
The REAL DEAL (2019)

Rey never realized that she had him in her "FRIEND ZONE" . Hence, One fine day 1st August 2019 to be exact, Rey gathered all his courage to tell Eve that he had been in love ever since he saw her. Once he did so, There was no reply for 4 hours. He was scared out of his mind and decided to delete that message. But, Life decided to play a game on him once again. Eve saw the message just when he tried to delete it.

Eve reply was "Hello??" as she confused by this gesture of a friend. At this point Rey made up his mind to tell her that He was in love with her. As for Eve, She had only known this guy for a couple of years that too only messaging via social media. So, She rejected him saying that, "I like you, But a relationship with you is not possible(AKA FRIEND ZONE)". Currently Rey is regretting his decision of expressing rather keeping it to himself.

After this point, He had given up life and came back to square one.(Feeling the same about life before seeing Eve) However, This chapter(Eve) of his life made a bruise which cannot be healed by time.