
Relaxing in DxD

Just some guy who reincarnated in DxD with limited knowledge with a sacred gear that lets him summon characters from the gacha games he owned in his old life.

Byakkan_Byakkan · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation had finally started, and with it, we were busier than ever. I was happy with it. More customers meant more money.

But what had me really excited about summer was it was swimsuit weather. We already had plans on going swimsuit shopping before going to the beach. In fact, we had a mini vacation planned. We rented a lodge on a private beach in Okinawa for a couple weeks.

One sunny afternoon, after closing up early for the day, I gathered Gavial and Yae for our long-awaited swimsuit shopping adventure. We hopped into the car we got a few days ago and went to the mall. I'm pretty sure I was the one most excited about this trip. Even in my past life, I loved shopping.

As we strolled through the mall, we stopped bt at several stores. I expected Yae to love shopping, but so did Gavial. Yae was defiantly the most fashionable of the three of us. I was one of those people who didn't care what I looked like and just wore what I found interesting or comfortable, and Gavial dressed like those bad girls from Korean webtoons.

After several hours of shopping and a lunch break, we made our way to the last stop. Swimwear.

My eyes have never been so blessed.

Gavial emerged from the racks, holding up a black one-piece swimsuit with cutouts and a high neckline. "Check this out!" It was the exact same swimsuit from the event in Arknights. It was literally made for her.

While Gavial went to the dressing room to try it on, I heard Yae giggling in the changing room next to hers.

They both came out at the same time and goddamn, did they look glorious. I should definitely have them try out as models.

I was expecting Yae to go for something more refine and elegant. Safe to say, I was pleasantly surprised to see her in a revealing red and white one-piece.

I was so captivated by them that my brain overheated. It took me a minute to recover and finally form my words. "Wow, both of you look absolutely amazing! I'm so glad we did this."

Gavial grinned, giving a playful twirl. "Of course we do!"

Yae chuckled softly. "I'm happy you approve."

With our swimsuit shopping successfully completed, we eagerly awaited the trip. We still had a couple days before our flight, which we used to work. With news of us closing for a couple weeks, we got a lot more business, with people wanting one last taste of our food until we got back.


The day of our trip finally arrived, and excitement filled the air. Gavial was in an especially good mood. She loved the beach. If it was up to her, we would have a beachside restaurant. Once I have the money, I'll take them on to Bora Bora.

Maybe somewhere like Sri Lanka or Costa Rica would be better. They should be similar to Gavial's homeland. But I don't think Yae would like it that much, as she is a bit obsessive about her fur.

One short plane ride over, and we had finally arrived. As soon as we touched down, the warm ocean breeze welcomed us. Getting into the car we rented in advance, we drove to the lodge.

The lodge we rented was perfect. It was nestled among palm trees, just a few steps away from the private beach. It was picturesque, with its crystal clear blue waters stretching as far as the eye could see.

Gavial wasted no time in sprinting towards the water and diving in. She emerged from the waves laughing and had a contagious smile on her face. Yae and I exchanged glances before I dropped my bags and followed suit. Yae just sighed but followed soon after.

We spent the afternoon frolicking in the water, splashing and swimming to our heart's content. The fridge in the lodge was fully stocked, and so was the bar. Shrimp cocktails with crackers and Piña coladas were the perfect beach snacks.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the beach, we decided to relax and have a barbeque on the beach for dinner.

Gavial. who was lying on a chair, stretched out her limbs and let out a sigh."I could get used to this. Hey! Orochi, pass me a beer."

Yae nodded in agreement. "It's beautiful here. So peaceful and serene."

I gazed at the horizon, feeling a sense of tranquillity wash over me. "I'm glad we took this trip. It's a much-needed break from our busy lives. Life is bound to get more hectic soon."

The night view was even better. The sky was filled with stars and vibrant colours. We put out the bonfire and lay on the sand, gazing at the vast expanse above us.

Gavial pointed up at a particularly bright star. "Look, that one's so shiny!"

Yae joined in, her voice filled with wonder. "It's amazing how many stars we can see here, away from the city lights."

We stayed on the beach a bit longer, talking, laughing, and even a few ghost stories. It felt as if time had slowed down just for us.

Eventually, we went inside, tired but content. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the gentle ocean breeze was one of my favourite things about the beach.

The days that followed were fun. We explored the nearby areas, indulged in local cuisine, built sand castles, had water fights, and even went Scuba diving. It was a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement.

In the evenings, we would gather around a bonfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing heartfelt conversations. We all agreed to do this again in the future.

As the sun rose on another beautiful day in Okinawa, I planned a special outing for just me and Gavial. After breakfast, I approached her. "Hey, Gavial. How about we have a little adventure today, just the two of us?"

"Oh? What kind of adventure are we talking about?"

I grinned, feeling a surge of excitement. "Well, yesterday at lunch, one of the locals told me about a nearby hiking trail that leads to a hidden waterfall. Apparently, only the locals know about it, but they liked us. I thought it would be fun to explore it together."

Her eyes widened with anticipation. "That sounds awesome! Let's do it!"

I had everything ready in advance. Water bottles, snacks, and a small backpack filled with supplies. As we walked along the trail, the sounds of nature surrounded us. Birds chirped, leaves rustled, and the gentle breeze whispered through the trees.

The deeper into the jungle, the more the path became rough and challenging. We had to climb over rocks and cross small streams. Soon enough, we could hear the sound of falling water.

Finally, we arrived at the waterfall. It was breathtaking. The cascading water sparkled under the sunlight. The pool the water fell into was even more clear than the ocean. Gavial and I stood there in awe.

Without hesitation, Gavial kicked off her shoes and jumped into the water. Without missing a beat, I did the same.

As we swam closer to the waterfall, I noticed a small ledge behind the cascading water. It seemed like a secret spot hidden from view. Curiosity got the better of me, and I motioned for Gavial to follow.

We carefully made our way behind the waterfall, and to our surprise, there was a small cave. We didn't spend much time there but decided we should put our stuff there, and when we did take a break, it would be there.

Instead, we continued to climb the waterfall up until the top, where there was a rock pool. The view from the top was amazing, but we were there for the view. We were there to jump.

"Ready for a jump?" I asked, a mischievous grin on my face.

Gavial nodded. "Hell yeah! Let's do this!"


"That was amazing!" Gavial exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Haha! I told you it would be worth it! Let's go again."

After we had our fill of jumping, we went back to the hidden cave to take a break and eat something.

"Man, the hike was totally worth it!" Gavial said between mouthfuls.

I nodded in agreement, savouring the taste of the sandwich. Damn, I'm good at cooking.

As we sat there, enjoying our food and the sounds of the crashing water, Gavial suddenly moved to sit next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. She let out a contented sigh.

"Oi, Orochi, thanks for bringing me here."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it."

We spent a few more moments in silence, simply taking in the surroundings. The sound of the waterfall echoed softly, creating a soothing melody.

Eventually, we finished our snacks and went for another sip. We swam and played in the crystal-clear water, enjoying each other's company. Gavial's energy was infectious. Whenever she laughed, I couldn't help but smile. I really did love spending time with her.

After some time, we decided to head back to the lodge. The hike back was a lot easier. As we walked back, Gavial turned to me with a grin. "Thanks again, Orochi."

"I had fun too. It was an amazing day, and I'm happy we could spend time alone together."

Back at the lodge, after a much-needed shower, we joined Yae for dinner. She didn't cook often, but she was good at cooking. Before calling it a night, we all took a nice stroll on the beach.