
ReLife In Fake Twilight

Keath Sunstone, an average and unremarkable man experiences a tragic death before being given the opportunity to be reborn as a Nephalem with a few wishes in a not so Twilight world. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight and Seven Deady Sins [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Warning: Strong mc --> Overpowered mc --> Super Overpowered mc Warning: Two love interests Update schedule: This Fan-Fiction is a side project for me so updates aren't stable. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


After finishing my job I quickly began to work out while my spectator watched in complete silence, like a predator stalking their prey. Spectator? You ask. Yes, currently I was doing calisthenics workouts with around 100x gravity with a pixie stalking me from high in a tree, cute right?

I wasn't surprised when I sensed her presence. I remembered that a little after Edward and Bella met in the canon Twilight the man snuck into the house and stalked her throughout the night.

Now, I did find that weird but if it were Alice who did it, I wouldn't mind much... I know that's weird but I can't help it. It lets me know that I'm not the only one who's extremely interested in the other.

Although I was conscious of Alice's presence while I was working out I was still in deep thought about my bloodline and the serums I wanted to create.

I wanted to make something like Captain America's SS Serum but the biggest obstacle was that I needed to create something with far more power than the SS Serum so that it would be strong enough to work on me. From what I know the SS Serum was able to boost Captain America to the max of what a human was capable of in every aspect so my goal wasn't to make an exact replica of the SS Serum, I wanted SN Serum, Super Nephalem Serum. Lame name I know that but I don't care.

Another problem was that the technology of 2005 wasn't capable of doing what I needed, so I would need to build my equipment myself which I wasn't very worried about I had the capabilities to do it myself.

Putting the SN Serum aside I began to think about the knowledge I acquired from Merlin besides the magical knowledge, alchemy. Merlin was extremely well-versed in alchemy and I who had inherited that knowledge have the potential to be great as well but, as much as I wish to jump into the field of Alchemy I can't.

Alchemy requires a lot of specific ingredients and materials, ingredients and materials this world doesn't have, so that alone is limiting my ability to train my alchemy skills, but it should be mentioned that I have thought of a few solutions to this although it won't be easy.

My first solution was to mutate the already existing materials and ingredients in the world with my magic and see what I could do with them and my second solution was to do the same as I'm doing with the things I need to create the SN Serum, I would build the equipment necessary to create new ingredients and materials from scratch but that's easier said than done.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

My breath was hitched and heavy due to my extensive workout but even so, I kept thinking of ways to improve myself and my most recent thought was how to finish the new technique I was in the process of making. The technique would allow me to split my thought process in two allowing me to think of multiple different things simultaneously, I kept it simple and named it mind split.

Why would I want this technique or bother to take the time to make it you ask? The reason is simple, with the mind split technique I would be able to double almost everything that involves my mind. I could think of solutions for my bloodline while also thinking about how to create the SN Serum at the same time, I would no longer need to divide my thoughts on varying things.

"Tristan! I ordered Chinese food, it'll be here in a sec!" Bella shouted from the back door of the house.

After doing my warm up job I returned to the house and started my workout in the backyard and now that I'd heard dinner would arrive soon I decided to end my daily workout session.

Not responding to the banshee who screamed from the door I made my way inside the house before heading up into my room for a cold shower, I decided to kill some time since the food wouldn't arrive for a bit instead of using magic to clean myself.

"Foods here!" The banshee screamed from downstairs after I got out of the shower.

'Seems she left.' I said inwardly noticing Alice's presence was no longer here.

Slightly disappointed Alice wasn't here anymore I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen after throwing on some house clothes.

"Nice." I said as I started piling a bunch of Chinese food on my plate.

"Watcha watchin'?" I asked Bella after sitting down on the couch.

"Kill Bill." Bella replied before taking another bite of food.

I didn't respond and instead opted for devouring my food and watching the movie instead.

Eventually I finished eating dinner after getting a couple of servings, and although I could have gone back up to my room I decided to stay in the living room and watch the movie as I waited for the things I ordered to arrive.

