
Reliquary of Ianbal: Fabled Ragnarök

After falling asleep and ending up in a world that's not your own, you're quickly brought into more chaos that's only bound to become worse. When you come to, you find out that your name is Syndel, and you're the heir to the Ianbal Kingdom, but something's happened. You're not in your body and someone else has taken yours, what kind of world lies ahead? Find out now in the Reliquary of Ianbal.

whoiswtg · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Cloven Summit Begins

As the sun began to set, the carriages started to arrive at the palace gates. Knights and attendants in their finest attire helped the guests out of their carriages. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation. Many important people were already there, and it seemed like the arrival of the Ianbal Kingdom might be overshadowed.

But then, to everyone's surprise, Syndel, Kendell, Rene, Mara, and Darian emerged from their carriage. They had arrived, and they were dressed to impress. Kendell was astounded by the amount of people in attendance. Kendell gazed up at the palace in amazement. "I've never seen anything like this before," he said in awe.

Syndel smiled at him. "It's quite impressive, isn't it? But don't be too distracted by the palace. We're here for a reason, after all."

Kendell nodded, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He knew that the Summit would be a pivotal moment in the ongoing conflict regarding the investigation.

As they made their way towards the palace gates, the attendants bowed and curtsied respectfully. The arrival of the Ianbal Kingdom had not gone unnoticed, and everyone was eager to see what the newcomers had to offer. Syndel and Kendell exchanged a glance, both feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders. It was time to get to work.

As Rene turned around, "there you guys are. You all look nice." Ash spoke, she looked especially different from what she's normally wearing.

"Thank you, we should head inside and check into our guest rooms; we can meet up after or you guys can come to ours until the event begins." Rene replied.

"Darian, Mara, these are my old associates."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name's Ash. I'm sure you remember from Lightcrest." She spoke, smiling.

"Likewise, and yes. It's nice to meet you all again." Mara and Darian spoke, exchanging handshakes. Marco passed off their luggage to a group of attendants and the others did the same. The group walked inside, a cool breeze hit everyone as they walked through the doors. The well lit place was very large on the inside, this was nothing like the group has ever witnessed.

An attendant approached the groups respectively and got them into their rooms, they took the elevators up. Kendell, Rene, and Syndel reached their room and took a moment to relax. They managed to get their rooms beside Ash's, so the two groups would meet up once again soon.

Darian and Mara's room was down the hall, but they had their own plan for the week ahead of them. "I didn't expect it to be so cool in this place, I should have gotten a more appropriate jacket made from the tailor." Kendell rubbed his arms as he took off the slim fitted coat.

"We should get dressed and prepare to head down with the group soon." Syndel spoke, as she began to undress. She opened the luggage case and pulled out the dress. It was a knee-length, flowy dark red dress with a fitted bodice and flared skirt made of black lightweight fabric, paired with black closed-toe heels. She accessorized it with a thin gold chain necklace with a small leaf pendant and gold stud earrings while also putting her nose ring back in.

Kendell opened his luggage case and began to get dressed as well. Kendell is wearing a dark red suit with black fabric and mithril plates for protection. The suit is tailored to fit him perfectly and adorned with black embroidery featuring symbols of Ianbal's power and influence. It was meant to double as a suit and armor if the moment came where he'd need it. The tailor made this change as a thank you for Kendell's help.

Rene wore a stunning deep blue gown to the Summit, which shimmered in the light like the ocean waves of North Deiden. The dress was made of a flowing material that draped beautifully around her curves, and it was adorned with delicate beading that sparkled in the light.

After getting completely ready, the three of them headed outside. Ash, Jill, and Marco complimented them and they headed downstairs. "This might be a great move for you, since almost every country is present right now." Kendell suggested to Syndel.

"Let's hope so, someone has to know something."

As they reached the event hall, the main event was just beginning. Nobles from all over were in attendance, it was truly a night to remember. "Kendell? Syndel!?" Rai spoke out, as they crossed paths.

"I didn't expect to see you here Rai, how's it going?"

"Good! It's great to see you two are still alive. And Syndel I'm sorry about your home and father." Rai sincerely apologized.

