

Today is a special day. Cindy is excited because it's her boyfriend's birthday and she is planning to surprise him, since it's been more than two weeks since she last spent time with him. She took permission from her boss Raphael, claiming she had something urgent to do and will be taking 3 days off work. The kind boss granted her permission.

She goes back home, and prepares the birthday present. When everything was set she booked her flight, from Chicago to New York City. She couldn't wait to see her boyfriend

She got to his residence at exactly 6pm, she walked into the living room and met him seated, he showed no emotions or excitement for seeing her, she found it strange but she didn't think much of it.

she hurriedly walked up to him, hugged his neck and kissed his jaw, while singing the birthday song. But he pushed her away.

She looked shocked, but still mustered the courage to stay calm and ask him what's wrong and if he had a bad day at work, he just looked at her and said it's none of her business.

Confused Cindy asked if she had wronged him, or is it because she didn't come earlier that upsets him. But he stood there saying nothing, after she kept asking questions, he decided to break the silence.

"I'm done with this relationship Cindy, I tried to see if we could stay longer but, it just doesn't seem to work. I'm sorry, hope you understand me, but the thing between us is over."

Cindy stood quietly and listened to every word that came out of his mouth, with so much pain she said, "Jayden we've been through so much together why are you giving up on us?what have I done to upset you that can't even be redeemed? I love you Jayden and I know you do too." Cindy sobs as she tries to clear up the air.

"Cindy you're amazing, and also a kind hearted soul, but I just don't feel the connection between us. I want you to forget about us and look for someone better, someone that deserves your love and affection." Jayden explains to her

"I don't want anyone I want you, I want my Jayden, baby please tell me you are joking. You're joking right?" Cindy continues to cry sob bitterly

" I wish things could really work out, as we have been planning all this time, but no it took a different turn, and I think the best thing I can do is to honestly tell you about my feelings."

"I took time to prepare for your birthday, took three days off work, just to be with you and make your day special, and this is what I get?"

She showed him the birthday present she had prepared for him, while crying bitterly.

"You didn't have to do all this Cindy, "

""Ohh wow, and that's the thank you I get from you"

He looked at her with remorse and told her he could get her a hotel to stay in for the three days she got off work, pay her flight back and equally compensate for the gifts she had bought for his birthday.

"Ohh so I am not welcome to stay at your place? Why didn't you tell me beforehand? You knew I would come here today, you're should have told me not to."

He tries telling her that he wanted to tell her in person and not on the phone.

But Cindy wasn't having any of it. She began to talk with a loud tone. But she was still hoping for him to apologize and tell her it's all jokes.

Few minutes later at exactly 9:30pm, they heard knocks on the door, Jayden starts to panic and later informs Cindy that it is his girlfriend who's at the door.

Dumbfounded Cindy, could only stand and watch him walk to the door.

A beautiful, sexy, light skin girl, who looks the same age as Cindy walked in, with gifts, and immediately pop's Champaign , while singing and wishing him happy birthday.

He kisses and appreciates her gift, then makes a wish and cuts his cake. Then ate some and fed her some, before turning to ask Cindy if she wanted some.

Cindy stood quietly and cleaned her eyes, so as to not show her weakness in front of the other lady. Politely, she rejects the cake.

The girl walked up to Cindy and introduces herself,

"Hi, I am Kendra, Jayden's girlfriend, and we have been together since last year. So I decided to celebrate his big day. Thank God a friend of his came. Please may I know you?"

"Oh hi I'm Cindy, I was here to celebrate his birthday because it was important to me as well but now I guess I'm no longer welcome here. You take good care of him, I am now his past." And with that she left.

She couldn't stop crying, she walked down the street completely broken, tears filled her eyes and her thoughts were all based on what she just witnessed. She couldn't believe it and wished it was a dream but no, that's her sad reality.

A car splashed water on her and almost knocked her down, but she doesn't seem to be bothered about that at all. Then the kind owner stepped out, and tried to clean her up and asked what was wrong and why she wasn't concentrating while walking on the street. But she said nothing and rather told him that she is fine, and will clean her dress by herself.

But the man refused and offered to take her to his place or a hotel, so she can clean up and rest before continuing her journey. She reluctantly agrees after the man keeps insisting.

They went to a hotel, she took her bath, the man tried talking to her but she wasn't interested in the conversation, so he told her to spend the night at the hotel.

He left but told her he will be back early in the morning to check on her. She spent the night at the hotel but left earlier before he could come , because she was scared she wouldn't be able to face him when he came to check on her.

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