
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Bloodlines and Cultivation Techniques (only in Omniverse)

Contains Spoilers, read after chapter 7 Archon

Body Tempering:

Fatal Pain Forged Rebirth

This body tempering technique requires destruction to initiate the technique. The forging highlights the removal of impurities from the body after rebuilding. It requires an impossible amount of pain tolerance. The risk of death is 100% if the practitioner gives in to the pain. It has no limits. The younger one starts to practice the technique the better the effects. One cannot practice the technique after 16 years of age.

Mana cultivation:

Limitless Cosmos Formation (Paragon Art before evolution)

An incredibly powerful technique that allows the user to create their own cosmos within their body. The user must practice this technique from the beginning of their cultivation path. Then the user must choose an element in the Foundation Building stage. The user must then focus on visualizing their chosen element as a vast and expansive cosmos within their body. This visualization is the most crucial step in the entire process. Once the user has a strong visual representation of their cosmos, they must channel their elemental energy into building and expanding it. This process is extremely taxing on the user's body and mind, and it requires intense focus and concentration to succeed. As the cosmos grows, so does the user's control over their elemental energy. However, to make the cosmos habitable, the user must also possess deep insight into the workings of space and time elements. Without this insight, the Cosmos will remain barren and lifeless. Therefore, the user must cultivate and strengthen their knowledge of space and time elements through intense meditation and study.

Once the cosmos is fully formed, the user gains incredible power and abilities. They can manipulate their chosen element on an unprecedented scale, creating powerful attacks that can shake the very foundations of reality. Additionally, they can use their cosmos as a gateway to other dimensions and planes of existence.

However, the Limitless Cosmos Formation technique requires incredible mental and physical strength, as the process of creating and maintaining the cosmos takes an immense toll on the user's body and mind. Only those who possess immense willpower and resilience can hope to master this technique.

Soul Method:

Nihility Integration Method

The visualization of nothingness is considered to be the ultimate test of a cultivator's will and determination. Only those who have the aura of nothingness and a strong and resilient soul can successfully integrate with it. The benefits of mastering this technique are numerous. It allows the cultivator to develop a stronger connection with their soul, increasing their mystic power and stamina. It also grants them the ability to manipulate the energy of nothingness inside their Upper Dantians. As long as the opponents' souls are in the same realm as the user, they cannot defend against it. For example, if the user's cultivation is in the Mortal Realms they can damage any Mortal soul. However, the risk of failure is high, and those who attempt it without proper preparation and training, risk losing their souls forever.


Samael (Father): Nispatium and Sorsamadhi

Elena (Mother): Rudraevum and Sorsamadhi

Azrael had all three Bloodline Sources. When he started the fifth stage of FPR, his Bloodlines sources started clashing. Due to this Elena accidentally consumed the whole Chaotic Lotus, instead of just one petal. The principle of FPR is to destroy something, discard the useless waste, and rebuild it with what's left. When the Lotus suppressed the Bloodline Sources, the FPR technique considered it a part of Damien's body. The Progenitors and the Primordials were born from Chaos and even after evolving they still had some chaos energy in them. That is why the Lotus was able to fuse with his bloodlines and created the new Bloodline Source.


Author's Note:

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