As a model for one of the biggest modeling agencies, I made a lot of money and I usually save that money now that I live with my dad away from the city I've decided to spend the money on materials, materials I would use to build the equipment I needed as well as my own research lab a quarter mile behind the house which would place it inside of the forest.

Now, how could a regular son convince his father to let him build a lab behind the house? Well, I didn't say it was a lab, I said it would be my personal area for anything and everything I want, and my father being the nice and gentle man he is agreed easily wanting to make me happy. Another reason why I won't let him die, he doesn't deserve to be left alone and die alone.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The sound of someone knocking on the front door was heard in the living room and since I already knew it was for me I got up from the couch and opened the door.

"Hello." I said after opening the door.

"Order for Tristan Swan." The man said.

"That's me." I said.

"Please sign here." The man said as he held a clipboard with a pen attached to it out to me.

Taking the clipboard I look over the paper quickly before signing my name and giving the clipboard back to the man.

"Thank you, where would you like us to put your... stuff?" The man said not knowing whether to call it a package or not.

"Drive the truck around the side of the house and set everything there please." I said to the man.

"Sure thing." The man replied before turning around and shouting.

"Around back!" The man said as he began to lead the truck with all of my materials to the back of the house.

"Do you really need that much shit?" Bella asked as she looked at the truck.

"I do young lady, I do." I replied with a smile.

"Whatever, I'm not pausing the movie for you." Bella said as she went back into the living room.

Not caring what Bella said I make my way through the house and exit through the back door. Upon exiting the house I stand on the back porch and look at the workers who are dumping a bunch of materials on the ground. Everything you would need to build a secure house was there and after that, everything you would need to build equipment of every variety was there.

I stood patiently waiting for the workers to finish unloading the materials until one hour passed.

"Alrighty, that's everything." The man I spoke to earlier said as he tipped his hat and got into his truck.

"Thanks." I said to the worker.

"No problem." The man said as he began to drive away with the other workers.

With the workers gone, I was now left alone with the materials and my mind.

"Let's go see where we'll build the lab." I said aloud before walking into the forest.

I wasn't looking for anything special, I just wanted to find a good spot just far enough from the house for everything I do to escape the human ear. Also, I didn't want to be far enough in the forest for the wolves to bother me, I wasn't sure if I was on the wolves' territory or the vampires but I don't mind the vampires because I'll be talking with them a lot but the same couldn't be said for the wolves.

'I wonder what the tribe's wolf DNA looks like, perhaps I could gain something from them.' I said inwardly as I continued looking around the forest.

'Vampire venom could be useful as well, I don't plan on becoming a vampire but if I could extract some of their traits I would be happy.' I said to myself knowing that vampires had some benefits that I wouldn't mind taking for myself.

'If there are vampires and wolves in this world wouldn't it make sense for there to be other supernatural things as well?' I asked myself thinking that it made sense.

"This'll work." I said after finding a suitable spot to build my lab.

I was far enough that a human couldn't see or hear anything from my house so after confirming that this would be the spot where I would build my lab I got to work. Now I wasn't doing this step by step with my hands I was planning to use magic but if I were to do it too fast Dad and Bella would be suspicious so, I decided to create a simple illusion of the materials and me working at a human's pace.

When Dad or Bella looked out back they would see me bringing the materials into the forest but in reality, the materials were no longer there and the lab had already been built.

For the next hour or so I cleared the surroundings and and built up the lab with the materials I had until finally the lab was completely built but I wasn't finished just yet. With the lab itself finished I began to make a stone path from the lab to the house while clearing out all trees that blocked my way.

"Nice." I said happy with my progress, building the lab could have been faster but I made sure to cover everything so the building was as stable as could be plus I hooked up all of my accessories, like electricity, plumbing, and the like.

At the moment I was invisible floating high in the sky while looking down at my house and lab. From the house, I could see the curved trail that led all the way to my lab and it looked pretty cool so I was satisfied. Although it was cool I knew that I would have to expand my lab later on when I needed to do more advanced stuff.

