
Relentless Dreamer

This story will take you on a trip a guy who is just so done with life and yet keeps getting hit with more till he's at his lowest. never be able to have a peaceful rest in his life or what is left of it see how he takes in this new world he finds himself in!

Sammie_lazyy · Fantasy
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I just wanted to sleep!!

The first time I was transported to this world I was absolutely lose my mind mainly because I was confused because well I wasn't in my cozy bed but soon I learn that, that was the least of my worries.

especially when I had encountered my first monster it was truly terrible it was a red horn demon lizard. (well I didn't know that at first of course)

It was staring straight at me with its red glowing eyes as though it was going to eat in a second and well it would have if this beauty and strong warrior didn't come.

She told me to run and after taking in what the hell was happening I ran as fast as possible to a tree after catching my breath I took a quick glanced behind me only to see her in the mouth of the beast.

Her eyes draining as her soul left her body till she looked like a lifeless corpse, I was shaking to my very core the first person that I had barely got to meet alright dead because she tried to save me I felt useless and in raged that I didn't do anything not I really could..

still tho as these thoughts had over filled my mind I suddenly felt something fall on to my head from the tree branch above my head it was a snake!!! however before I could freakout it spoke in a low girl voice a familiar one in fact.. it was her voice, regardless she spoke say that she was called system and she would guide me unless I want to suffer the same fate that she did glancing at her former body or what was left of her anyway after the red horn demon lizard had had it's fill of her.

I had understood want she meet and continue to listen she instructed me to go and retrieve what was left of her gear and money next showing me the basics of this world, the stats and level of me and my new gear after that we started to build shelter mainly because I didn't know how long I would be there for and I wouldn't find out soon..