unique characteristics of his multiverse.

Through Cosmic Genesis, Azrael's multiverse becomes a realm of boundless potential and profound cultivation. It becomes a testament to his mastery over the cosmic forces and his ability to shape the destiny of countless beings within his multiverse.

In Lily's mind, the details of the technique also became clear,

Vaelexis Draconic Inferno: Cosmic Conflagration

Step 1: Infernal Invocation and Soulfire Ignition

To begin, the practitioner enters a state of deep meditation, immersing themselves in the depths of their consciousness. They focus their intent on the primal energies that flow within, connecting with the universal forces of the Seven Deadly Sins, the five elements, and the potent dragon energy.

Through intricate movements and infernal mantras, the practitioner invokes the Infernal Invocation. As they channel the cosmic energies, their body becomes a vessel, resonating with infernal power. Within them, the Soulfire ignites—a sacred flame that embodies the essence of the Cosmari Infernal Zaldrizes. It blazes with untamed infernal might, radiating a brilliant glow that symbolizes the practitioner's connection to the primal forces.

Step 2: Soulfire Unleashing and Avataric Manifestation

Guided by the ignited Soulfire, the practitioner unleashes torrents of primal energy. This unleashed essence intertwines with the cosmic forces of the Seven Deadly Sins, the elements, and the dragon energy. It becomes the foundation for the formation of avatars—blank slates ready to embark on transformative journeys.

From the unleashed Soulfire, the avatars manifest, taking the majestic form of eastern dragons. These avatars are like pristine canvases, devoid of preconceived notions or biases. They embody the raw potential of the Cosmari Infernal Zaldrizes, their presence resonating with untapped wisdom and boundless possibilities.

Step 3: Draconic Odyssey

The avatars, now formed, embark on a profound odyssey through the realms of the senior Cosmari. Guided solely by their innate instincts and cosmic intuition, they traverse celestial domains resonating with the energies of the Seven Deadly Sins, the elements, and the potent dragon force.

Within these realms, the avatars encounter diverse cultivation systems, enigmatic trials, and cosmic guardians. They immerse themselves in the cosmic energies, delving into the depths of their own existence and experiencing the vast tapestry of the senior cosmari's universes. Each avatar navigates its own path, forging its unique journey of growth and exploration, untainted by external influences.

As the avatars journey, they absorb the energies of their surroundings, absorbing the essences of the realms they explore. Their experiences and encounters become catalysts for individual evolution, shaping their understanding of the primal forces they embody. They gather insights, wisdom, and cosmic resonance that will contribute to the formation of a unique cultivation system.

Step 4: Celestial Assimilation

Upon their return from the Draconic Odyssey, the avatars carry within them the essence of their experiences. In this crucial step, the practitioner refrains from imparting any guidance or interference. The avatars autonomously assimilate the acquired wisdom and insights, integrating them into their blank-slate essence.

Through an internal process of celestial assimilation, the avatars integrate the cosmic energies and cultivated experiences into their core being. They become vessels of untainted growth and unadulterated insights, nurturing unique perspectives and allowing the formation of unbiased and individual understandings.

Step 5: Ascendance of Cosmic Synthesis

As the avatars assimilate their experiences, a cosmic synthesis occurs. The insights and perspectives gained from the senior cosmari's universes merge within the avatars, forming a harmonious symphony of diverse knowledge and wisdom. It is a confluence of ideas, each avatar contributing its own unique insights.

This Ascendance of Cosmic Synthesis transcends the limitations of individual perspectives. The avatars merge their acquired wisdom into a unified whole, embracing the diversity of cultivation systems they encountered. Their collective experiences become a wellspring of inspiration, providing a rich foundation for the formation of a unique cultivation system.

Step 6: Celestial Fusion

Following the Ascendance of Cosmic Synthesis, the avatars reach a profound juncture in their journey. In this step of Celestial Fusion, they voluntarily dissolve their individual forms, merging back with the practitioner. They become one with the practitioner's essence, enriching their understanding and infusing them with the culmination of the avatars' collective experiences.

Through this act of fusion, the avatars relinquish their individual identities, their unique insights, and the diverse perspectives they cultivated during their odyssey. Their cosmic energies blend seamlessly with the practitioner's own, empowering them with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse cultivation systems and cosmic forces they encountered.

Step 7: Astral Embodiment

Empowered by the Celestial Fusion, the practitioner undergoes the final transformation—an Astral Embodiment. In this transcendent state, they embody the culmination of the avatars' experiences and wisdom, transcending mortal limitations and ascending to a state of cosmic enlightenment.

Radiating with the brilliance of the Seven Deadly Sins, the elements, and the dragon energy, the practitioner becomes a celestial embodiment of infernal might. They stand as a beacon of cosmic understanding, poised to shape a unique cultivation system for their universe. Drawing from the insights and harmonized knowledge of the avatars' journeys, they forge a path that resonates with the essence of the Cosmari Infernal Zaldrizes.

The Obelisk of Vaelexis sunk back into the hole and the hole also disappeared. Meanwhile, Azrael and Lily were flabgastered after going through the details of these techniques. To think that techniques like these could exist.

The Zodiacs were also curious about the techniques, especially Aurelian, who wanted nothing more than to add these brand-new techniques to his large library. The duo had no problems sharing these techniques because they knew that it would have been impossible to obtain them without help from the Zodiacs.

They returned to their rooms to thoroughly comprehend them.


Author's Note:

pronunciation of Vaelexis: vay-LEK-siss

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