

Emma, I wish I could find the right words, but there's no easy way to say this. Our paths, as much as it hurts to admit, seem to be diverging. I never anticipated the immense pain these words would carry, and it pains me more than I can express to tell you that I don't see a future for us. It's not a reflection of you or your worth; it's about the paths we're on, and I fear they've grown too different.

RadiantRoseWriter1 · Urban
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20 Chs

Deadly infatuation- Malik's POV

"Malik can you relax already?"

As I continued my conversation on the phone, navigating the crowd at the corporate party with a practiced ease, my attention was momentarily diverted by a vision in maroon that caught my eye. Through the sea of formal attire, her gown stood out like a rare gem. The rich maroon fabric clung to her figure in all the right places, the silhouette accentuating the curves that lent an air of sophistication. The gown, with its graceful V-neckline, revealed a hint of collarbone, adding a touch of allure to the ensemble. The bodice, adorned with intricate lace detailing, hinted at a subtle blend of modern elegance and timeless charm. As she moved through the room, the floor-length gown swayed with each step, a cascade of fabric that trailed behind her like a regal train.

The hue of maroon complemented her skin tone, creating a mesmerizing contrast that drew the eyes of onlookers. The dress seemed to embrace the play of light, casting a warm and enchanting glow upon her. Her hair, elegantly styled, framed her face in loose waves that tumbled effortlessly down her shoulders. The choice of minimalistic jewelry allowed the gown to take center stage, with perhaps only a pair of subtle earrings that caught the light as she moved. Her demeanor exuded confidence, and the radiant smile that graced her lips added a touch of warmth to the overall allure. In that moment, captivated by the sight before me, I found myself momentarily pausing my conversation. The allure of the maroon gown, combined with the grace with which she carried herself, created an image that lingered in my mind. 

Despite the ongoing conversation on the phone, I found myself drawn toward her, compelled by an inexplicable curiosity. The ambient hum of the party seemed to fade into the background as I made my way through the crowd, discreetly ending the call. As I approached, I could not help but admire the intricate details of her maroon gown. The lace accents, delicately woven into the fabric, added an air of sophistication, hinting at a nuanced taste in fashion. The gown's flowing silhouette whispered of timeless elegance, and each movement she made unveiled a subtle dance of grace. Reaching the buffet table, she stood in contemplation, surveying the array of culinary delights. It was in that moment that I decided to seize the opportunity to introduce myself. With a charming smile and a courteous demeanor, I stepped forward. 

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your appreciation for the finer things," I remarked, gesturing toward the spread of delectable snacks. "If you're undecided, might I recommend a Kenyan delicacy that's both savory and delightful?" 

Her eyes met mine, a spark of curiosity and amusement dancing within them. The ambient lights of the party accentuated the glow of her features, making her all the more captivating. 

"Sure, I'm open to suggestions," she replied, her voice a melodic symphony that added to the enchantment of the moment. 

I took a moment to explain the nuances of the Kenyan snack, highlighting its unique flavors and cultural significance. As our conversation unfolded, I could not help but be captivated by her wit and charm. The initial recommendation transformed into an exploration of culinary delights and shared laughter, creating a connection that surpassed the confines of the corporate event. The party continued around us, but in that small bubble of conversation, the allure of her maroon gown and the shared camaraderie became a highlight of the evening. As our conversation unfolded, the delightful banter between us, I couldn't resist the temptation to continue the exchange.

 "Well, I'm Malik, by the way," I introduced myself with a charismatic smile, my gaze lingering on her captivating eyes. She reciprocated with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with a playful glint.

"Nice to meet you, Malik. I'm Emma Sinclair." 

The revelation of her name added a personal touch to our interaction, and as we shook hands, an inexplicable urge washed over me—an impulse to pull her closer, to feel the connection between us strengthen. The warmth of her hand in mine created a subtle current, an undercurrent of chemistry that transcended the formalities of a handshake. In that fleeting moment, surrounded by the ambient buzz of the party, I found myself yearning for more. The desire to hold her close, to immerse myself in the enchanting aura she exuded, lingered in the air. But, adhering to the decorum of the corporate gathering, I maintained the respectable distance. Our eyes met once again, an unspoken acknowledgment of the magnetic undercurrents that seemed to dance between us. As our eyes locked in that brief moment of introduction, I found myself captivated by the mesmerizing shade of green that adorned Emma Sinclair's eyes. They held a depth that seemed to conceal stories untold, each hue swirling like a kaleidoscope of emotions. In those emerald orbs, I felt an intoxicating allure, a magnetic pull that defied explanation.

It was as if time momentarily stood still, and I found myself drowning in the sea of her gaze. The verdant pools seemed to reflect not just the vibrant hues of her eyes but also an enigmatic essence that beckoned exploration. Her gaze, like an enchanting spell, left an indelible mark, and for that fleeting moment, the world around us blurred into insignificance. The green depths seemed to hold secrets, and I, willingly entangled, found myself drawn into their alluring embrace. However, she excused herself and I watched her as she walked over to Xavier Mwadime. I almost dropped dead with jealousy when he passionately kissed her on the lips and they left together.