"Now I need to build the equipment." I said knowing it would be more difficult than building the lab itself. The lab was literally just an extremely safe and controlled one-story building for now but the equipment I needed to build was far more intricate and would require more than one hour to create.

"Let's leave it at that for now, I'll get into the equipment tomorrow." I said still in the air before dropping down onto the back porch and entering the house.

Upon entering the house I saw that nobody was in the living room so I made my way to my room before jumping onto my bed and falling into deep thought.

Zing! Zing!

My phone released a sound letting me know that someone texted me and as soon as it happened I thought of Alice's words earlier and a few moments after grabbing my phone I saw that Alice had indeed texted me.

(a/n: texts will look like those shown below)

From: Alice

Hey Tristan, whatcha doin'? (Alice)

Nothing much, just got done with my first day of building something behind my house (Me)

Oh yeah? What are you building? (Alice)

Something like a small house where I can have more freedom to do what I want (Me)

Ah, I see, that's pretty cool. Is it one of those budget houses I've been seeing recently? (Alice)

Well it is a house but definitely not on a budget (Me)

How much could it be? 10k? (Alice)

Nope (Me)

15k? (Alice)

Nope (Me)

20k? (Alice)

Haha, wrong again

30k (Alice)

Up (Me)

50k? (Alice)

Up (Me)

60k? (Alice)

Up again (Me)

Okay okay, how much did you really spend? (Alice)

I was enjoying my talk with Alice so much so that I was grinning like a child on Christmas and because of this I wasn't really thinking clearly about what I was saying, I was just typing truthfully and that's the reason for what happened next.

5M (Me)

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello?" I said after answering the phone call innocently.

"You spent 5 million?!?!" Alice's voice shouted from my phone.

'Shit.' I said knowing I might've blown my cover acidentally, models made a lot of money sure, but they don't just pull 5 million out of their asses on the daily.

In truth, my money came from more than just modeling. I was a hacker, I hacked into the pockets of the wealthy and stole their money. My motto was to take a little from a lot, so I borrowed the money of the ridiculously wealthy and there we go, I'm a millionaire.

My modeling career gave me a lot of money but it was also the front I used in case I spent a huge amount of money. If my Dad asked where did you get the money for that I only need to say it was from my job and everything would be fine, he knew I was paid a lot. Modeling was a great career to use as an alibi for the stupid amount of money I would be spending from now on, I only hope that Bella and Dad don't ask much about it, I don't like lying to them.

"Yeah...hehe" I replied to Alice while laughing awkwardly.

"What the heck! That's a lot of money Tristan!" Alice shouted through the phone again.

It was important to note that although Alice was shouting it was from shock, she wasn't reprimanding me for my choices with my money, she knew it was my money to spend how I wanted.

"..." Alice went silent after that and I wasn't sure how to continue the conversation.

"Sorry, I didn't expect that number..." Alice said breaking her silence.

"It's fine, I know it's a lot." I replied as a smile formed on my face, I loved hearing her voice.

'Calm down buddy, you're too deep in!' I shouted inwardly at myself.

"Yeah, it is, but did you really spend that much on a small building? You could buy a mansion with that much money." Alice said curiously.

"Yeah, I'm pretty thorough with this type of thing." I replied.

"I can tell, handsome." Alice said with a teasing tone through the phone.

'Good lord, I just got the infamous butterflies in the stomach...' I said inwardly after Alice called me handsome.

"You think I'm handsome?" I asked a stupid question because of the weird excitement I was feeling due to her compliment.

"Alice time to hunt." I heard someone say from the other side of the phone.

"Hehe, looks like I have to go, Tristan bye bye!" Alice said and although I couldn't see her I knew she was smiling.

"Bye." I replied before hanging up.

'I wish I had some experience with this sort of thing in my first life now...' I said inwardly wishing I wasn't so inexperienced when it came to emotions that involved the opposite sex.

"*Sigh* Let's just do some more training before going to sleep." I said aloud before sitting up on my bed and closing my eyes in preparation to train my magical abilities.

To be continued...