
Rejected by The Lycan King

Elena, a fragile omega, born into the linage of a powerful Alpha King Thorne Author, is considered weak and irrelevant by her pack. However, one fateful evening, there were rumors of an ambush from a cruel Lycan King named Ryan, but little did he know that the one that would be challenging him to a duel would be another Alpha king, who was Ryans forced Ally. Thorne, knowing he was no match for Ryan, wrote a letter to his Brother Billy, sending Elena to deliver the letter. Ryan attacked her father's packs, shortly after she left, leaving little evidence of survivors. After reading the letter, Billy knew that Thorne must have been dead. Elena was sold off to Ryan by Billy, who turned her into a slave. Elena was turned into a slave, treated poorly, beaten, and treated like garbage. Ryan had a son Galdoth, who knew Elena was his mate from the day he became twenty. They had a one-night stand a night before Galdoth’s mating ceremony. Their fate became twisted when Galdoth's mating ceremony arrived. Elena's dreams were crushed when he rejected her and chose her cousin. Humiliated and heartbroken, Elena confronted Galdoth, who told her he only used her to satisfy his sexual urges and that he would never pick the weakest of the pack to become his mate. She flees, discovering she carries a secret of another life growing within her. Unknowingly trespassing into another territory, she was chased by rogue wolves from Ryan's Pack. She was rescued by Jacob, the alpha king of the territory she had trespassed. Despite her pregnancy, Jacob offers her solace, protection, and a chance at love as her second chance mate. She was beginning to have a nice life with Jacob, when Galdoth tries to reconnect with Elena, after finding out that she was alive, and at the time, Elena also uncovered a secret, and on confronting him Jacobs true nature manifested, showing her the devil he was. Will Elena embrace her future with Jacob or return to Galdoth who rejected her?

Friggaz · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

My feelings got the best of me, and I was unable to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. My emotions had the upper hand. I bowed to him once again and told him, "Thank you very much, sir, for making me feel like a person, even though it was for a little while, I guess I did enjoy it while it lasted." Despite the fact that it was just temporary, I told him that I appreciated it while it lasted.

After I had finished, I raised my heads and took one more look at Galdoth's face, but there was not the slightest indication of remorse that could be seen on it, and I walked away from him.

In the weeks that followed, living at Ryan's Mansion became almost unbearable for me. Although the anguish had not yet subsided, it triggered painful flashbacks every time I watched Nadia and Galdoth together.

I was kicked out of Galdoth's chambers as soon as Nadia finally came in because she had selected the maids she wanted to work with.

Even though I was pleased with the latest turn of events, I knew that my joy would not last forever.

Nadia was filled with resentment and envy when she learned of my relationship with Galdoth. Nadia already detested me because she believed, from a young age onward, that my family was to blame for the fact that her father did not succeed in becoming the alpha king.

I was not aware that Nadia had found out that I had an affair with Galdoth, cause all I wanted was to stay out of their ways.

After Nadia found out that I was carrying Galdoth's child, she intended to evict me as soon as she could. This was a secret I never told anyone, not even my best friend Lydia. Few weeks after Nadia had picked her maids, she still went on to make a request from Ryan that she wanted me reassigned to their chambers. I was sent back to Galdoth's quarters because Ryan wanted to respect the request that his new daughter-in-law had made, and there's when the problems started.

This was the beginning of Nadia's strategy to get rid of me, and it was a good one. Its already been a month since she became married to Galdoth. Nadia went ahead and concocted lies with the family doctor about being pregnant with a child in order to tell Galdoth and Ryan that she was. They were overjoyed by this, and as a result, they decided to throw a party to celebrate the news.

As I assumed her new role, I felt the weight of my cousin's malice. Nadia's cruel taunts and mockery were a daily torment. But I bore it all in silence, determined not to give Nadia the satisfaction of seeing me break down.

The amount of envy that Nadia felt only increased with time. She wished for things to move quickly in order to conceal the fact that I was pregnant from other people. Therefore, she made a change to the plans for the last phase.

Nadia went ahead and made the threat to my close friend Lydia, claiming that if she didn't betray me, she would have her killed. Therefore, she conspired with Lydia all along with the intention of making a false accusation against me to Galdoth and Ryan the day that followed.

Nadia called for me and asked that I got her a drink from the kitchen, which I obediently went to carry out. I had poured the drink and kept in the kitchen to get a tray to put it in, but Lydia went behind to pour in a substance in the drink.

When I brought Nadia the drink, she acted as like she was going to accept it, but then she requested me to go back to my room, saying that she didn't need me anymore and that I could go back to my own room. I walked to my room, which was located in a separate wing of the building, and left her there with the wine.

Nadia had a loyal maid she brought with her, who was accomplice to her evil deeds. The maid went to tell Galdoth, who was with Ryan at the time, that she had seen me poison the drink that I had given to Nadia, and that she had been able to prevent Nadia from drinking the drink before it was too late.

