
Reluctant Master Of Humanity: A SI Fate Grand Order Fanfic

Fate Grand Order. That is where I - Hans Friedrich, have find myself into as a one of the three last Masters of Humanity. A world of cute Outer Gods, laser swords, and women that could kill just by looking at me. ...Yeah, whose bright idea was this? How can you trust a selfish person like me to be a Master of Humanity!? Gaia, Akasha, Alaya, you got the wrong guy! ============ [Disclaimers(1): This is my second try at making a Fanfic or Novel of any kind so please tell me your thoughts and criticism. Even your hate. But, only if your hate has a good reason for it. So, please be smart about it, mmkay~? Disclaimers(2): This is SI, which stands for - Self insert. Meaning, I'm writing myself in this. So if you have any problems with the MC, then I can't help you, as it's - Me and I can't change my personality at a drop of hat. This also means, the MC will have Flaws, so if you want a perfect main character, this isn't for you. But if you do somehow enjoy the MC(Me), then...all I kind can offer you is a smile. Disclaimers(3): I don't own any of the Fictional characters I use in this Fanfic. I only own myself. ]

VoidWalker999 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter - 5: So Not A Archer Move! - Singularity F


" Damn bastard knows how to run."

This is... How many times has EMIYA tried to lose us, again?

Well, I don't know, but it's been a lot and it's starting to get annoying fast.

" ARRRR!!!" And my Berserker is not a happy camper. Not happy at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave Archer a One-star review on "Counter-Guardian.com". I wouldn't be surprised at all.

" Oi, Archer!" I yelled. But, only ended up ducking as an Arrow passed me.

" I was trying to talk here! Talk! Not playing dodgeball with fucking magic arrows!"

I cursed again, as Berserker smashed an arrow, thus making us closer to him.

Only when he saw my cheerful smile did he know I baited him. And he is not happy either.

... I'm getting a One-star review on "Master.com" for this, aren't I?

The mass of arrows answered my question

' Hey, Sign! Can I summon another servant like in the game?' Using Berserker as the perfect shield and sword, I asked my only outside help here.


' Oi! You can at least do something! You are on my body! And it ain't free, y'know that? So start paying some rent, you asshole!'

I got big balls and I'm gonna use them. Who cares if you are some golden space peacock? I don't! Your still paying rent for using my body!

After what felt like forever the [Yellow Sign] glowed a few times. With it - information planted itself into my mind. It was like it was always there but I somehow forgot about it.

[-Mind Control(Low): Allows Host to Mind Control mortals and sometimes higher beings with Luck-]

This is the payment I got from the [Yellow Sign]. And what a payment it was!

All I have to do is think about and the power will do the rest.

Ah, what an easy ability to use.

' I knew you were one of the good guys.' I chuckled at the irony of my words. The King In Yellow is not one of the good guys. However, right now? They're alright in my books. Their alright until they start to try to take over my body.

Until then? We are good!

" Hey, Archer!" I screamed from Berserker's back," How did Sakura taste?!"

The sound of something hitting a wall hard answered me.

Slowly, I looked up.

What greeted me were cold steel gray eyes. Very cold eyes if I may add. If eyes could kill, I would have died a billion times over.

" Was she-" I didn't have time to finish my sentence, as an arrow flew past where my head was.

Uncaring about the arrows coming at us, I kept on running my mouth.

... I really need to learn when to shut up sometimes.

" Was she soft? Very squishy?"

Only arrows and berserkers growls greeted me.

Heh, I guess I'm getting a two-for-one deal!

By getting EMIYA mad - he gets Berserker mad. And an even more mad Berserker is never a good thing if you're not on their side.

" I need the details! Come on bro! Very warm? Cold? Just right!?"

Arrows are not cool at all when they are aimed at you. Not cool at all when EMIYA is the one shooting them.

" Shut up..." EMIYA finally said something," Shut up..."

" Nein!"

I then smiled. Smile very big as a question popped up.

" Hey Archer, did you feel the worms-"

Unforgivable cold eyes greeted my face. EMIYA somehow got behind Berserker.

That is so not Archer move at all!

" Shut your fucking mouth!"

As EMIYA first came to me in slow motion, I gulped.

' Come on Luck! Don't fail me now! I got way too many five-stars for that to happen!

" "̸̢͉̎̐͠ ̵̯͊̍S̵̲͕̚ͅT̷̘̓O̷̼̹͂̀̉P̴̜̮̅.̸̥̂̃͜"̴͉̊̀ The voice that left my mouth was not my own. It was...dark and wrong. So wrong even I shivered at it.

And against all odds of killing me, of wanting to kill me - EMIYA stopped with wide-open eyes

" What?" These were his last words as his head was turned Into nothing but red paste on the ground.


Swallowing down my dinner, my face was green and yet pale when I mumbled.

" Good job Berserker... Good job." I patted his head for good measure, when we stopped in front a hole in a massive cave.

" Good job Indeed." I felt a bit better, seeing we made it.

" Arrrr?" Berserker asked, whining leaning into the head pat.

" Yep." I nodded, as color returned to my face," We made it. Your King-"

And then there goes my dinner.

" Oh come on!"
