
Rekishi: Beyond the Timestream

“The World of Paragonia” Where the blending of magic and technology converges, a realm of wonder and discovery awaits. A world where Gifted figures from earth have visited and influenced, infusing it with their knowledge and expertise, which has had a lasting impact. Some have left behind a fleeting legacy, while others have reshaped the world forever. In the present day, a century has elapsed since the last summoning took place. an event that has faded into the mists of time. But over 2000 years ago, a celebrated polymath from a far-off land was summoned for the first time to restore equilibrium to the realm. This extraordinary individual, called upon by the forces of nature, was able to recreate the portal that brought him to the world despite coming into the world in his old age. Before his passing, he imparted the wisdom: "When the world is lost and would have an adversity once more, summon someone like me again through this portal.” That’s how the tales of Paragonia begun!

JusJules · History
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17 Chs

Secrets of the Vitruvian

Then the story began to unfold by–

Kōkōshi Reiji, a Japanese 17-year-old high school student, stands at 5'7" (170 cm) with a lean and slender build, dark brown hair, and Geek chic look. A typical teenager who spends more time buried in books than in the gym. 

This young boy is consumed by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, devouring the collective intellect of history's greatest minds like Leonardo da Vinci. He was Inspired by his late father's legacy and fueled by a desire to honor his memory. Reiji's appetite for knowledge hints at a greater destiny, a hunger that will soon propel him beyond the world he knew.

At home, Reiji sat in his father's study, surrounded by dusty books and fading memories. Enveloped by the past, he reflected on the tragic loss of his father, Dr. Kōkōshi Kenji, a renowned archaeologist who had met his fate in Amboise, France, six years ago. With his mother having passed away during his birth, Reiji was left with only fragmented memories of his father's tales and a legacy that lingered on.

Reiji's gaze drifted blankly across the shelves, until a sudden spark of insight ignited in his mind. A long-forgotten memory resurfaced, and he recalled one of Da Vinci's most famous works, hidden away in his father's room for years. This was the last historical piece his father had uncovered in Amboise, France, sent back to their home in Japan before his passing. The item was a modified Vitruvian Man diagram, a testament to his father's unwavering passion for art and history. The memory of his father's enthusiastic explanations of Da Vinci's works echoed vividly in his thoughts, transporting him back in time.

Dr. Kōkōshi's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he exclaimed to his son, '"Hey there, kiddo! Remember how we've been delving into the captivating realm of art and science? Well, let me introduce you to the epitome of the Renaissance discovery - Leonardo da Vinci! This visionary excelled in multiple fields, seamlessly blending art and science as a painter, sculptor, inventor, engineer, and scientist. His groundbreaking work continues to inspire and astonish people to this day!'"

Young Reiji's eyes grew wide with wonder as he exclaimed, "Wow, that's incredible! It's like he was a real-life superhero! I can't believe one person could be so talented and accomplished in so many areas. It's as if he had a genius-level superpower or something!"

Dr. Kōkōshi chuckled and replied, "Ha! Indeed, he was a true Renaissance man! His iconic paintings, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, masterfully captured the subtleties of human emotions. As a visionary inventor, he conceptualized flying machines, armored vehicles, and submarines, centuries ahead of his time. His work epitomized the perfect blend of art and science!"

Reiji's curiosity was piqued, and he asked, "Whoa, that's so cool! Did he actually build those inventions?"

Dr. Kōkōshi replied, "Well, some of his designs were constructed during his lifetime, but many remained ideas and sketches. In addition to all that, he even conducted meticulous studies of anatomy, creating detailed drawings of the human body to understand its inner workings."

Reiji's curiosity was insatiable, and he asked, "That's incredible! What else did he do?"

Dr. Kōkōshi continued, "Oh, he was also a skilled musician, a talented poet, and a brilliant mathematician and geometer. He's an inspiration to anyone who loves learning and exploring new things!"

Reiji exclaimed enthusiastically, 'I want to be just like Leonardo da Vinci when I grow up!"

Dr. Kōkōshi beamed with a warm smile and said, "That's the spirit, Reiji! Never stop exploring, creating, and learning. The possibilities are endless, and you never know what incredible achievements await you!"

Reiji's eyes widened as he suddenly remembered how his thirst for knowledge started. He quickly jumped up from his seat and frantically searched the room for the diagram, opening every drawer and scouring every shelf. He even flipped through the pages of almost every book, his desperation growing. But then, a look of realization crossed his face as he remembered - he was the one who had hidden the diagram himself.

Reiji's search finally ended, a hidden compartment beneath the center table, he retrieved a beautifully crafted glass-topped box. With trembling hands, he lifted the lid and found the modified Vitruvian Man Diagram inside, its intricate details and symbolism gleaming in the light.

