
King's order

"My mother told me that in life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream, and an unforgettable love she was right"

During the rule period of king Friedrich a fifth king of Nolloth kingdom. King Friedrich has a one son who is gonna be a next king after him, King Friedrich want his son to become a great wise king so he decided to find how wise he is by seeing how he can solve people's needs and problems.

Mr. Roman is a governor of Gulhas religion which is part of Nolloth kingdom. Mr Roman has two daughters and he Cherish them so much . Mr Roman received king's order that a crown prince gonna be at Gulhas City and he will be living at his place for a while under his title so he should observe his wiseness and Mr Roman is waiting for him .

At a certain forest there is a certain horse coming from far in a fast speed like he is chased by something. But there is someone up that horse

"faster!.... faster"said the one who is riding that horse trying to make the horse increasing his speed

Behind him there is another group of people who are riding horses like him coming his way,they cross many ways even in water but still chasing him without attacking him. After a while both reach a certain destination and all come down from their horses and someone follow him"you were the second one"said the person who followed him

"what!! who is a first one?!"he asked in a curious way


"him again!"

"Someone from palace come and he was looking for you"

"I think it's a time my father wants me to go at Gulhas city and am gonna stay there about three months"

"Annika to tell you the truth am pregnant!"

"what! since when, where,why no!no! sister this joke is not funny!"

"yes am not lying I have been sick in this three days because of it you know what am scared please don't let this reach to father?!"

"sister since when you have been hiding this secret alone?"

"it's have two months and a father of my child...I don't know where he is!"

"sister what you gonna do?"

"Am gonna have this baby no matter what"

These are two daughters of mr Roman and the older sister is pregnant but Mr Roman doesn't know about it.

Here is another family of Mr Adrian,are living in capital where palace is. Mr Adrian is a royal noble man ,he has a one lovely daughter.Mr Adrian wants his daughter to be married to a crown prince and he already talked to a king and a king agreed to it.

Today Mr Adrian telling her daughter about this marriage

"father why didn't you tell me about this why you didn't ask me first?"

"That's why am telling you now so you should know and be prepared about it why complaining about this?"

"it's because I don't want to be married to him I don't want him I have never wished to be a princess...so please father go and talk to a king"

"you shameless girl how could you... don't you want to get married to a prince? every girl in this town wish that so what's wrong with you?"

"It's not like that it's just I..I have someone in my heart who am gonna marry to"

"what? what are you talking about? someone?!"

"yes I like him and he like me too tomorrow am going to bring him here so you could see him"

Crown prince is reaching at palace and found out his things are packed by maids

"(thinking in his own)is my father wish that much for me to go there?!"

"You're highness everything is ready time to go"

Crown prince takes only his important things which is only a sword

"Return all those damn luggage back!"

then his journey begins.

While two sisters are talking suddenly someone come inside their room

"Annika are you alright right now?"

" you should have knocked first father what if..."Ericka complained

"Alright... alright...I just wanted to know how she is doing right now besides she refused to be tasted by a doctor so am worrying about her"

"am alright father don't worry too much am doing fine"

"Today there is a guest coming is going to stay with us for a while and is going to be in charge of my title for a while so make sure you're being nice especially you.... Ericka"

"what's with me? what's wrong with me?how many days she gonna stay?is a girl?a boy?"

"stop asking so much make sure maids prepare a room for a guest make sure nothing gonna wrong"

After a few hours every thing is ready now are waiting for that guest. crown prince didn't come with many guards only his servant who is like his Friend. They reach Gulhas city and mr Roman arrive a place where he will escort a crown prince up to his place

"hello your highness am governor Roman of Gulhas City and am here under King's order to take you where you should be!.. please follow me"

They start following him till they meet a certain building"This is where many cases are solved in this city in king's order your going to be in charge of all this things for about three months"

"Am I going to be sleeping here!? am hungry and tired too I need to take a shower please let me rest for this first day"

"Then this guards will lead you home I have something I must take care of then I will be back"

Ericka is at home with Annika

"no don't do that leave it to me" shouted Ericka

"Ericka what's wrong with you? be as usual like you used to be do you want.. you make me feel uncomfortable"

while they are talking outside their house someone reach by with a horse then a servant goes to open a door

"who is he?"asked Ericka

"I guess is a guest whose father was talking about"

"Am so pissed about him even before.."

"Ericka stop that!"