
Rejected by My Ex,Doted By His Boss

After her unexpected break up with her caring boyfriend she didn't know was just fake and all with her parents death, Rosella found someone she didn't think she would ever encounter in her life,Liam, the most powerful and richest bachelor in the states. will Liam help rosella get her revenge?Does he love her like he claimed to?Well,there is only one way to find out, this tragic journey of rosella Maybe it will take a huge turn to happiness and peace like Liam sworn to. (AUTHORS QUOTES:IN EVERY GREY COLOR THERE IS ALWAYS A PICTCH OF WHITE THAT MAKES THE BLACK LOOK DIFFERENT, SOMETHING TO RELY ON.)

Beautianah_Rosella · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Yeah....you know I'm saving money for my restaurant Rosella said, yeah of course I know,you're doing it big that you're saving $5000 every month Lisa said,stop it you know I just started 5month ago and stop talking like you don't know my background,I'm paying moms &dad debts and also paying for rents both my parents and mine you know, rosella said in a daze, I'm really sorry how's she now, is she now feeling better and your dad?Lisa asked in a worry, she's in the hospital after she got diagnosed with cancer and my dad is not himself right now and also the restaurant is in a critical state the landlord is saying if I don't pay the rent soon it will be sold, i just don't know why all this is happening, I'm tired, rosella said swallowing her cries, fuck it you're going through a lot than me let's meet at jitters cafe tomorrow and talk about it Lisa said,ohh are you around? rosella asked, yeah I came immediately i received the breakfast of my life from that jerk,Lisa in anger, we'll talk about it tomorrow then. Good night babes,Lisa said good night and hung up. Ahhhhh, rosella sighs as she closed her eyes on the couch and thinking.

Bestie!!!!! Rosella heard Lisa voice from inside the cafe as she got to the entrance, she walked in and sat where Lisa was sitting.

Wow you've gotten even more beautiful, Lisa commented rosella as rosella wore white armless crop top with a short denim skirt,a denim jacket with white sneakers and for her beautiful brunette hair which matched her brown eyes ,she packed it in a ponytail, showing a very beautiful image of an angel that she looks with her fair skin. Stop exaggerating it just my normal wardrobe casual dress rosella said, what?!!! You have the beauty and figure to be a model come on and am not exaggerating you look exceptionally beautiful now or.....ahh!!!!Lisa screams, Hey are you insane we're at a cafe here not your house try to respect people's ears and stop embarrassing me, rosella shushed Lisa,Lisa covered her mouth with her head low looked around, putting on a black mask cause she's a model,quit popular and said in a low voice,sorry, but please tell me,have you done it?

What!!are you insane why are you so dirty minded. No, i haven't done it, God! you're embarrassing, rosella said as she drank americano embarrassed.hahaha Lisa laughed at her friend's embarrassment,and after that they talked and gossiped before they both went to their various houses.