
ReLife In Fake Twilight

Keath Sunstone, an average and unremarkable man experiences a tragic death before being given the opportunity to be reborn as a Nephalem with a few wishes in a not so Twilight world. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight and Seven Deady Sins [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Warning: Strong mc --> Overpowered mc --> Super Overpowered mc Warning: Two love interests Update schedule: This Fan-Fiction is a side project for me so updates aren't stable. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Double upload! AHHHHHH!!!

also, anyone read the superman vs godzilla comic? well, I did and I call bullshit! Pure bullshit! It shouldn't have gone the way it did!


"Yo." Emmett said from beside me as we walked out of the boys' locker room.

"Sup." I replied.

"I've got a question my soon to be brother." Emmett said with a goody smile as he placed his arm around my shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Alice told us you aren't human but what she didn't say was what you were." Emmett said with an excessively curious smile on his face, I could tell the man was dying to know.

I smiled at the vampire's curiosity and thought about whether I should let him writhe in that curiosity or quench his thirst and after a moment I made my decision.

"I'll leave it up to your imagination my friend." I replied with a smile.

"C'monnn, bro." Emmett said causing me to laugh in response.

"You'll find out later man, it's nothing crazy." I replied nonchalantly.

"Maybe some kind of werefox or something? Heck, maybe a ghoul or merman." Emmett said as he brainstormed possible races which piqued my curiosity immediately.

"Have you run into any of those races before?" I asked clearly interested.

"Yeah, I'm not really a fan of ghouls though, but hey if you're one I don't care." Emmett said while raising his hands in surrender jokingly.

'I knew there would be other races in Twilight, perhaps angels and demons exist here as well, shoot maybe gods do as well.' I thought to myself knowing that I would research these races if I could, perhaps there were things I could gain from them.

"I'm curious as to which races you've interacted with." I said to Emmett hoping he would list them and the next moment he did.

"Yeah, I'm getting up there in age so I've seen my fair share of beings." Emmett said with a thoughtful expression before continuing.

"Dragons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Devils, Yokai, Druids, Hellhounds, Demi-humans, Werewolves, and more but I can't name them all." Emmett said as he regained his goofy smile.

"I've yet to meet any of the Gods though but more importantly my friend, what're you?" Emmett said as if he had outsmarted and cornered me into telling him what he wanted to know.

'Hmm...' I hummed inwardly knowing that this information changed a lot of things for me.

"Good try old man." I replied as we waited for the gym teacher to tell us what we were doing today.

'I need to hurry up building everything for the lab.' I told myself paranoid that one of the races I had just learned about would attack.

'I'll work through the night and complete all the equipment.' I said inwardly wanting to create of CPH4 as soon as possible.

"Is it such a big secret you can't tell me now?" Emmett said trying to get the answer out of me.

"No." I replied.

"Then why not tell me now?" Emmett asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I don't wanna." I replied with a sly smile.

"Bastard." Emmett replied realizing that I hadn't planned on telling him no matter how much he asked.

With our little discussion done, we both stood in silence for a bit still waiting for our teacher to speak up and during those moments of silence I couldn't help but think about what Emmett said about the other races that exist in this world.

'I'm definitely not in the canon of Twilight.' I said to myself with a thoughtful expression.

I could be jumping to assumptions by saying that, perhaps the full world of Twilight hadn't been fully explored in the movies and other races did exist but I didn't believe that to be the case. With Alice not being with Jasper that alone set this Twilight apart from the canon Twilight and now with the knowledge of other races I'm pretty certain I'm in an Alternative Universe.

"Gather up!" The gym teacher shouted after he finished speaking with the girls causing me to break away from my thoughts.

Hearing the teacher Emmett and I walked toward the man while the other guys followed behind us and soon enough we could be seen playing ultimate frisbee.

"Get good!" Emmett shouted as he grabbed the frisbee out of the air with a big jump.

'Jeez, I'm surprised nobody has questioned this guy's humanity.' I said to myself as I walked back toward the locker room while shaking my head.

Emmett was supposed to keep his physical abilities in check but the man was extremely competitive. Whenever a human would try to contend with him he'd let loose some and destroy them but the problem was he let loose too much.

"Mr. Cullen." I said to Emmett who was changing his clothes.

"Yes, Mr.Swan?" Emmett replied questioningly.

"You're gonna raise some eyebrows if you keep performing like that." I said with a smile to the brute.

