
it tastes...quite good!

Chen Mumu quickly dropped the spoon back into the soup, then lifted her head to glare murderously at Xu Jingli.

When she saw the expectant gaze he was giving her, the harsh review she was going to give him was swallowed down her throat.

She pretended to sip some water before asking, "Who taught you how to cook?"

Xu Jingli, hearing that, thought he was getting praise. He quickly smiled and said, "I taught myself. So, is it good?"

He was like a puppy looking for approval from his master, and if he had been a dog, his tail would have been wagging back and forth in anticipation.

Chen Mumu couldn't bring herself to tell him how horrible the soup was. It was truly, truly horrible.

She wondered how it could look so good yet taste so bad!

She looked at Xu Jingli again and said, "It tastes... quite good."

She stammered because lying wasn't something she enjoyed doing.