
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 23 Novaria

When Azrael and Lily reached their destination, they found themselves in an abandoned cave. Lionel had strictly refused to inform them about where they would spend the next 1500 years. Azrael scanned himself and concluded that it would take him 50 years to break through to the second stage if he did not actively cultivate. Lily would need around 75 years because unlike him, she only had 7 embryonic worlds inside her. He would just suppress himself and they would be able to break through together.

Inside the cave, there was a table with a memory slip on it. The memory slip contained information about the world they were in. The name of the planet they were on was Novaria. It was about half the size of Aurora Star, very large compared to other mid-level Mortal Realms. Maybe in a few millennia, it could also become a high-level Mortal Realm. There were five continents, Northern Continent, Eastern Continent, Southern Continent, Western Continent, and Central Continent. Except for the Central Continent, each continent was dominated by a single race. The Beast Race in the North, the Human Race in the South, the Dwarwes in the West, and the Faeries in the East. The Central Continent was neutral and any race could freely travel there.

They both sat down at the table and talked about their future plans. Azrael looked at Lily and asked, "Do you have a plan?" Lily just shook her head and asked him, "What about you?" Azrael smirked and replied, "I do have a plan. First, we will establish a chamber of commerce and open multiple branches on every continent. While that is happening, we'll buy a very large patch of land and hire dwarves to build the academy of your dreams. There's more to it but let's first do this much."

Lily thought about it and said, "We should head over to the nearest city and gather some more information." The cave was in a small mountain range near the capital city of the Twilight Empire, Everlasting Night City. They flew out of the mountain range, Lily with her wings and Azrael with the wings that grew after he broke through to the Paragon Core realm, Luminous Nebula Wings. He would grow one pair of wings for every cultivation realm until he had nine pairs. Currently, he had five pairs because he was in the Paragon Core realm.

They landed when they could see a long line of people in front of a huge gate. They didn't want to wait for so long so they went directly to the gate. At the gate, they saw that the guards were taking bribes from the people in the line before letting them enter. A young girl with a small six-tailed fox on her shoulder refused to give them money and said, "You can't do this. I will report you to the City Guard." The guards looked at her and laughed, "You think the City Guard would care about a commoner with no background? Don't overestimate yourself. My big brother is a squad captain in the City Guard, who do you think they will believe in if I said that you are lying? On the other hand that fox on your shoulder looks like it would fetch a pretty penny from a noble. So give me your fox and let me cripple you, or else..."

The guards were at the peak of the Condensation realm while the young girl was in the Gathering realm. She looked at the fox and whispered something to it. The fox looked unwilling but under the gaze of the young girl finally relented. It suddenly sprayed fire from its mouth toward the guards, surprising them, and started running. That's when the fox saw Azrael and Lily and stopped. The young girl was shocked by this sudden development and shouted, "Why are you stopping? Run!" The fox walked towards them and bowed its head while kneeling in front of Lily. It had sensed her bloodline aura and its own bloodline completely surrendered to her. Lily looked at the fox in front of her and then at the young girl who was trying to buy time for it to escape. She sighed and looked at Azrael. He just nodded in reply and picked the fox up.

Lily looked at the guard and said in an icy voice, "Let go of her and maybe I'll spare your life." The guard couldn't sense her cultivation and got wary. He had been doing this job long enough to know that sometimes it is better not to offend some people. He looked at her and said, "Lady this is none of your business. How about you and your partner enter the city and let us do our work?" He wasn't really afraid of them because he thought that they were in the Foundation Building realm just like his big brother. He had already sent a message to his brother and he would arrive there shortly. If they insisted on interfering then they could join the young girl in the afterlife.

Lily looked at him and smiled slightly. She could sense a Foundation Building cultivator rapidly approaching. She guessed him to be the guard's elder brother and waited for him to arrive. A man arrived at the gate and the guard smiled and said, "Big bro, tell this lady to mind her own business. I have already warned her but she just..." He was interrupted by a slap to his face. He was shocked to see that it was his own brother and asked, "Brother why..." but he was once again interrupted by his brother. "Still not apologising?" Then he looked at Lily and said, "I apologize for my younger brother's rude behavior. He has been mentally ill ever since he fell down from a tree as a kid. You and your companions can enter the city. I hope you enjoy your stay." The guard was shocked by the words of his brother but then realized that this Lady must have a background that made even his brother wary. The thought that she could squash them both like bugs didn't even come to his mind.

Lily motioned for the young girl to walk together with her. Azrael joined them as they entered the city with the fox in his hands. The fox suddenly licked his cheek and jumped out of his arms toward the young girl and started licking her face. She just hugged the fox then bowed toward Lily and Azrael and said, "Thank you for saving us. I will definitely repay you in the future." Azrael was amused by this statement and asked "How will you repay us? And what is your name?" The young girl looked at him and said, "You don't need to worry about the how. Just remember that I will repay you. My name is Aliya Nigh...Jones, Aliyah Jones." Lily and Azrael looked at each other and communicated through the Soulbrand. Azrael said, [She almost said Night, right? The surname of the previous Royal Family was Nightshade. They were betrayed by the current Emperor who was a Duke at that time. She must be a princess who escaped.] Lily replied, [So, what do you wanna do?]


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Any conversation between Azrael and Lily via the Soulbrand will be in []

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