
ReLife In Fake Twilight

Keath Sunstone, an average and unremarkable man experiences a tragic death before being given the opportunity to be reborn as a Nephalem with a few wishes in a not so Twilight world. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight and Seven Deady Sins [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Warning: Strong mc --> Overpowered mc --> Super Overpowered mc Warning: Two love interests Update schedule: This Fan-Fiction is a side project for me so updates aren't stable. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Author note: this chapter could make literally zero sense when it comes to the medical stuff... I tried dammit!


School went as usual, unlike yesterday I didn't have any intense conversation at lunch so there wasn't anything to take note of. From my first period to my third, I passed the time by studying biology, and fourth period I played basketball with Emmett. Lunch was spent with Alice as we spoke of random stuff and the rest of the school day was spent either talking with Bella in class or Alice, and after all that I could now be seen walking into the lab after stealing some stuff from the local pharmacy and convenience stores.

Upon entering the lab I couldn't help but smile widely, I had been like an excited child all day, I couldn't wait to get home and begin working.

NZT-48 is a nootropic drug and what is a nootropic? a nootropic is a drug, supplement, or other substance that improves cognitive function, it ranges from the most simple stimulant, coffee to a doctor prescribed stimulant, Adderall, and much more. This was where I would begin my journey to create NZT-48, I needed to understand every intricacy of nootropic drugs.

I started with the most accessible over the counter nootropics and moved up from there. I began to study nootropics, what made them work, how much of each ingredient was required to gain the intended effect as well as the ratio.

"This should be similar to extremely overpowered Adderall." I said as I examined the small blue pill in my hand, I stole a bunch of medicine from the pharmacy and convenience stores after I got out of school so I had plenty of evidence to base my own on.

It was important to note that I was already extremely well versed in the medical field so I knew of all the medications I had, so at this point, I was doing experiments with the drugs that give cognitive boosts/stimulants. ADHD medication was were I was mostly focused on, there was Zenzedi, Adderall, Focalin, Methylin, Ritalin, Vyvanse and much more so I had plenty of things to experiment on.

"I've taken the components of Adderall and made them into a longer lasting form like Vyvance as well as making it far stronger..." I said as I thought about what I did with the ADHD medication.

Some would consider what I've done impressive but I didn't, my goal wasn't to create simple ADHD medication after all.

"Let's give it a shot." I said before tossing the pill into my mouth and gulping it down.

Now, any smart person knows to never use untested products on yourself and I would also follow that rule if I wasn't immortal. Even if I tested things on myself I wouldn't die from it, I would feel intense pain at most but death wouldn't occur. Unfortunately, although my physical body had type 1 and 3 immortality the same couldn't be said for anything that regarded my soul, if someone destroyed my soul I would die and with Emmett telling me about the existence of Gods the chance of them having weapons that destroy souls is very high.

'Not nearly enough, it gives me the same feeling that a soda with caffeine gave me in my first life, nothing.' I said to myself as I felt the immediate effect of the pill I had taken a few moments ago, it was far too weak to give me the same feeling as it did a human who had taken around 40mg of Adderall.

"This should be enough to make an elephant lose its shit for a few days before coming down from the effects of the pill." I said as I noted down that I would try the dose required for 100 elephants next, enough to cause any non-supernatural being on earth to overdose.

Diving back into the mindless creation of NZT-48 I worked for hours creating things that every medical expert would gawk at but nothing was what I was looking for.

"If a police officer saw what I was cookin' up in here..." I said with a smile as I looked at the extremely illegal drugs I was making, the kind of stuff that would kill you take 1mg too much, the stuff I wanted to test with.

I chuckled slightly as I thought about my father being a police officer before returning my attention back to my work.

Hours passed as I worked until finally, I came to a point where I could pause again.

'This is better than the stuff I made before.' I said to myself as I looked at the white powder in front of me.

After I tested the supercharged ADHD medication I started working on the more illegal drugs and after working for a bit I was able to create something that shouldn't get you high and is strong enough to accelerate the neurotransmitters and hormones within the brain effectively boosting mental prowess.

Although I used a lot of the more killer drugs to create this I used Modafinil as the base. Modafinil is a medication used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or shift work sleep disorder. The reason I used this as the base was for the 'waking up' effect it gives, one of the effects of NTZ-48 was having the feeling of waking up and understanding far more than before.

Now although this powder will provide a boost it's not comparable to NZT-48 and the reason for that is simple. What I created was missing key components when compared to NZT-48 and although this powder provided a boost, it didn't unlock the full potential of the brain which was the most important factor of NZT-48.

"Movin' on." I said aloud as I stored the powder away, I didn't want to test it on myself although I knew I had eliminated the bad properties.

Vyvamind was the next place of study. This stuff is an over the counter nootropic you can get at most convenient stores and although it's pretty effective on humans that obviously doesn't apply to me so the first thing I wanted to do with it was increase its potency while tweaking a few of its key components, I wanted it to last longer than its regular 6-hour duration.

Once again I dived into my work but this time I didn't stop for a long time, I created new stuff and I was making progress toward my end goal, the creation of NTZ-48 and I felt like I was doing pretty good, at the rate I was going it would take me at least one month and at max two months to create the better version of NTZ-48 but I didn't want to get overconfident and skip over things so I would take my time even if it took me longer.