"Haha, yeah my bad, I just get so caught up that I forget to control myself." Emmett said with a knowing expression, it seemed that he understood the problem.

"Well, if you need help with control I can teach you." I said knowing that I could help him if he wanted it.

"Might take you up on that." Emmett said with a smile before we made our exit from the locker room.

"Oh look! Swan Girl!" Emmett said while pointing at Bella after we left the locker room.

"Heh" I chuckled at Emmett's words while Bella looked confused.

"Do we need to stand in line today Bella? We both know we aren't eating." I said to Bella as Emmett watched.

"No, we can skip it today." Bella said as she began walking toward the cafeteria expecting Emmett and me to follow, which we did.

"So do you need to eat or can you live without it?" Bella asked interrupting Emmett and my conversation about stupid shit.

"Technically I don't need to but I like to since nutrients are good for any being." I replied making sure nobody but Emmett and Bella could hear me.

"I see I see." Bella said as she nodded sagely as if she had truly understood the vicissitudes of life.

Bella turned away from us and continued doing as she was before but Emmett seemed to have something to say and nudged my side slightly to get my attention.

"Does she know?" Emmett whispered so that Bella wouldn't hear.

"Yeah." I nodded in response causing Emmett to release a sigh before speaking again.

'Welp guess she's saved from saying she knows herself.' I said inwardly knowing Emmett would tell the other Cullens before Bella had worked up the courage to do it herself.

"Brother I know you're wanting to be mysterious and all that but you know the most basic rule of the supernatural society right?" Emmett said with a tone of seriousness.

"Nope." I replied causing Emmett's eyes to widen.

"Seriously?" Emmett asked as if he had misheard me.

"Yup." I replied, I really didn't know about the supernatural society that he spoke about but the rule was probably something about humans.

"We're gonna have to sit down and fill you in on everything later." Emmett said seriously before continuing.

"The rule I was speaking about was that a supernatural being should never tell humans about our existence." Emmett said.

"Yeah, I thought it would be something like that." I replied nonchalantly causing Emmett to sigh.

"I hope you didn't tell anyone other than Bella, she's fine since she's Edwards's mate but others aren't." Emmett said clearly hoping I didn't tell anyone else.

"Told my dad to." I replied with a smile knowing that once they were no longer regular humans there wouldn't be a problem.

"Dammit dude." Emmett said with a thoughtful expression on his face, the opposite of Emmett's usual expression.

"It's only a problem because they're regular humans, right?" I asked as we entered the cafeteria.

"Yeah?" Emmett replied questioningly.

"They won't be for much longer." I said as we closed in on the Cullen table.

"How so? Does your race allow you to turn people?" Emmett asked with interest.

"No, I can't do such a thing." I replied with a smile as we sat down at the empty table.

"Then how?" Emmett said with an odd expression on his face.

"I'm creating something that will make a human not so human." I said with a smile.

"I'm confused." Emmett said with his expression matching his words.

"Already? I'm just saying neither Bella nor Dad will be 'regular' humans in the future." I said with an amused smile.

"Hello." A sweet voice said from behind me as I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"Miss me?" I said to Alice with a smile although she wasn't in front of me.

"I did." Alice said as she let go of me before sitting on the seat beside me.

"Good afternoon Alice." Bella said as she took out her earbuds.

"Hello." Alice replied with a cute smile.

After Alice replied to Bella we began to speak and soon enough all of the Cullens were present at our table.

"I've got something to say." Emmett said getting everyone's attention.

"Tristan told Bella and his dad about himself." Emmett said causing everyone's eyes to widen except mine, Alice's, and Bella's.

"Did you really?" Rosalie said as she glared at me.

"Yup, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to do that." I replied.

"What? How do you not know that? It's the most basic rule." Rosalie said slowly growing angrier.

"Although I knew of the supernatural world I didn't know of the rules that came with it since I've never interacted with other races until now." I replied before continuing.

"And I assume that rule only applies to regular humans yes?" I asked the same question I did to Emmett.

"What are you trying to say Tristan?" Rosalie said still growing angrier.

"Neiter Bella nor my father will be regular humans for much longer and I don't mean from you or me turning them into something other than human." I said before continuing.

"Although you can do so if you want, I'm just saying that if they were to stay human they would be fine." I said causing a look of confusion to appear on most of the beings present at the table.

"So you're creating something and you think that'll make this fine? If other supernatural find out about this they'll hunt not only Bella and your dad but all of those connected, that means you and all of us, that is the basic rule of every faction. Humans should never know of our existence." Rosalie said clearly unhappy with my response.