Galdoth was angered because all he could think about was the fact that I simply wanted to get revenge on him for rejecting me, which is the reason why I would have considered killing his wife and their unborn child. This led to Galdoth's anger.

I couldn't believe how relieving it felt to get out of work early. I had just fallen asleep when someone kicked opened my door, and the noise startled me enough that I leapt out of bed. When Galdoth yelled my name, I could see the color of his eyes change from black to grey; the rage in his eyes made them look like they were thirsting for blood.

He was about to attack me, with his claws outstretched and ready. As I waited for the blow to land, I closed my eyes and thought: "Well, I guess this is it for me."

However, Galdoth's father, Ryan, stepped in and stopped him, ordering him to stop. In front of the rest of the pack, which had gathered outside my hut, Ryan gave the order for his men to take me outside, and he ordered me to kneel down.

In spite of the fact that tears were already welling up in my eyes, I was completely bewildered as to what was going on. That is, until Ryan questioned whether or not I was innocent. As I assured him that I was unaware of what was going on, I stared back at him with a confused expression on my face.

Nadia appeared out of nowhere and began speaking, saying, "so you tried to poison me, so you could kill me and my unborn child, how wicked could you be Elena."

I tried to explain that I had done nothing wrong, that I would never harm my cousin, but my words fell on deaf ears. The pack, fueled by suspicion and manipulated by Nadia's cunning lies, turned against me, even Galdoth did not believe me. The only person who knew the truth was Lydia, but she could not say anything.

Desperate to prove my innocence, I was asked to take the drink from the cup, which I had given to Nadia earlier. Unbeknownst to anyone, Nadia had ensured that this final act would seal my fate.

As I took a trembling sip from the cup, my life began to slip away. I started to feel lightheaded, and then my eyesight started to blur, my breathing got more difficult, and I started gasping for oxygen. All of these symptoms occurred within a matter of seconds of the cup falling out of my hands and the liquid spilling into the ground. I was suddenly overcome with dizziness and collapsed on the ground while coughing. After that, I gradually started to lose control of my life.

They were completely unaware that Nadia was lying all along, and as a result, they all believed her.

They all stood there in shock as they saw my life fall apart in front of their own eyes. Nadia sat down and began sobbing as if she was worried. Galdoth rushed up to her and placed his hands around her while giving her a kiss on the forehead and assuring her that everything was going to be all right. Nadia experienced joy from within herself.

I was gone in an instant, and it marked the end of my life as I knew it. They issued an order that my body should not be cremated but should instead be discarded in the woods. The guards took my body and disposed of it.

It was already nightfall, and everything was in the black. When my eyes opened, I initially believed that this may be Valhalla, but as soon as I realized where I was, I realized that I was still alive. It felt like death had turned its back on me too.

I got to my feet and looked about, wondering how I had survived and wondering what had happened to me. But I turned in panic as I heard a creak and heard someone walk toward me. I could hear the noises of shattered wood being trod on.

As the person came closer I realized it was my best friend Lydia who had betrayed me. I was not aware of the fact that she betrayed me, so when I saw her, I ran to her as she hugged me tight.

After sipping from the cup, I told Lydia that I was certain I was dead and that I could not believe I was still alive.

Lydia then informed me that she was the one who had saved my life. but then Lydia told me, she was the one who had saved my life. That the poison Nadia had given her initially to put in the drink they were to give to me, she had changed it with a sleeping substance, that would make one seem dead after taking it, but after a while, would regain consciousness.

She said she was sorry for betraying me and that there was nothing she could have done to avoid being killed, so she had to corporate in order to save me. I assured her that she had done nothing wrong because, in the end, she had saved my life.


We embraced once more, but this time, Lydia could feel a second heartbeat and pulse within me as she asked me if I was pregnant and who's own was it.

I opened up to Lydia about everything, from my relationship with Galdoth, to us having sex and him rejecting me. That I only found out I was pregnant few weeks ago, I guess that was why my cousin wanted me out.

Our fateful reunion was cut short when we were attacked by two werewolves who had gone rogue. We began running, but Lydia knew we would not make it far, before the wolves caught up with us, so she asked me to keep running as she hold off the werewolves.


I was the weakest amongst the ranking of werewolves, I knew I stood no chance, but Lydia being a Lycan knew she could hold them off with her strength.

I continued running without turning around, not realizing that I had entered the domain of another Alpha. Now, without realizing I had trespassed, I had invaded the territory of Jacob Larry, the Alpha King of the Oakwood town pack.

Lydia gave her all to fend off the werewolves, but her strength was not enough. She had only managed to injure one of the werewolves, before she was killed.

I was unaware of Lydia's situation at the time, but I soon realized that, when the wolves were closing in on me.

My body could no longer hold me, and at that moment, I slipped and fell to the ground as my strength started to fail me. I was weak and exhausted, and my lungs could no longer hold their air.

The rogue wolves, got to me as I fell down, and without hesitation, one of them raised up its claws and was ready to rip through my heart. In that instant, it became as if my body wanted to keep on living, and I did not know when I yelled Nooooooo….