As mentioned before NZT-48 had its disadvantages and I needed to eliminate those problems before I could say that I had completed the Limitless pill.

'It was Edward Morra I believe.' I said to myself as I thought of the man who created the booster shot in Limitless.

The booster shot was the thing that eliminated the negatives of NZT-48 but only doing so for 6 months at most.

"Tristan? You in there?" I heard my dad's voice as someone knocked at the lab door.

"Yeah, hold on." I replied as I flew toward the lab door, I didn't want him coming in here with all the stuff going on inside.

"I'm sure your sister told you that I was gonna have a talk with you right?" Dad said after I stepped out of the lab.

"Yeah, she did." I replied.

"I won't grill you on whatever you were doing but I feel the need to set a few rules so that neither me nor your sister are uncomfortable while you... do what you do in there." Dad said a bit awkwardly at the end.

"First, I want to meet the girl who you're dating. Two, no sex while me or your sister are home, it's your room so I'll allow you to do as you want in there but just not with me or your sister home. And lastly, congratulations son, I'm happy you've found someone you like." Dad said seriously but relaxed with a smile at the end.

"Thanks Dad, and I won't do anything with you guys home." I replied with a smile.

"Good, with that said and done, Bella mentioned something about a society but I was in a rush so I couldn't hear much of what she said." Dad said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Yeah, I needed to talk to you about that." I said before telling him most of the stuff I had learned as he listened silently.

"I see, that's pretty serious." Dad replied after I finished explaining everything.

"it is, but keep in mind I'm making something for you so you won't be a regular human in a few months." I said with a smile.

"I know but I can't help to be nervous about that and everything else." Dad said as he released a sigh, he was a regular human who had knowledge of something he shouldn't have.

"It'll be fine dad, I'll take care of everything." I said trying to ease his nerves.

"As your father, I should be the one handling this son, but here I am, helpless." Dad said with a frustrated expression on his face, I could tell he felt helpless even though he didn't know the strength of supernatural beings he knew they were stronger than him.

"You won't be helpless for long dad, just because I'm handling things now doesn't mean it'll always be that way." I said trying to boost his mood.

"Yeah..." Dad replied not fully convinced by my words.

"What do you think of becoming a vampire dad?" I asked curiously trying to change the topic, I didn't want him thinking about his helplessness right now, I knew the feeling all to well and it sucks.

"I'm not sure about that son, it's never been something I've thought about so I can't say for certain I want to do that right now." Dad said voicing his opinion on becoming a vampire.

"I can understand that and I won't push you to become one if you don't want to but I will tell you a few things that you should think about while making the choice." I said before continuing.

"First, vampires are way stronger than any human so you'll gain considerable strength and if I get the serum to you before turning you into a vampire then I'm sure you'd become one of the greatest vampires in the world. Two, if you become a vampire, the likelihood of you finding your mate is very high." I said hoping that if the first thing didn't sway his decision the second would.

"Mate?" Dad questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"A mate is your soulmate, the person you were meant to be with since birth." I said knowing that my lonely father would be far better off with a mate.

Hearing my words Dad's eyebrows raised in surprise before speaking up again.

"That sort of thing actually exists?" Dad asked oddly.

"Yes, it does." I replied with a smile before continuing.

"The girl I had over was my mate and the guy Bella is talking to is her mate." I replied knowing I had snitched on Bella.

"I see..." Dad replied with a thoughtful expression as he looked at the ground before his head shot up at me.

"Bella's mate? What're you talking about?" Dad asked with a menacing glint in his eye.

'Hehe' I chuckled inwardly knowing Bella was in for a rough time, she wouldn't laugh at my misfortune again.

"She didn't tell you?" I asked feigning curiously, of course she didn't tell him.

"No, she didn't, so you do it." Dad replied as he scowled, someone was trying to take his baby girl away, how could he allow such a thing?

"Her mate is Edward Cullen, one of Dr. Cullen's adopted children and my mate is Alice Cullen another one of his adopted children." I said to Dad who was thinking of how he was gonna handle this.

"Edward Cullen..." Dad said as he tried to remember if he had ever met Edward.

"You already said the Cullens weren't actually related so their ages aren't as they should be." Dad said as he thought of the information I had told him today.

"Wait, how old is he?" Dad asked a very important question.

"104 years old." I replied causing Dad's eyes to pop out.

"He's a child predator!" Dad shouted as he began running back to the house, he didn't ask Alice's age but I'm certain he would later, Bella would obviously bring it up while she tried to defend Edward.

"Do you think I'm a predator?" Alice said as she jumped from a tree, she had been here since the beginning and the only reason she wasn't here throughout the night was because she and the rest of the Cullens had gone hunting.

"I don't." I replied with a smile as I took the pouting Alice into my arms, Dads words had affected her.

"But..." Alice said as she buried her face in my chest.

"No buts, our ages don't really matter, we're both immortal beings Alice." I said with a smile as I looked down at the still pouting vampire.

"..." Alice offered no response immediately and instead tightened her grip around me before speaking.

"Mhm, since we're both immortal that means you'll never ever be able to leave me." Alice said before giggling adorably as she looked at me with a crazed expression.

"Indeed, and you'll never be able to leave me either." I replied as I matched her crazed expression, she wouldn't ever escape my grasp.

'Guess I'll continue my research later.' I said to myself after holding Alice for a few minutes as I looked at the sun that had already come up a while ago.

To be continued...