
Rejected and Very Special and The Beginning of an End

Rejected and Very Special: With the many rejections that have ripped at this young heart, will this young goddess ever find love before the last pieces are chipped away? After years of heartache, she finally has the pleasure of finding her final mate, the one that accepts her. Sounds like she will get her happily ever after, but will the chaos come to an end? Her name is Sapphire, the daughter of the moon goddess. Although broken, this young girl still holds the power to kill you with one look. She is the rider of the most powerful dragon known to man. She has been rejected by 200+ mates that didn't seem to find her fit to be a forever partner, but her mother never gave up trying to find her the perfect one. Has she found the perfect one? Rejection is never too far, and with Sapphire, it has always been closer to her than anyone in the world. Will the kidnapping of a loved one jeopardize her new mate? Guess you will have to read to find out..... let's embark on this journey together and start at the very begging. The Beginning of an End: ~~Book 2~~ NOT COMPLETED She is the most powerful shifter that has ever lived. She holds in her possession the sword of legacy, the egg of a forgotten dragon race, and a pure white wolf with electric blue eyes. At the age of 15, Blaze is forced to grow up 3 days before her 16th birthday, the day most special to shifters, the day she meets her mate. Her mother was taken away to train, while her father is away in a place that is now forgotten, called Mystic Mountain. She is left at her home with her mother's sister Adaline. When things go wrong while she is on vacation with her aunt Sapphiria, Blaze has to embark on a journey to find what once was lost. She finds destiny and tricks fate, but is she still safe? Will she be rejected by destiny? Will her trick of fate come back to haunt her? Will she ever find that mate of hers? Follow Blaze through her hardships as she struggles to find herself, and find the person her mother has not spoken to in years.

Luna_Moonstone_8 · Others
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38 Chs

(1) Rejected and very special

Hello, my name is Sapphire Wolfe (pronounced Wol-fay) and I'm the pack's omega. I'm abused daily and I am usually left for dead at least three times a week. Nice to meet ya! Insert eye roll, please. But seriously...they leave me bleeding out and hope, even pray, that I die. The sad thing is, I wasn't even born an omega. My high status in the pack was dropped, all because I was supposed to shift at the age of 13 and didn't. Every birthday after that the beatings got worse, I have prayed every day for the shift to come but it never does.

My mom and dad died when I was 5, and they never had a chance to have any other kids. So basically I have no one to stand up for me, or to at least be there for me when I go to bed bleeding and crying.

I'm startled out of my thoughts by a yell. "Sapphire get down here right now! You should have been down here three hours ago!" Ahh the Alpha, is too lazy to walk upstairs so he decides to yell whenever he needs me. Welp another day of cooking and learning at that horrible shack, a place many others will call the school.

Sadly I'm really smart and excel in school so I'm forced to do all of the pack's homework. This means I do homework for 136 people, including my own.

I'm also not allowed a shower every day since I waste precious water trying to wash away the filth that will never go away'. I took one yesterday, meaning I'm forced to skip today. I got ready, as fast as I could with a broken rib, and ran downstairs to start breakfast for the pack. Once downstairs I cringe at the pain caused by my broken rib. I force myself to hide the pain and begin cooking.

After I was done, the pack started to fill into the dining room to eat. Today I turn 16 meaning I'm supposed to find my mate, and I'm so excited to meet him!!! Note the sarcasm. Anxiety slowly creeps through my body, what if I never find my mate? That would mean I would have no chance to get out of this hell hole!

I get so worked up I almost forget about the sharp pain of hunger running through me. Keyword, almost.....Along with beating me, the pack also starves me. I'm only allowed one meal per week, and if I didn't have werewolf blood in me I would've been dead by now.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when the smell of cinnamon and spearmint wafted towards me. My eyes flick around the kitchen, I didn't think I cooked my famous mint rolls today. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, if that smell isn't coming from my rolls, then where is it coming from? This can only mean one thing...

Oh no...rejection here I come!

