


AliceM6760 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7


"She can't stay Derrick" The council disagreed with me on bringing Jasmine Brooke to stay.

"I have made my decision" I was adamant.

"Keeping this girl will jeopardize your title as the alpha" one of them stated.

"She is my mate!" I yelled aggressively.

"You can still chose another"

"Until proven otherwise, Jasmine will be staying here. This meeting is over" I wasn't ready to listen to anything that would suggest Jasmine to leave the pack. I believed she was part of us now, and most importantly, she was my pair.

I stood up and stormed out of the gathering. I could hear them murmuring angrilly as I walked away. The thoughts of asking Jasmine about her past started hunting me. Why would she have so many enemies? Why did she even kill someone at first? I suddenly got interested.

I came to a pause in front of her room. I stood staring at the door as though I could talk to it and ask it the numerous questions running through my mind.

I had promised not to care nor bring up those questions to her. It was already being a problem in my pack. As the alpha, I had to chose my pack over my mate. I wasn't ready to lose Jasmine. She was exactly what I wanted. Why did it have to be her?

Asking myself all these questions wasn't helping me in anywhere. It was just going to be a matter of time before the pack found another way of getting rid of her.

While lost in my zillion thoughts, the door sprank open, it was Jasmine. We stood staring at each other emotionally. It felt she knew I was in pain and it was about her. I immediately smiled, trying to make sure she doesn't feel that way.

"Why didn't you come in?" She asked innocently running her eyes through mine, trying to read my mind.

"I was assuming if you had rested enough" I stuttered. I wasn't that perfect of a liar.

She smiled, sheepishly tilting her head down. "Come inside" She opened the door.

"I should come back later. I don't want to be a bother" I rejected politely.

"Come on in" She insisted.

I stepped into the room, and she shut the door behind.

"I asked one of your guard where I would find you. He told me you were at the council" She mentioned. I could obviously notice the fake smile on her face.

"Yes. I had an urgent issue to attend to" I answered.

"It was about me right? The urgent issue was me." She said softly not letting go of that smile on her face, "I don't want to be a problem between you and your pack. It doesn't have to me." She added trying to hold on to her bold voice.

I could see through her. She was broken and hurt.

"I am the alpha here. I choose who stays and who leaves. I choose my mate. And I chosed you" I answered.

I didn't want to see her hurt. I didn't care who I have to give up for her to leave. I have promised her a lot that I can't go back on.



I was hated everywhere I stepped my feet. It was as though I was the problem of the pack, which I feel I was. Derrick had to be in a meeting with his council every single day. He kept to his words of me staying. I felt bad for him and I wanted to help.

His title was threatened. The pack at some point protested, asking him to take another mate. I was called a curse, I was called a bad egg. Thinking of how much he had to hold up for me made me wish he was a minute late during the execution. Don't blame me for thinking that way, I couldn't bear to see him worried because I lived.

I took a stroll to the balcony and saw him seated silently. I didn't know what to say, I decided to turn around and walk away.

"Stay" He uttered in a low tone.

"I cannot help you with whatever is bothering you"

"I just need a massage on my shoulders. That's the only way you can help me." He smiled.

I gladly knelt beside him, and slowly brushed my hand through his shoulders softly. My eyes was already, and I was trying very hard to hold on to my tears. It won't help but I was pained. I didn't deserve to be treated that way. How can he be punished for loving me?

"Are you crying?" He asked fixing his eyes outside the balcony.

"No" I sneezed, "I think someone is cutting an onion around here" I lied. Obviously a terrible one.

He sat silently for a while, then rested his head on my breast and closed his eyes.

"Let's stay this way for a while" He sighed as though an heavy burden was taken off his shoulders.

I wiped my wet eyes and slowly linger my fingers in his hair. I fell in love.

"We are going to get through this. It's just a phase" He uttered softly with his eyes still closed. "I will always keep to my promise, All you have to do is wait. Wait for me" He added and slept off on me.