"So the problem once again is that they are humans, right?" I asked causing Rosalie to grit her teeth.

"Yes." Rosalie said as her glare intensified.

I was about to speak again but Bella spoke and stopped that.

"So if I become a vampire it'll be fine?" Bella said causing everyone to nod, including Edward surprisingly enough.

'I didn't think she and Edward's relationship was so far ahead that he wouldn't mind turning her already, I suppose the mate bond does that instead of how it happened in the canon Twilight when she was Edward's bloodsinger.' I said to myself as Edward spoke up.

"Do you want to?" Edward asked with a clear expression of excitement, the mate bond really does make all the difference.

'Maybe he's this way because this is an AU.' I said to myself feeling it was viable.

"Yeah! That sounds cool as shit!" Bella said passionately like a child as she pumped her fist.

Bella and Edward began to speak about her becoming a vampire while Edward supported the decision saying it was better to do it sooner than later as she knew of the existence of the supernatural society now and it would be dangerous to wait. I also heard him tell her about their mate bond and how they were destined for each other while Bella listened with glee and pure happiness that seemed to be gushing from every orifice.

"It seems one of the problems will be solved soon." I said to Rosalie who snorted in response.

"She wasn't the main problem, Bella was gonna find out anyway since she's Edward's mate, your dad is the problem." Rosalie said with less anger than before.

"I'll handle him." I replied confidently, if my dad needed powers to be safe then he would have powers or anything else he needs.

"Whatever." Rosalie said as she rolled her eyes.

"So what're you making?" Clarissa asked me while Jasper watched curiously, he wanted to know as well.

"The best way to put it is that I'm making things that'll turn a human into a superhuman." I replied knowing that my answer was vague.

"Like a superhero or something?" Clarissa asked me curiously which drew everyone's attention but Edward, Bella, and Alice who was massaging my thigh as she watched my expression with a smile.

"I guess you could put it like that." I said with a shrug.

"That's pretty cool." Clarissa said causing the other listeners to nod.

The vampires present only had their one special gift and the regular abilities they gained when they became vampires so I suppose the thought of superpowers is quite cool to them.

"But how exactly are you making something like that and why should we trust that you can do that? I need to know since if you can't do what you've said you're putting everyone in danger because your dad knows something he shouldn't" Clarissa said seriously, Rosalie had her turn to speak so now it was hers.

"Well, I'll make it by using my brain and materials." I replied to her first question before moving on to the next.

"And regarding whether or not you can trust my ability to create things, I can't convince you of that, we haven't known each other for long enough for you to know what I can and can't do." I said answering her second question.

Hearing my words Clarissa's eyebrows furrowed as she stared intently at me checking for any and all signs of deception until finally she relaxed.

"Fine." Clarissa said before releasing a deep sigh.

It appeared that Rosalie and Clarissa had voiced the thoughts of all of the Cullens because none had anything more to say after Clarissa and with that we all went back to our own conversations until lunch came to an end.

"Can I stay with you tonight while you work in the lab?" Alice asked me while we walked down the hallway holding hands.

"Sure, you'll probably be bored though so I suggest brining something to keep you entertained." I said with a smile happy she would be together with me tonight since I was gonna pull an all nighter.

"Okay." Alice said with a smile before continuing.

"What do you think of Bella becoming a vampire? The way she and Edward were talking made it look like she would become one sooner than later." Alice asked me curiously.

"Good for her I suppose, I won't have to worry about creating anything to empower her if she chooses to become a vampire now although I'll probably still making something for her anyway." I said feeling that if I gained enough knowledge about Vampires and their bodies I could empower them.

"How paranoid." Alice said with a teasing smile.

"Caution little lady, not paranoia, and it's better to be prepared than not to be." I said with a smile before we came to a stop outside of Alice's classroom.

'I'm definitely paranoid.' I said to myself with a smile although I wouldn't admit it to Alice now, that would mean her tease was correct, Impossible! I never lose teasing matches!

"We'll talk about it later, for now gimme kisses." Alice said with a cute smile as she stood on her tippy toes before I put up an illusion and did just as she asked until she had to go.

"See you in class." Alice said as she left my arms.

"Yeah." I replied as I watched her enter her class before making my way to mine.

'By tomorrow morning I'll be able to begin my research.' I said to myself with a smile knowing that the moment I finished building the equipment was when everything really started, from that moment onward I would improve tremendously in every aspect, I was certain of it.

To be continued...