
Rekishi: Beyond the Timestream

“The World of Paragonia” Where the blending of magic and technology converges, a realm of wonder and discovery awaits. A world where Gifted figures from earth have visited and influenced, infusing it with their knowledge and expertise, which has had a lasting impact. Some have left behind a fleeting legacy, while others have reshaped the world forever. In the present day, a century has elapsed since the last summoning took place. an event that has faded into the mists of time. But over 2000 years ago, a celebrated polymath from a far-off land was summoned for the first time to restore equilibrium to the realm. This extraordinary individual, called upon by the forces of nature, was able to recreate the portal that brought him to the world despite coming into the world in his old age. Before his passing, he imparted the wisdom: "When the world is lost and would have an adversity once more, summon someone like me again through this portal.” That’s how the tales of Paragonia begun!

JusJules · History
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17 Chs

Power and Shadows

Reiji rode on Magnior's back as they fled from the dungeon, with Cogitus following closely behind. They headed north, engaging in conversation along the way.

Magnior broke their silence and asked, "So, Reiji. Where should we go? Where are we headed?"

Cogitus added, "Since you admitted you can't beat that demon yet, should we look for help?"

Reiji, still affected by the fear he felt, asked the two, "Where can we look for help?"

"Before that," Magnior replied, "I believe the first thing we need to do is retrieve the artifact."

Cogitus butted in, "I know where their kingdom, Bellatoria, is located. We can go there and take it back from them."

As they talked, Reiji analyzed their approach to the problem. He agreed with Magnior, saying, "We'll go for the artifact first. Once we retrieve it, we can then strategize on sealing that demon back. We'll assess if we need assistance." Then he posed the question, "How long do you think that demon will remain inactive?"

Magnior answered, "We can't be certain, but demons are typically weaker when separated from their core heart." He added, "I don't think he'll be able to move far from it for the time being."

"Core heart?" Reiji asked curiously.

Magnior answered, "Demonkin have many hearts depending on how many times they have been resurrected. The more hearts a demon has, the stronger it becomes. But the core heart is their original heart, the first heart, you could say. It's also responsible for spawning the monsters in the dungeon."

Reiji said, "I'm listening"

Magnior continued, "You see, a demon's main energy resides in that heart. Each pulse generates energy. When released, that dark energy doesn't dissipate; instead, it slowly manifests into dark creatures."

Reiji responded, "I see," his expression eager for more information.

"The reason the demon isn't leaving the dungeon is because his core heart, which was removed from his body, is currently encased in ice at the dungeon's lowest depths," Magnior explained. "Right now, picture the demon clinging to the ice, attempting to thaw it gradually. He can't accelerate the process using magic because the heart is extremely delicate. One small mistake could prove fatal."

"I have so many questions," Reiji said. "Wouldn't it be better for them if they die? I mean, doesn't it make them stronger?" Reiji reasoned.

Magnior replied, "Oh, they fear death, and there's a legend that says, 'making a demon kill itself eternally damns it, preventing resurrection.' That could be true."

"Interesting. Another question, Magnior sir," Reiji inquired. "How was the heart encased in ice, and how has that ice lasted so long?"

"Well, you see," Magnior explained, "when a mage combines water and wind magic affinities, they can create ice, lightning, and even typhoons, among other elemental effects. In this case, the mage who sealed the demon's heart cast a spell to freeze it, and the heart itself provided the energy to sustain the ice."

Reiji was fascinated by the ingenuity of whoever devised the method to seal these demons. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as they continued their journey further north.

Magnior expressed disbelief, "You've asked something similar before, like when you inquired about how I can chant so fast. It appears you still have much to learn about this world."

"I told you, didn't I? That's what you're really here for," Reiji replied.

"What makes it even more unbelievable is that you defeated me without knowing these things," Magnior said, with a slightly annoyed look.

"You don't say?" he responded, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Behind them, Cogitus chuckled quietly and whispered, "And he made you his follower," wearing a gentle smile that conveyed both amusement and contentment on his face.