"Oh no, don't worry about it, it's alright." She smiled, closing her eyes a bit.

"I'm glad to see you both doing well, despite your disguises I can still tell who you are. Kayin's around here somewhere, she's looking forward to seeing you both again." Rai spoke.

"There you are, bastard, stop leaving me alone!" Kayin yelled, grabbing Rai's hand.

"And there she is, same as usual." Rai smirked, "it's nice to see you again Kayin," Syndel gave a small smile.

"I almost didn't recognize you, but those purple eyes. Who else would it be? And Kendell. You're still alive and kicking I see. That's good. You two best go speak with the Empress and get a great first impression out of her. And Syndel. Later, let's have a chat. Alright?" Kayin asked, pulling Rai away from them.

"It was delightful to see you all, and you must be Rene. It's a pleasure to finally meet Terra's daughter. I'll let her know I saw you. Let's go find my wife Kayin." Rai said, looking towards the bar.

"And one more thing Kendell, there are approximately six World Power wielders present at this moment and more will be here soon. Under any circumstance; do not make it known that you're a wielder. Got it?" Kayin's smile ceased, Kendell nodded.

"There she is, the Empress herself." Rene pointed faintly. They walked over to where she was sitting, surrounded by knights, guards, and noblemen.

"Yes, yes. Very well, enjoy the banquet." Empress Sakuragi spoke, smiling from ear to ear. Through her subordinates, she spotted Kendell and company. As Rene pointed towards where she was, his eyes shifted to hers, and they locked. Kendell was the first to make his way toward her.

"Well, let's get this over with." Kendell made his way toward her, he had a look of fire in his eyes, but it would soon be extinguished. "So this is the man the world has marveled over. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Empress Sakuragi spoke, she descended from the throne and came down to see him face to face.

"Oh no, the pleasure's all mine. Empress." Kendell replied, bowing before her.

"Call me Reiki, I don't see a need for formalities between us. Come with me, there's someone I want you to meet." She grabbed his hand, he followed behind.

"Kendell, this is my family. Lilac, Mohagani, and Valentine; this is the man I mentioned some time ago. Quite handsome, isn't he? Not to mention his fine frame and strong hands." She bragged.

"Hmph, that means nothing to me if he isn't capable of protecting himself... Although with a little training, he could be of use. How old are you?" Valentine asked.

"Twenty. My date of birth recently passed." He replied, his mana involuntarily began to leak out.

"Oh, I see. I see now, there's something odd about you, maybe you are worthy of her grace. How could I be so blind until now? Empress, did you know also?" She asked in a concerned tone. Kendell's mana began to leak out of him slowly.

"Yes, that's why my interest in him piqued when I heard of the news a few months ago. I'd had my sights set on you since that moment in Matiy. Kendell seemed uncomfortable, but his eyes fixed on Lilac. She just stared off into the distance, uninterested in what was going on. Mohagani stood up and walked in the path of him and Lilac.

"So you're The Kendell, the Dragon of Ianbal as some would call you. You've developed something of a legend in these past months. Our empress couldn't get her mind off of you. But to see you in all its glory at this very moment, it's an honor. Quite ballsy of you to release your mana in her presence also. You're braver than most men I've met, crazy bastard. Enjoy your time here and don't be afraid to loosen up. By Cloven decree, your party's safe." Mohagani spoke, before going back to sit down.

"Dragon of Ianbal, huh? That's interesting." Kendell stopped his mana from leaking out and cleared his throat. Kendell's gaze drifted past Mohagani and met Lilac's eyes. He was momentarily mesmerized by her captivating gaze, and before he knew it, his feet were carrying him over to her table.

"Come," Lilac mouthed, and Kendell found himself sitting down beside her, unable to resist her pull.

"Dragon, you're scarier up close. I've seen scarier, oh I forgot. Release," Lilac spoke, her words barely audible.

Kendell panted in response, feeling the weight of her words.

"You treat all your guests this way?" he asked, slightly taken aback.