I wanted to run away. I'm sure his pack would me happy to see me leave. I had a plan. It was definitely going to be the last time he sleeps on me or see me. I was going to leave that night. That was the only way I could think of helping him.

Few minutes into his sleep, I slowly took his head off me and place it gently on a soft surface. I stared at his face a bit and smiled. I gently placed a kiss on his lips and left him lying there. I was ready to run off to save him the stress of having to decided between me and his pack.

Just when I headed towards my room to get a few stuffs that I would survive with. So many questions ran through my head, what is love again? When you know when to let go to save the person you love from getting hurt.

I couldn't stop the stream of tears that fell from my eyes. It all seemed like my world was crashing in front of me and I couldn't save it. I should be grateful that I was alive. But my greediness dragged me to wanting more. I wanted to be loved, I tried so hard to turn a blind eye to Derrick's suffering.

I entered my room and hurriedly packed up the little I had and rushed out. Quietly sneaked out of his house and quickly headed towards their border. I had made up my mind.

I took a last look at the pack while my eyes lingered around sorrowfully.

"I am too weak to stay" my mind echoed repeatedly.

Just when I turned to leave, he was right there, in front of him, out of no way.

"What are you doing?" His eyes changed it colour while I could see his heart jumping in anger.

"What do you think you are doing?" He repeated, taking few steps closer to me while I withdrew mine.

"I... just wanted to help" I stammered. I could see the fire burning through his eyes. He was pissed.

"I told you to stay put Jasmine!" It was the first time I saw him angry, the first time he yelled at me.

"I'm sorry" I fell to the ground and bowed my head in front of him shamefully.

"Why are you making his hard for me? Did I complain of you being the problem? The only way you can help me is if you stay put and let me solve this" he said softly, almost like a whisper.

"Go back to your room. Don't come out till I say so" he got his voice back.

I quickly stood up from the ground, didn't even wait to brush myself up, I ran back to my room and shut the door.

One thing I knew for sure was, I never wanted to see him that way, ever.

He came knocking at the door and I refused to open.

"Let's talk Jas" He said softly.

It was our first fight. We actually quarrelled. This was when I felt good about us. As much as I wanted to open the door for him, I didn't. Until his voice slowly fade, and then disappeared. He left.

"Wow. He couldn't keep knocking longer?" I was furious. I opened the door and peeped through. He came in front me, he tilted his head to my height.

"Looking for me?" He smiled. Took a few steps towards me, while I withdrew my steps I fell on the bed.

He leaned close to my lips, wanting to kiss me and I turned my face away.

"You are my future. If you leave, I'll have none. Do you want that?" He whispered biting my ears lightly, seductively.

It felt like he had me under a spell. I looked up to him and couldn't get my eyes off him. I runned my hands through is tanned body.

He took the bet. He slowly kissed me, down to my neck, while his hands found my buttons. He loosed my blouse and kissed me down to my hardened nipples while I felt the chemistry run through me like a shock of electricity.

"Don't stop" I whispered to him softly running my hands in his hair, "I want you inside of me" I groaned pleasurably.

He came down on me pressing me down with his broad shoulders while keeping his eyes on me. My thighs was wet and I could feel him slide into me. That was the feeling I missed all of these years.

He thrust in and out and I could feel his strength. He was every peace I needed at that moment. My legs was shaking, my heart racing faster than usual. I reached my orgasm severally until he reached his climax. He fell flat on the soft bed and we breath heavily.

He turned to me and we bursted into laughter. We needed that. It made us forget about the challenges we were facing.

"That was good" he said.

"Yes. I guess" I blushed sheepishly.

He scoffed seeing how shy I was.

"You were bold enough to try run off the boundary. But don't have that same spirit on bed. Wow" He joked.

I turned around and pretended had slept off. He was quiet for a while. I turned back to him and stare at him, he was already asleep. He looked like a man with no worries.