
Rekindling Our Flame

Myla is a woman who raised her son, alone, for the last 14 years. Now, she sends him off to the Knight Academy. Her old lover, Feyra, left her when she was two-months pregnant. Now, she returns, one of the strongest Knights to ever live, demanding to see her child. With Alternating PoV's, witness the story of Myla, an ordinary woman who had to drop out of the Knight Academy to raise her son, as well as the story of Feyra, a woman who has lived her life once before, and is now attempting to correct the wrongs of her previous life.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Life at the Tavern; Napalia Falls

"Myla dear, are you able to stay an extra hour? I'll pay you for an hour and a half."

Hearing Mistress Harien behind me, I turned, the apron already off my body.

Mistress Harien's glacial eyes dragged over my body, making me shiver as she grinned at me.

Gulping, I nodded, slipping the apron back on.

"W-Where do you need me?"

Stepping closer, Mistress Harien slid her hand onto my ass, looking down at me before saying "Kitchen. Help Tania cook the last meals... then I want you on my bed."

I nodded again, Mistress Harien keeping her pale blue eyes glued to mine, before letting me go.

Walking away, she disappeared from view, making me sigh in relief.

Entering the kitchen, I saw the familiar figure of Tania standing above a counter, the rhythmic sound of her knife chopping vegetables soothing the heat in my body temporarily.

Looking at me, Tania smiled before turning her amber eyes to my hand, which was wrapped in cloth.

Placing the knife to the side, she moved over to me, gently lifting my hand as she asked "What happened?"

I gave her a wry smile, saying "I... I fell when I was at home, my hand slamming into the floor as I tried to catch myself. Had a few splinters, but that's it..."

Tania sighed, dropping my hand before returning to the counter.

"Alright, as long as you're fine... anyways, we have orders for a beef platter, three salads, and a snack platter."

Nodding, I washed my hands before moving around the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients I needed.

Slicing the beef into thin strips, I started rubbing a general amount of seasoning on them as Tania asked me something.

"So, how long are you and Mistress Harien going to dance around the idea of dating, hmm?"

My hand slipped, almost crushing the meat as I looked at Tania with wide eyes.

She was grinning at me, and I opened and closed my mouth a few times as I tried to think of an answer.

"I don't think she tried to hide it, but you certainly did. Thing is, it was quite obvious to all of us; you'd show up to work with a faint smell of roses on your skin. Besides that, you'd seem more relaxed than normal. A few of us thought you'd snagged a man those nights and took him home~"

Pursing my lips, I continued preparing the meat, before saying "I... I don't think I want a relationship... ever, in fact."

Tania paused, looking at me with shock before sighing.

"I know you have a kid, but Myla, you're still young. I mean, older than all of us, but still young none the less~"

I glared at her, raising the knife I was using threateningly.

Chuckling, Tania went back to her prep work, continuing.

"I mean, you're what, thirty? You can still find yourself a good man, or woman, and settle down. Have another few kids, enjoy your life."

I nodded slightly, sighing as I said "The only problem is... my last relationship. I gave her everything, and she left me heartless and with child... I just... don't know if I could trust someone else like that again."

Tania gave me an understanding nod, the kitchen falling silent.

We made the required dishes, before Tania said "Well, just think it over. You've never told us who this woman was, but... Well, you know Mistress Harien well enough. She'd take care of you, and if you did have children, she would love them with all her heart. She might seem cold, but she gave all of us a chance..."

Tania and I fell silent again, thinking of how Mistress Harien had willingly hired us.

I had a child I needed to care for, and wasn't that skilled at tavern work back then. Yet, she took me in, gave me a good wage, and asked no questions when I missed a shift, caring for Likon when he fell sick. Instead, she'd send someone over with a basket of food, to make sure we had something to eat.

As for Tania, she had a rough childhood; in order to survive, she turned to stealing to get a loaf of bread to eat, and whoring herself out for a roof and bed for the night. She was someone that would have to continue that life forever; no one would willingly hire her. Yet, Mistress Harien extended a hand to her, allowing her to change her life completely.

Looking at one another, we smiled before placing the trays of food on the counter.

Lea and some other girls came by to take them away, and we sighed, happy our shift was over.

Giving me a coy smile, Tania patted my shoulder as she whispered "Good luck tonight~"

Avoiding the light blow I sent her way, Tania chuckled as she left.

Taking my apron off, I hung it up before looking towards the door leading to Mistress Harien's room.

Gulping, I took a step forwards, only to freeze when it opened.

Seeing Mistress Harien stare at me, her pale skin glowing in the low light, made me shiver.

Hooking a finger at me, she slid back inside, leaving the door open.

I entered, quickly stripping before surrendering my body to her, screaming in pleasure as she toyed with every inch of my skin.


Feyra PoV

As I walked through the destroyed Napalia, I felt my heart clench, my instincts telling me to return to Keovara to look for her.

Shaking my head, I lifted the claymore and pierced the back of a weeping soldier, killing her instantly.

My squad was trudging through the rubble, making sure that everyone was dead.

Of my Knights, only Sif worked with fervor, her spear lancing through the skulls of the Napalia people with ease as she laughed, reveling in the slaughter.

The Romagi Empire had hunted her tribe to extinction; she was the last one alive.

Turning back to the crumbling buildings around me, I felt my heart clench again, annoying me.

Growling, I sped up, matching Sif's pace.

I wanted this campaign over with.

Her face had started appearing in my dreams, and it was mixed.

Sometimes it was of our lives before this; her cheerful smile as we attended lectures together.

The way she would stick her tongue out the corner of her lips as she concentrated on controlling her blade.

However, those fond memories were matched by the utter despair on her face as we were captured.

How she screamed and cried as our child was butchered in front of us...

A soldier in front of me raised his spear in shaking hands, and I stabbed my claymore into the ground beside me.

Moving forwards, I batted the spear to the side before grabbing him by the arms.

Pulling, I watched as they were removed with a wet pop, the man screaming as he fell to the ground.

Dropping his arms, I took his head into my hands and...

Twisting, I tore the mans head off, before tossing it to the side.

Panting slightly, I wrenched my eyes shut, clearing my mind.

"Are you okay, Feyra?"

Hearing Gia's calm, low voice, I took a breath before turning.

Her long silver hair cascaded over her clean armor, and I narrowed my eyes at her.

I had been surprised to meet her in this life; the legendary Saintess Gia, protector of the Keovara Empire.

After a large battle against the Romagi, she had lead a crusade, slowly conquering the neighboring lands.

A formidable warrior and strategist, Gia was eventually Sainted, and from that point on she was removed from the front lines.

Falling slowly into despair, she met a lowly nun who comforted her, and after a few more meetings she took her as her wife and attendant.

Their child had been someone I had saved multiple times, and after the third time she wanted to appoint me as her Knight.

I had served Gia and her family for a few years, before I was sent away.

When I was leaving, her daughter had professed her love for me, and after a night of passion I went away, sent to fight in a new war.

Upon returning, I had been devastated to find that Gia had gone crazy, claiming the gods had forsaken the Keovara Empire.

After her public outburst, she was secluded with her family, before killing them and herself.

That was still something that troubled me to this day, as I had no idea what made the normally calm Gia go insane.

I nodded to the silver haired Priestess-Knight, sighing as I said "Just... want to return home."

She nodded, clasping her hands together as she said "Well, if we continue being blessed by the gods, this crusade shall be over in just over a week..."

Nodding, I looked around, my Knights gathering around me.

"Well, it looks like Napalia has fallen."


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