
CHAPTER 106 Real Identity

  I screamed at the top of my lungs as soon as the hot iron rod was pressed to the flesh on my back, creating a searing pain that made me want to pass out immediately.

  "I do not know how to communicate with Her! I only have done it one time with the former Luna Queen Beatrice's painting! That was only one time!" I said through gritted teeth, hissing as I felt the flesh from my back was slowly healing.

  I heard Lothim's snort behind me before I screamed again when he pressed the rod again to my back. "My apologies, my dear daughter, but I am not going to accept that as an excuse!" he said angrily. "I want to speak with your mother!" he demanded.

  "Halt! Please..." ...Father. I wanted to say it but that word couldn't come out because until now, I still couldn't believe that... Magnius Lothim was my... father.