
Reluctant Master Of Humanity: A SI Fate Grand Order Fanfic

Fate Grand Order. That is where I - Hans Friedrich, have find myself into as a one of the three last Masters of Humanity. A world of cute Outer Gods, laser swords, and women that could kill just by looking at me. ...Yeah, whose bright idea was this? How can you trust a selfish person like me to be a Master of Humanity!? Gaia, Akasha, Alaya, you got the wrong guy! ============ [Disclaimers(1): This is my second try at making a Fanfic or Novel of any kind so please tell me your thoughts and criticism. Even your hate. But, only if your hate has a good reason for it. So, please be smart about it, mmkay~? Disclaimers(2): This is SI, which stands for - Self insert. Meaning, I'm writing myself in this. So if you have any problems with the MC, then I can't help you, as it's - Me and I can't change my personality at a drop of hat. This also means, the MC will have Flaws, so if you want a perfect main character, this isn't for you. But if you do somehow enjoy the MC(Me), then...all I kind can offer you is a smile. Disclaimers(3): I don't own any of the Fictional characters I use in this Fanfic. I only own myself. ]

VoidWalker999 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter - 4: Oi! You Weren't Supposed To Answer! - Singularity F


Only and I mean - only after ten minutes of rushing after Berserker, and carefully explaining why he was going the wrong way(fuck you Mad Enhancement!), did we start walking the right way.

How did I know I was going the right way?

I didn't.

But, I will when I see it. It's pretty hard to pass up a massive cave. Even I'm not that blind.


When Darkened Archer starts shooting us, then I'll know we are close.

Not the best way to direct, but which other way do I have?


Watching as Berserker bulldozes through a group of skeletons, I sighed from his back.

" Can you stop doing that? We're not playing a game(heh!), where we get scored on how many enemies we kill."

We, well, Berserker been killing everything that moved. Hell, he even chased after a rat(how the fuck did it survive?!) across a neighborhood.

... Seriously, It's like I over eager dog sometimes that wants to get praised every time it did something.

" Arrr?" The Berserker asked me.

And funny enough? I can understand Berserkers. I even understood Heracles. Though what gave me the chills is the the tone he used - made me want to help him. And I probably would have helped him, but I love my life a lot more. A fucking lot more, may I add.

' Illya... Illya... Illya.'

I shivered remembering his word. Especially how sad he yelled when I left. It was like he knew I could help him and free him from this sadness.

And I am sorry, but I can't. I know me very well, Lovecraft bullshit or not, I can't bring back the dead. That's above my pay grade.

So... I am sorry Great Hero Heracles.


A few moments later, I answered Lancelot," Yeah, you did a good job." I patted his helmet. He likes this for some strange reason(did I already say how much of a dog he me reminds of? Because he does!).

In a manner like this - we kept on running.


" Huh..." I overlooked the battle going on between Chaldea and the Darkened Servants.

" Arrrr?"

I shook my head," Nah, they're got this. Let's go."

The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded out from behind me.

" To where?"

That voice... That voice already told me who was behind me.

And yet, I smiled. The smile became even larger when I turned around. It wasn't out of madness as many would think.

Oh no... It was in pure excitement. Excitement at meeting someone who I always wanted to meet.

" The hell at you smiling about?" EMIYA frowned.

I bowed, making him blink," Very nice to meet you, Archer."

However, even though I have many-many words I would like to say, this situation isn't one I quite like.

Nobody likes getting pointed at with any type of weapon. Especially a weapon that can kill me In a heartbeat.

So... Sorry, Archer, but may the Gacha Gods allow me to summon you. I always needed a good cook in my life.

-*Kill him Berserker*- And thus, I ordered. Not command. I ordered the barely contained Servant Of Madness, for he found him an opponent he can finally take out his anger on.

" Arrrrrrrrr!!!" The being of Madness roared and quite literally flash to Archer. In his hand was a pole he claimed on the ground as his weapon. A very big pole, if I may add.

Using the hole in the ground next to me, I hopped down as an arrow blew where I once was. With a curse, EMIYA started firing arrows at Berserker.

' Two seconds...' I shivered. All that happened in seconds.

Fucking hell... I could have died! I would have died if wasn't because of Berserker.

' I should buy him a treat.' I run through the building as the battle above raged on.

' Wait! He's not a dog! Not a dog you stupid brain! He may act like an adorable black Labrador, but he isn't!'

My brain can truly need some repairing sometimes. Shirou, you got a few magic circuits you can spare? I might need a few.


Suddenly landing in front of me with a truly painful groan of pain was none other than EMIYA... who I just asked help from.

' Oi! You weren't supposed to answer!' I paled as his steel gray eyes looked at me.

However, he didn't have time to curse me, as Berserker pushed him down another floor, and then another and another.

" Good boy!" I cheered, but then cursed myself,' Stupid Brain!'

As I made my way down - the sounds of. walls being broken and painful groans told me Berserker was winning.

When I got down to the last floor, I watched as Berserker used his pole as a baseball bat and knock Archer into a building. A building that immediately fell on top of him.

However, Berserker wasn't done. Far from it. Even as a disbelieving blooded EMIYA stood out of the rubble, the Black Knight bounced on him with all the grace of a Hound finding its prey and punched him through another building.

" Holy fuck." I mouthed. Berserkers are fucking awesome! Fuck all the other classes! Give me all the Berserkers!

I however then blinked In surprise as EMIYA ran away after giving me a death glare that promises a world of hurt.

In return? I cheerfully waved at him, as he disappeared.

" Arrrr!" The Black Knight was not happy. He was not happy at all.

" Hey, Berserker," I asked, making him look at me with his red visor.

" Follow him," I said, but then just got a blank stare.

I sighed," If we follow him, he will lend us to your King-"

I didn't have time to finish my sentence, as I got the wind knocked out of me at how fast we are now going.

Berserker is fast. Especially fast when that King is in the mix.

I swear, it's a skill or something!
