
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 29 Threat

Azrael was not shocked at all by this news. He had always been aware that the Noxcor Clan would come for Aliyah one day even if she wasn't famous. The royalty of every race had a sensor of sorts that would detect the members of their clan once their bloodline purity reached a certain stage. What confused him was why they hadn't come sooner. He wasn't sure if they had come with good intentions or bad.

They teleported back to the palace. Aliyah was meeting with a delegate sent by the Noxcor Clan. Azrael and Lily entered the Royal Court and saw a female High Night Elf talking with Aliyah "...return with me to the clan. If you don't then you leave me no choice. I will have to use..." "Use what? I hope you are not suggesting that you would force our friend to do something against her wishes." Azrael interrupted the speaker. The elf didn't answer his question but asked another one instead, "Who are you and how dare you interfere with the internal matters of the Noxcor Clan?" Azrael smiled as if he had heard something very amusing. Then he and Lily released their aura.

The elf was forced to her knees. She was very shocked because she was in the seventh stage of the Essence Core realm and her opponents were in the fourth stage. But she didn't panic and said in a threatening tone, "Do you know who I am? I am the Crown Princess of the Noxcor Clan, Aleina Noxcor. Retract your aura this instant or..." Azrael sneered and said, "Or what, the old man who is accompanying you will kill me?" He snapped and a man struggling in chains made of formations appeared. Aleina was shocked by this sudden development.

She never expected that her protector would be caught like this. She still didn't lose her calm and looked at them doubtfully. She then asked, "Who are you two? I should have already heard about geniuses of your caliber." The man in the chains also stopped struggling and looked at them curiously. Azrael smiled mysteriously and said, "I am just a small businessman..." then pointed at Lily and said, "...as for her, she is the Royal Advisor of the Twilight Empire and my wife."

Azrael then ignored Aleina and looked at Aliyah. He then asked, "What do you wanna do with them?" Aliyah looked at him and sighed. Then she replied, "Azrael, release them. I was thinking about returning with them but they shouldn't have threatened me. We will use her to send a message." "What message?" Azrael asked curiously. She replied, "One that shows them that they messed with the wrong Empress. But I will need your help. Can you stop all business with the Dark Elves until this matter is sorted?" Azrael sent a message and said, "Done."

Aliyah looked at Aleina and said in an authoritative tone, "Go back and tell your Queen that I will visit her within 50 years. If she disturbs me before that, the consequences would be much worse." Aleina looked confused. What consequences was she talking about? She could only agree to relay this message. The aura surrounding her and the chains trapping her protector disappeared. Her Protector looked deeply at Azrael and Lily before he held Aleina and crushed a teleportation talisman and they disappeared from the palace.

Royal Court of the Noxcor Clan,

Aleina and her protector suddenly appeared in the middle of the court. The Queen, Kassandra Noxcor, observed their conditions and dismissed the court and Aleina's protector. She stood up from her throne and walked towards Aleina. She hugged her daughter and asked in a soothing tone, "What happened?" Aleina started narrating everything that had happened. While she was doing so, a member of the Noxcor Clan suddenly burst into the Royal Court and frantically said, "Your Majesty, we have a big problem." Kassandra wanted to punish him for interrupting them but knew something really big must've happened that they ignored her order.

She looked at the messenger and asked, "What happened?" He replied, "It's the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce, they are refusing to sell their products to any Dark Elf. When somebody asked the reason, they simply said that they had explicit orders from their founders. They also said that these are the consequences. If it was just them, we wouldn't have that much of a problem but other merchants have also started boycotting us." Aleina froze all of a sudden and Kassandra asked her, "Do you know something?" She replied in a shaken tone, "The man I was telling you about, Azrael, said that he was a businessman. And on the request of Aliyah Nightshade, he said that he would stop all business with the Dark Elves. At that moment, I didn't understand how his ceasing business with the Dark Elves would affect us. But now I can guess his identity. He must be the mysterious founder of the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce." Even Kassandra was shaken by this statement. Then she started to think and said, "Now that I think about it, the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce was first established in the Twilight Empire right around the time Aliyah Nightshade became the Empress. They must be connected somehow."

She wrote a letter, gave it to the messenger, and said, "Take this letter to any branch of the Twin Dragon Chamber Of Commerce and give it to them. Tell them that it is a letter from the Queen of the Noxcor Clan for their founder." After sending him away she retired to her chambers with Aleina so that they could talk in private.

After a few days, Azrael received the letter. It said that the Queen of the Noxcor Clan would like to visit him in the Twilight Empire.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

I am sorry for the short chapter today. I have an eye infection and my doctor has prohibited me from having any screentime. I will only be able to update short chapters for some time so I hope you will understand.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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See you next time