
Rejected by the ice prince

Everyone dreaded and anticipated the summoning, while some prayed that it wouldn't happen in their lifetime. It only happens once in three hundred years You had to be at least 18 years old to participate. You don't choose to participate, the quintessence chooses you You can't not participate Resistance is futile You can't stop a person from participating. Resistance is futile The only gift you receive; A glance at the ice dragon prince in all his full glory. If at all you reach the final level without dying and the quintessence releases it's hold on you Your body, mind, heart and soul will never be the same. There are three steps to coming out on top Win against all odds Win against all odds Win! And if you do Win you get the greatest gift of all. An opportunity to melt the heart of the Ice Prince. I'm Raven Kharhahlac. I got chosen, me, an underage. Talk about a total 'Blew my mind moment'. And do you know what's worse? The quintessence itself appeared in a humanoid form and invited me to help melt the prince's heart. Wait, there's more I got a black rose, as in, I don't have to participate, just straight up meet the Ice Prince. I fucking made history. And it gets worse The ice prince doesn't want me, and if I want him to want me—mind you, not that I want him to want me— I have to go through the trials, the test, the levels, and prove myself to be worth it. And you can guess what my answer was I told him to get rid of the stick in his ass, who wanted him anyway. I wasn't about to give up seventeen years of my life for an ice dragon prince with ice for a heart just to get rejected in the end, or even worse Dying. But what's a guy gotta do when the quintessence won't stop harassing me, my friends won't stop poking me, and my elders won't stop criticizing me?

Rose_sum_ers · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Black Rose

"Welcome to the third trial of the level two.

"You are to pair yourselves in groups of twelve and pick a song from the bowl of papers that would be passed around, please note that if one of you sings out of tune or misplace the words everyone part of the group loses." I sighed out in contempt, he didn't need to say everyone dies, we already knew that was what losing meant.

"you have two hours to prepare yourselves, and don't worry the songs are easy."

I snorted, what would he have said before.

I looked around me and noticed everyone was reluctant to group themselves, even I was reluctant.

I mean I know I can sing okay but I don't know about the others and I don't want to die so I get where the reluctancy came from.

Jeez, we couldn't sing alone even if we wanted.

"Okay we can't keep looking around like this, pair yourselves in groups!" Someone shouted, it sounded like the Asian girl.

I joined a group to complete twelve and immediately a bowl appeared in our middle.

We all stared at it.

"You guys know we only have two hours right?" A woman asked.

"So someone should pick a song from it."

"Why don't you pick." 

I looked up when I noticed no one attempted to pick and noticed they we all staring at me.

"Oh no." I raised my hand up, I'm not picking.

"You got a black rose from the quintessence, it probably doesn't want you to die, so you should pick." A girl with braided blonde hair said.

I scowled, "just because I received a black rose doesn't mean I can't die, the psychopath prince wants me dead for pete's sake."

I looked away when they all just stared at me.

"If I pick a song and it ends up being unlucky, don't blame me for it."

I walked to the bowl and exhaled as I bent to pick a paper, my hand froze for a moment, it was trembling. What if I picked a song I hadn't heard before, just pick Raven. I picked a paper and stood up, we all waited with bated breath as I opened the paper.

I read the song written on it and screamed in happiness before my brain registered what the song meant and my screaming died to a look of sadness in mix with fear.

I didn't realize my mixed emotions troubled the others until someone shouted for me to say what song I'd pick.

"Call for Dracone." I answered unhappily but the scream of happiness that followed my announcement was exhilarating.

It was great to see hope in their face.

Everyone knew the song, though it was more like a hymn, even a four year old baby could sing it word for word.

The hymn was about the royal family of course, it was a hymn sang to call them out either to tell them about trouble or invite them to something.

In this case, I assumed it will be to call them to come and watch us participate.