
Rejected by the ice prince

Everyone dreaded and anticipated the summoning, while some prayed that it wouldn't happen in their lifetime. It only happens once in three hundred years You had to be at least 18 years old to participate. You don't choose to participate, the quintessence chooses you You can't not participate Resistance is futile You can't stop a person from participating. Resistance is futile The only gift you receive; A glance at the ice dragon prince in all his full glory. If at all you reach the final level without dying and the quintessence releases it's hold on you Your body, mind, heart and soul will never be the same. There are three steps to coming out on top Win against all odds Win against all odds Win! And if you do Win you get the greatest gift of all. An opportunity to melt the heart of the Ice Prince. I'm Raven Kharhahlac. I got chosen, me, an underage. Talk about a total 'Blew my mind moment'. And do you know what's worse? The quintessence itself appeared in a humanoid form and invited me to help melt the prince's heart. Wait, there's more I got a black rose, as in, I don't have to participate, just straight up meet the Ice Prince. I fucking made history. And it gets worse The ice prince doesn't want me, and if I want him to want me—mind you, not that I want him to want me— I have to go through the trials, the test, the levels, and prove myself to be worth it. And you can guess what my answer was I told him to get rid of the stick in his ass, who wanted him anyway. I wasn't about to give up seventeen years of my life for an ice dragon prince with ice for a heart just to get rejected in the end, or even worse Dying. But what's a guy gotta do when the quintessence won't stop harassing me, my friends won't stop poking me, and my elders won't stop criticizing me?

Rose_sum_ers · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Lawyer

I was pulled from my day dream as my eyes involuntary narrowed at something up, up and above the crowd. I didn't know how my human eyesight saw it, but I stiffened.

It was the ice prince and it looked like he was staring at me.

Shivers ran than my spine at his psychopathic look. My skin felt scorching hot, to the extent I was tempted to take of my clothes and bask in a cold shower, he gave me a knowing look and then I blinked and he was gone as if he had never been there. I even tried to convince myself that it was all in my head.

I shivered again, I was already going crazy.


Out of all the groups only seventeen survived.

"Welcome to the first trial of the level three.

"In this trial part of various crime news written on notes with the victims and accused side of the story is written, you have to tell us if the accused is guilty as charged or if the victim was mistaken or tell us if there's a dirty twist in the story and you have to give proof and reasons to why you think what you think, if you need something more to work with you just have to ask.

"You're the lawyer and the Judge and you have a case on your hand."

A paper appeared in my hand, I stared down at it frowning.

A victim of kidnapping 

Victim: Malic was my best friend of 378 years, we went to school together we did absolutely everything together, I didn't think he'd have the heart to kidnap me, no matter what I did or how much I offended him I expected him to talk it out with me, fight me, argue with me but not go to that extent.

On June 23 1982 at the time of 2:Am in the midnight I woke to someone forcing a rag into my mouth and staring ragingly at me.

My mind went blank with shock at the first sight of my best friend trying to make me pass out with a rag smelling of a sleep inducing perfume.

I passed out a moment later.

When I woke up, I woke up in a box I was very sure was moving. I tried to break it, tried to free myself all to no avail, I gave up trying when my shoulder couldn't hit the box any longer if I wanted to avoid a sprain.

When the box stopped moving and almost a minute later it was opened and it was none other than my friend who was smiling at me greedily, in a manner I hadn't seen before. I tried to talk through the gag in mouth, tried to free myself from my bindings in anger but he just laughed and told me how I was going to enjoy my new home as a slave in the state of Ainonin because he'd sold me and by tomorrow morning the news would publish a story about how my house had caught fire because of a fallen candle and how I had woken up to late to be able to save myself and died in the fire and in my room they'd find my remains.

During his bragging and me crying about my current situation and how a fool I had been trusting him and giving him permission to enter my house, suddenly people started shouting and I heard someone shout 'mages.' and I sagged in relief knowing somehow I was going to be safe. In anger and the obvious taunt in my eyes my best friend punched me on the side of my face causing me to collapse and when I woke up next, I woke up in a hospital.