"No, only beasts. Besides, the frost giant is here too. He's my favorite pet. He led the siege on that kingdom west of here. He gets treats for doing what he's told, but when he's a bad dog I punish him," Lilac spoke in a childish tone.

Kendell's eyes widened at the mention of the frost giant.

"Frost- Ianbal?!" he exclaimed, the panic rising within him.

Lilac shushed him, placing a finger on her lips.

"Your party may be guests here, but that can all change in a matter of seconds. I see I struck a nerve. Be a good boy, and I might let you have your moment with the Frost Giant," she said, petting his head.

Kendell tensed up, and before he knew it, Empress Sakuragi was beside them.

"Ease up on our guests. I don't want this beautiful building destroyed because of your silly mind games," the Empress said to Lilac.

"Fine, I was only joking. This is why I hate coming to these events. I'm going to my room," Lilac said as she kicked her chair and left the table.

"Sorry about that, children are a lot to deal with as you see." She sarcastically replied.

Kendell, breathing deeply. He got up to search for Syndel.

"You must be Syndel. You're a hard person to get a hold of. I should introduce myself, I'm Orion. I assume you knew my father very well. His name was Adrenis, he was an elusive man." He spoke.

"You're Adrenis' son?" She gasped, Rene silently watched the conversation take place.

"I haven't heard from him in some time, I was hoping when the tragedy struck; something about him would have been said. But that doesn't seem to be. Also, I'm sorry about your loss. Losing your parental figures takes so much out of you, I hope everything has been an easy healing process for you."

"No... But thank you, I appreciate it.

So Adrenis is from Cloven, who would have thought? But come to think of it, nothing was known about that man for as long as it was he was in Ianbal." She thought to herself.

"Rene, is it? You're Terra's daughter right? The last time we met; we were both only children. It's always good to see you." He spoke to her, he walked off after shaking her hand with an unsettling grin on his face. Her eyes flashed when their hands made contact, but something more happened.

Rene directly faced Syndel, "I have never met that man a day in my life. And after getting Susanoo, I know for a fact I've never met him." She spoke, in an uncomfortably confused tone.

Kendell finally made it back over to them.

"There you guys are, I might have a lead about who attacked Ianbal. But I know for sure, the people we're dealing with are in a league of their own. Even after releasing my mana around several of them, it was laughable to them. I think it may be best to stick it out until we have some leeway with this." He spoke.

"I agree, with the amount of memories in this room right now, we're way over our heads." Rene supported.

"Well, let's just try to enjoy ourselves for now. When the time comes, we'll make a move." Syndel replied.

A man with luminescent purple skin came over to their table and introduced himself, "I'm sure you won't remember me, but we crossed paths in Niodosis. You two helped me a ton, so if there is anything I can do for you. Let me know, please. And If you've forgotten, my name is-"

"Hanzo, the merchant who got stuck in the woods. It's good to see you're still doing well and I hope business is good as always." Kendell replied, smiling at the man.

"Ah, so you do remember... That's good, well I'll get out of your hair for now. If there's a moment where I'm needed. Give me a shout!" He spoke, before heading back over to the table he was sitting at.

"I'm the dragon they were mentioning, it all makes sense now." Kendell said, facing Rene and Syndel.

"How do you know?" Syndel asked.

"Apparently from the moment of the Matiy Incident, they gave me the title Dragon of Ianbal. Whatever that may mean regarding the world power, but it seems there's more to know about the world power beside what we've already recorded and read." He pondered the idea.

"I need to shake the Empress' hand. Somehow. I think I'll be able to branch Gavriel's half gone memories regarding the investigation if I do so."

A moment after, the intercom came on. The empress was about to begin the summit. People began taking seats at their tables as the lights began to dim and spotlights pointed down on her.

"Without further ado, I'd like to welcome you all to this year's Summit. This year is one for the books! Introducing all the way from the Silver City beyond the clouds, Adrenis Sakuragi!" She yelled.

A mixed reaction came from the crowd knowing of what happened in Ianbal, but was soon overlapped by cheers. The energy within the entire room felt still, as he made his way up onto the stage.

Syndel and Kendell's faces were painted with confusion and disgust.

"What the fuck?" They both yelled in unison.