I sigh but begin to shuffle towards the back door, pausing every once in a while to check and make sure the pack hadn't heard me move. 'Mate' i jumped a foot in the air, startled by the voice that seemed to come from nowhere. "What in the world..?" I whispered. 'Mate must go to mate.' The husky voice didn't scare me this time, just caused a bit of confusion. It's like it's in my head or something. Wait. MY WOLF! I smiled like a crazed woman and took a few small steps towards the back door. Although the doors were glass, I couldn't see anyone outside.

I followed the smell through the back yard, and around the rose garden. Soon enough my eyes landed on Zack, the school player AKA: the Alpha's son. Why did I get him as a mate? Like seriously!

He stood up from his seat on the bench and began to turn away from the lake view, his eyes soon focusing on me. Love was the first emotion that flashed across his lovely chocolate brown eyes, but it wasn't the last. My wolf perked up and whispered something I couldn't catch.

The look in his deep brown eyes soon enough turned into anger as he began the trek towards me. Once he was within my personal bubble his hand made contact with my right cheek, causing my head to spin a bit. This act of disrespect from our mate made my wolf whimper. I cringe knowing what was coming. "I Zack Slaughter reject you Sapphire Wolfe" and in that exact moment, I could feel my world break and come falling down causing everything to freeze.

'Be strong my girl. We can do this, just accept his rejection. I think it is time we get away. We can go north to the forgotten land and maybe then we can be free from this horrible, dreadful place' my wolf whimpered out to me.

I've gotta be strong, well act like I am anyway, so I forced myself to stand up straight and tried to hide the pain in my eyes, "I accept your rejection, Zack". I then ran into the packhouse and upstairs, packed all of my things, and wrote a letter explaining my leaving. ' wait' my wolf calls out softly. 'I want to also write a letter to our no good pack if you don't mind'. I shrugged and let her take over.

Once we were both done I read back over the short notes.

*Dear my selfish pack,

I am officially done with all of you! After years of abuse, I have finally found the courage to leave.

What sent me over the edge was the rejection by

Your one and only Alpha's, son. You all will be sorry for what you did to me, one day I'll be back, and ill make you wish you were never born. And yes, be scared because you will feel all of the pain I have ever gone through.

The never loved,

Sapphire Wolfe*

*Dear pack,

I don't just hold all of the power of the world, no, I AM power. You will never see a force as great as me. You can't hide from me, and you cant run. I will find you all, and I will send you to a place you never dreamed would exist. I am the Alpha of all Alphas, I am the Queen of all Queens. My powers created you, and now they will be used to destroy you.

Love (not),

Jess Stars

(Sapphire's lovely wolf)*

After reading over our dramatic letters I opened my window and jumped out. I landed with a thud and started running, in human form because I haven't shifted yet, north to the forgotten land.


I ended up getting there around 12 in the morning, so not as long of a run as I thought. I had left the packhouse early the previous morning and managed to run here in a matter of a few hours. Hmm, I'm a lot faster than I thought.

It had been a couple of hours when I had finally found a beautiful cave that was surrounded by a deep blue light, to sleep in.

'I have got to talk to you before you shift' my wolf said 'hold on there, did you just-..... I'm about to shift!?' 'yes now shut up so I can finish!' she growled at me.

'Fine but hurry up' 'ok, just don't interrupt. Well to start off my name Jess and I'm the wolf of the Moon Goddess, I hold a lot of power and our Goddess has faith that you will not abuse this power.

Also, this cave is very special to the Moon Goddess and her daughter, which is you. Oh, and you have the power to be all of the species in the world just like your mother.

So it has been decided that you're going to be the next moon goddess. Oh, yea I forgot to mention...you're going to be shifting into all of these species in about 10 minutes' i sat there absorbing all of this.

When I finally processed the last part and was about to yell at her, my bones start to crack. I was confused when I felt no pain 'you won't feel the pain since your the Moon Goddesses daughter' ok....well that's good, I guess.

After about an hour or so, I was finally finished shifting into all of the species of the world. Aside from being able to shift into new animals, I had a lot of new powers to play with.

'Oh boy, you're going to be one of those girls aren't you?'. I scoffed and shut her out. I was so tired, even though I didn't really do anything 'get some rest you have a big day tomorrow. Also just a warning, you will more than likely look really different when you wake up' 'ok goodnight jess' 'Goodnight sapphire'.