

[CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT!! ] (At least read the first fifteen chapters before tossing it aside) . Anna Sui woke up from her drunken state to see her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend on the eve of their wedding. Anna was so heartbroken that she ran out of the house, but due to an unfortunate turn of event, she had a one night stand with a complete stranger. . EXCERPTS, "Anna where are you I've been trying to call you for hours now, why are you ignoring my calls?" Her frown deepened. "Leave me alone Mack you can keep being with Nari I don't care." She yelled. "Oh please stop it Anna. You're my girlfriend and I demand to know. Don't tell me you're with another man Ann. Did you forget today's our wedding" Before Anna could say a word her phone got snatched away from her. "She's mine now. If you call or disturb what's mine from now on, be ready to rot in hell." He hunged up and tossed the phone aside. . (IN THE CUPID'S QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding it to library, voting with power stone, gifting golden tickets and normal gift.)

Kourtney_Sspears · Urban
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361 Chs


Once Anna arrived at her destination she handed her keys to a guard who approached her staring at the huge mansion before her. This was different from the house she had been to this morning, it was much bigger and better and she loved it.

There were a few maids and an old man who approached her. "Good evening madam. Welcome to the Declan's mansion, I'm lurch the butler and these are my maids." The old man smiled at her.

"Thank you Lurch." The name Lurch sounded familiar, she was sure she had heard the name before.

"Please come inside I have to show you to your room." He bowed slightly and Anna followed him.

Though her family weren't poor as they also had abundant maids to tend to her needs, they never had a butler before.

Stepping into the mansion, Anna was in awe, it was big, bright and beautiful. She always knew the Declan's were rich, but she has never seen this sort of riches before. This was beyond rich, Noah was a wealthy man. No wonder he hardly let's the media know things about him.

His source of wealth could be questioned if people found out a lot about him.

"Is Noah home?" She turned to the butler who led her up the stairs and he shook his head. "I'm afraid not madam. Master hasn't returned since this morning." Anna nodded at his words. It's a good thing he wasn't around yet, she just wasn't ready to see him again.

The thought of her being a wife scared her as much as it excited her. She had basic responsibilities now. Though she couldn't tell if she could still do the things she's always loved to do if ever she was married.

Taking good care of her husband, cooking most times as well as working. Since her line of work didn't need much dedication since she was already a star, Anna knew she would have the time to run a family. She smiled. This has been her dream for so long, she was glad it had become real.

The maids scattered around the mansion some in groups as they talked about their new madam. It's surprising their master was married, the man was the least Interested in a woman.

But they all knew they shouldn't talk about her less they be punished if they get caught.

There was a rule in the mansion, a maid must remain on the level of a maid and should not be seen talking about their superiors.

Noah arrived back at the mansion later at night. He had left her first, but he had to do something important in the office before coming back. He too couldn't believe how fast his life had changed in a few hours.

He knew it was only a matter of time before he started a family but to think it'll be this fast. Noah is a billionaire whose thought is far from Marraige, had it not been the pressure from his grandfather, he wouldn't even think about it.

Arriving in the lounge he saw his now wife sleeping on the couch. Her delicate face rested on her hands as she slept so peacefully. Her chest rose and fell softly, her pale skin shinning under the dim light.

He wondered why she was sleeping here.

"Welcome back Master." Lurch said from behind and Noah, "Thank you Lurch."

"She insisted on waiting for you but had fallen asleep." He explained and Noah stared at the little woman.

"Do I need to prepare something for you to eat." Lurch asked his master.

"Coffee would do." Noah stated carrying the woman on the couch in his arms as he took her up the stairs.

Once Noah had successfully tucked the woman in bed he left the room over to his study. He had asked his assistant to find out everything there is about Anna Sui and send it to him to which the man did.

Noah wasn't the one to believe whatever he saw on the news cause he believed the news is sometimes manipulated by people in a way to destroy another person.

He had seen the post Anna made two years back. It wasn't even as bad as people made it seem, it's just a harmless post that got misinterpreted so badly and got her canceled. He would give her time to let go of her past and everything in it and focus on what they have now.

His family hated separation as they felt it brought bad image to the family, so she's in this with him forever.



While Anna and Noah were still trying to adapt to the new changes in their life, back at the Yong family mansion. Mrs Yong walked into her son's room in the middle of the night to talk to him. She knew once the Sui's cut all ties with them they'll lose everything they own and she didn't want that.

"Mack." She called quietly to get no response from him.

"Mack." She called more firmly and he raised his head to look at her.

"What is it?" He groaned wiping sleep away from his eyes.

"Have you found Anna? Did you talk to her yet?" Mrs Yong asked tenderly. She knew her sons tenper and wouldn't want to offend him with her questions.

"I don't have time for that." Mack lied. He had indeed spoken to Anna and she had rejected him all over again. He was still stunned by her bold attitude, he had no idea when that woman changed so much in only a few hours.

"What do you mean you don't have time for her. You know we need the Sui's now more than ever. Anna is the next heir of their empire. Do you know what a Marraige between the Yong and Sui would bring?" She asked and Mack being greedy finally sat up in bed. He sighed.

This is the only reason he was with Anna in the first place. Bacause of what a relationship with her would bring to his family, not because he loves her too much. In time the girl had fallen head over heels for him and he took advantage of that.