Magnior then said, 'Do you want to keep running by yourself, master? And you, Cogitus, shut your mouth and just keep running!' This elicited bursts of laughter from Reiji and Cogitus as they continued their escape.

When they had put enough distance between themselves and the dungeon, they resumed traveling at a normal pace, ending their running. For days they journeyed north, enjoying each other's company with laughter, banter, and occasional discussions. On the fourth day of travel, while camping in a mountainous region that marked the border between the western continent and the south, Reiji asked Magnior, "How much energy have you replenished so far, Magnior?"

Magnior replied, "About 30%."

Reiji added, "I'll need you to summon some stone when we get close to Bellatoria. You don't have to summon a Gromble; just crude stones are enough. I'll handle the rest."

Magnior responded with a nod. Then Reiji added, "Additionally, I'll need to do something about your appearances."

Reiji explained, "When I analyzed your body, I discovered that you don't actually have a skeletal system beyond that stone skin—perhaps the stone itself serves as your skeletal structure. That being said, I can transform your entire body into anything, as long as it doesn't harm your heart. I can shrink you down in size, which will help you blend in more easily. As for Cogitus here, he can be transformed into practically anything."

He retrieved a metal ball from his back belt pocket, invoked Mechanika's touch, and reshaped it into a small, rough humanoid figure made of metal. Turning to Magnior, he asked, "Channel your energy into this little guy."

Magnior placed his hand on the figure and chanted, "Heka ta, per em ankh. Summon!" The figure came to life and emitted a small, gravelly growl, "Kraaah!"

The small living figure has large eyes that are disproportionately big for its face, giving it a cute and childlike appearance. Its face is round with chubby cheeks and a small, simple mouth. Smooth forehead and brow contribute to its innocent and untroubled expression.

Then Reiji pointed at the figure and declared, "This right here is Krogar." Cogitus was so shocked that he jumped up and exclaimed loudly, "WHAAAAAAAT?!"

Reiji turned to Magnior and said, "Magnior, please explain Krogar's situation to him." Then, with a teasing smirk aimed at Cogitus, he added, "Now, what should I turn you into?" His tone dripped with mock malevolence.

Cogitus fled, shouting, "NOOOOOOO!" and was never seen again.

Magnior's explanation to Krogar was short and simple: "So basically, we are under his rule now." Krogar, wearing a dissatisfied expression, made it clear he couldn't simply accept that. Magnior turned to Reiji, shaking his head as if to convey, "Nope, he won't accept it."

So Reiji tapped the little guy on its chest as if powering it down, transforming it back into a metal circular ball which he then tucked away into his back.

Magnior then asked Reiji, "How long have you been analyzing summoning? You've actually expanded my understanding of it."

Reiji replied, "When I finished off Krogar. I analyzed his body and realized that summoned creatures' anatomy heavily relies on their circulatory system, powered by a magical core that acts as their heart. But unlike ours, their core is an essence that flows through their body.

Reiji added, "I learned that striking the source of that essence in a summoned creature instantly kills it. However, with Krogar and Cogitus, it's different. They won't truly die as long as you're alive, because they are fundamentally connected to you—they are a part of you. But you must understand that the part of yourself you invest in your summoning is lost forever. You imparted your intellect to Cogitus and your physical strength to Krogar, giving them their unique personalities and semblance of life."

Magnior, looking amazed, said, "You never cease to amaze me. Your ability to grasp everything around you so effortlessly is astounding. Sometimes when I converse with you, it feels like you know everything."

Those words from Magnior struck Reiji differently; his expression shifted from delight to torment. Sensing the change, Magnior asked, "Did I say something wrong, Reiji?"

Reiji ignored the question, stood up, and said, "I need some time alone."

Magnior, puzzled, simply nodded as he watched Reiji leave the campsite."

I hope you are able to grasp the idea! Let me know if you need further explanation or depth!

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