
Huge trouble


The police barge in, everyone had there hands on their heads, I was trembling, my heart beating faster, they can't arrest me, can they?

"Put your hands behind your head! Now!" The policeman pointed his shotgun at me. I totally loose it, is he gonna shoot me? I'm not a criminal! God! I don't wanna go to prison! I'm just fourteen to be in few weeks! I can't breath! I'm dying!

I started hyperventilating.

"Calm down boy," the man put down his gun approaching me, "copy my breathing," he inhale and exhale. I did same with little difficulties, but I finally had my breath to normal.

"Is he your brother?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

"Is he a relative?" Again I shook my head.

"Elizabeth! Come get the boy, he was shot." He signal to a lady with mask, she walk to us with some paramedics who attend to Elijah.

"I'm Jerry, I can only help you if you answer my questions." He lead me out of that toxic building, to an ambulance. The piece of bottle was extracted from my palm, it really hurt but I stay still this is just a tap to be compare with what father will do.

"Are you okay, can you answer now?" He asked, I just nodded.

"Good, did you come here alone?"

"No." I replied.

"Came with an adult?"


He stare at me confusingly.

"I came with a friend, you just transport him to the hospital."

"Oh, did you take any drug or alcohol?"


"Do you know any of the boys involve in the fight?"

"No, just that Rider Hunter is the guy throwing this sick party." I said softly pulling my knee to my chest.

"Do your parents know you're here?"

"N-no." My heart skipped a beat.

"What's your name?" He was jotting everything on a notepad.

"Christopher Jackson." I said, he pause to stare at me.

"You're one of the sons of Daniel Jackson, the owner of JLC (Jackson limited company) right?"

I hesitated before nodding, "your family are really famous, any number to contact them?"

I gave him Henry's number. "I got this you'll follow me to the station, you're not under arrest, but next time try not to attend parties like this you could really get hurt." He said.

We drove to the station, I waited in a chair while Jerry called Henry.

Few minutes later, Jerry walk to where I was seating my knees on my chest.

"Someone is here to pick you." He mentioned for me to follow him, I did just as he said.

When we approach the receptionist office, I stopped dead in track when I saw who it was, my heart stopped beating as my breathing hitch, I wanted to break out of any window running none stop, I wish a big black hole will just appear and swallow me.

He glared at me with his piercing gray eyes, I looked away refusing all eye contact, if looks could kill I would be six feet under earth.

His gaze left me to Jerry, I was more than glad, he signed some papers and we left.

The car ride was deadly silent, I curled in a ball at the back seat making myself small as possible with my heart beating faster, I was so uncomfortable.

We pulled in the driveway, father got out slamming the door of his black Hyundai Tucson, he walk pass henry loosing his tie, I watch him go upstairs then the faint sound of his office door been slammed.

I felt tears welled in my eyes making my vision glossy, I slowly walked the stair to my room.

I took a shower and got in bed, that's when guilty began eating me up, why didn't father yell? He was clearly angry but did nothing, just like he was tired, I'm I being a burden?

I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have gone to that damn party! What took possession of my mind? Everything turned out to be a disaster and now father won't even talk to me.

I felt hurt tears creep down the bridge of my nose into my hair.

Next day

I sat on the bed with my knee pulled up to my chest just staring blankly at the wall, Henry had offer me breakfast but my appetite seem to have disappear replaced by a big pit of guilt. I must have bags under my eyes since I did not close my eyes throughout the night.

Why did I do that? I kept asking myself. I felt like trading my position for Henry's he is so peaceful, at least he doesn't have to worry about someone barging in to kill him.

The door was pushed opened as father walked in, I tense up bring my feet down.

He pulled my desk chair seating with his hands crossed, I gulped.

"Did you take any drug or alcohol?" He asked staring deep in my soul.

"No," I said barely audible.

"I don't believe you." His words sank deep in my heart causing me to wince emotionally.

"I-i'm allergic to it," I said, he just stare at me for eternity before speaking up once again.

"How did you get there?"

His questions makes me really uncomfortable, we should just get over with, instead of postponing my fate.

I try to form words but nothing seem to come out.

"I asked you a question." He's tone was deep and cold scaring the shit out of me.

"M-my friend." I stuttered.


"Elijah Patrick," I looked away, father had asked me to stay away from Elijah, I don't see why! he never forced me to attend any party, I did it willingly.

"How many times have I told you to stay away from that child? Why is it that you people don't listen?! You really disappointed me Christopher Benjamin, I thought you better." He said, he look more disappointed and tired than angry.

A stray of tear ran than my cheek, he had never said such, he was always proud of me, hearing him say this totally broke me, I wanted to jump off a cliff.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" he hush me with his hand, I hate when he does that.

"Bend over the bed." He said getting up, I flinched cringing on my bed as he unfasten his belt.

"Christopher I won't repeat myself," he warned.

I don't want him to do this I already learnt my lesson, I want to get far away from that painful leather as much as possible. My silence and lack of action made things worse, I was yanked up and bent over.

I stayed still without protesting, it will only get him angrier.

The room was deadly silent as he assaulted my rear, except from the sound of the thick leather coming in contact with my jeans cover butt, and my sobs. It hurts physically but my emotional pain surpass the burning sensation on my rear. Each strokes made me more horrible than before.

I didn't feel or hear him stop, just crying my eyes out when I heard the door slam, I cried in my pillows, I was crying so hard that I couldn't breath, crying I did for one and half hour till I was tired and fell asleep.

Never will I go to any party! Ever!

"Sir? Sir?" I heard Henry called, I blinked my eyes opened while I seat up, groaning at the pain in my head I rubbed my eyes.

"Is time for your practice, Mr Alfred is around first you have to meet your father in the living room."

His words were enough to shake me awake, "why?" My voice came out raspy from all the crying.

"I don't know Sir, but you need to hurry." I got out of bed, sluggishly heading to the door. "Uh, you'll need your mirror first." He said.

I walk to the mirror rolling my eyes at my messy hair, I like it like this, but "that's not how gentleman behaves" I sigh as father's word echoed in my head. I did a quick combing and change out of my old clothes.

"Whisky buddy!" I called for my pet but he was no where to be found! Amazing.

I got out of my room to the living room where my brothers were already seated on the royal couch. I sat ten feet away from them.

Father walks in unbuttoning his suit so he could seat comfortably, I looked away not wanting to see his gray eyes, those scary one's that look deep into your soul.

"You boys have gone out of track out of control! out of rules! You're becoming some wayward spoil children, you do whatever you like! Whenever you like, without thinking twice! I'm tired of this! You rub your bad manners on your youngest brother, have I thought nothing?! I'm really disappointed in you all, this is not what I was expecting coming from my boys, I expected you to act like boys from good family not like animals, I'm profoundly disappointed that's why I,m taking this decision. You all are going to spent your break with father." He said coldly his gray eyes going darker with each sentence.

My brothers tense up staring wide eyes at father like he was seating on his head.

"Father, no! I have already scheduled my week! I can't spend this break in that f- house!" Nathaniel yell.

"Lower your tone young man!" Father growled causing Nathan to shrink back in his seat. "You are all going whether you like it or not!"

"But father is not our fault if he snuck out, we never told him to." Jack said.

"But it was your responsibilities to be a perfect example for your younger brother and you all failed! Discussion close! Get your stuffs pack, you're leaving next tomorrow morning!" With that he exited the room.

I stood up and back off from my brothers growling like some angry dog and shooting me death glares!