A glimmer of excitement shone in Reiji's eyes as he whispered, "Everything is still intact." He became completely absorbed in the diagram, studying it for hours without even noticing the passage of time. As he pored over the intricate symbols and geometric patterns, his heart raced with excitement. The modified diagram, with its subtle changes and his newfound understanding, made his father's stories feel suddenly tangible and pressing. Reiji's fascination with Da Vinci's works was reignited, and a new sense of purpose ignited within him, filling him with determination and drive.

Part 1. "The Mysterious Transfer"

Reiji is intensely but carefully studying the modified Vitruvian Man diagram, left by his father. His eyes scanned the yellowed parchment, his mind racing with possibilities.

The discomfort and stiffness he felt in the back, neck, and his shoulders from sitting for extended periods doesn't budge his determination to understand this piece of art.

The burning and dry sensation in his eyes from prolonged periods of reading referencing books, and staring at diagrams, did not deter his effort and focus.

Even after feeling a dull ache and pressure in his forehead and temples from intense mental exertion, he continued.

After long hours of feeling dryness and stickiness in his mouth from infrequent water breaks and intense focus, Reiji concluded, "He understands everything way more than we have imagined," referring to Da Vinci.

The Modified Vitruvian Man diagram, with its intricate symbols and geometric patterns, seemed to hold a secret. He had spent countless hours studying Da Vinci's works and many other historical figures in the past, but this particular diagram felt different.

Reiji feels a strange sensation wash over him. With a deep breath, Reiji focused on the central figure, a nude male form inscribed within a circle and square.

He removed the glass cover of the box and traced the lines and shapes, his fingers moving with precision as he felt the symbols.

In this modified version, Reiji noticed subtle changes in the geometric patterns and symbols.

He took a pen and a piece of paper. His hands were shaking from exhaustion as he wrote down the symbols he felt on its surface.

Reiji's eyes widened as he stared at the hidden message, which he uncovered in the modified Vitruvian Man diagram.

ᚡᚻᛖᚱᛖ ᚨᚱᛏ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚲᛁᛖᚾᚲᛖ ᚲᛁᚾᚡᛖᚱᛁᛞᛖ, ᚨ ᚾᛁᚢ ᚲᛁᚾᛞ ᚨᚡᛁᛏᛖᛋ

He read the message as: "Where art and science converge, a new world awaits."

The room began to spin, and Reiji felt himself being pulled into a vortex. He tried to cry out, but his voice was silenced by the intense wind.

This diagram was a gateway to the world of Paragonia, where art, science, and magic intertwine. By understanding the patterns in the diagram, Reiji triggered a portal that transported him to this new world.

When the vortex dissipates, Reiji finds himself standing in the middle of a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees. He's no longer at home in his fathers room.

Reiji's mind raced as he tried to comprehend his surroundings. As he looked down at his hands, through his feet, and at his body, he noticed a strange violet glow emanating from him that was slowly vanishing. His thoughts were filled with wonder and fear. "What is this?! How did I get here?!"

Feeling disconnected from his usual sense of self, he tried to make sense of this overwhelming circumstance. He then started walking, looking for any signs of life. 

As he continue to walk he saw what would look like a path. He decided to sit and hide behind the bushes along the road. As he wait for anyone to come, his mind starts to settle down. He tried to process everything in his head.

As he sat fidgeting, tapping his fingers, and shifting in his seat, he tried to make sense of the situation. He asked blankly, "Why do I feel stronger, faster, and more agile than ever before?" He thought, astonished.

His heart rate increased each time he discovered he knew something he hadn't before. "It's weird, what are these words in my head?" he asked blankly. "I have a full understanding of how the body works. I mean, I can basically see the whole thing laid out in my mind—muscles, bones, organs, all working together like a machine. But how?"

He looked around as he made progress in comprehending his situation. The tension eased, replaced by a feeling of relief and physical relaxation. He noted, "And it's not just bodies, either. I'm starting to notice the same kind of patterns in everything around me. Even the molecules of that tree or the ground fit together to form solid objects. It's pretty wild!"

"What is this feeling? This words in my head?" He wondered, both thrilled and unsettled by this newfound knowledge.

"This world around me seemed different."

He knew this was unnatural on Earth, and his mind quickly raced to understand that he was transferred to a different world.

Part 2. "Turmoil in Bellatoria"

Meanwhile, the kingdom of Bellatoria was thrown into confusion as the ancient summoning portal flickered briefly. King Theodorus and Queen Eudia sat in their chambers, deep in conversation. Suddenly, a knock at the door broke the silence.

"Enter," the king called out.

A guard rushed in, looking urgent. Bowing down, he said, "Your Majesties, the portal has flared to life!" The king and queen exchanged a glance. Before King Theodorus and Queen Eudia could react, a commotion was felt at the gates. Another guard arrived, bowed, and said, "Your Majesties, monsters are coming and will arrive at the gates by dawn!"

"Summon Aetus, Lucas, and Mortus to the throne room at once," King Theodorus commanded his aide.

"Right away, your majesty!" The guard replied.

 The summoning portal flickered briefly in every other kingdom in Paragonia.

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