

Alexis, after being maltreated for being a lantern, found her mate was her crush who was having an affair with her sister. Heartbroken, she rejects him as her mate and leaves her pack to become a rogue. She stays with the human and hopes to live in peace until the alpha of the moon pack notices her presence. What would happen when she, the most wanted rogue, is found out by the greatest Alpha In the wolf's history? Will she be able to escape execution or will things turn in her favour?

Wealthy · Urban
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13 Chs

Crazy thoughts



''Well, since you already know I'm a lantern. I don't see why living with humans can be a problem. I would've waited for you guys to introduce yourself, but your alpha is coming today and if I don't go back to my class within the next five minutes, they'll give me a demerit, and my whole year will be wasted just like that,'' I explained to Blake, who seems like the most decent guy among the members because he was the only guy who was not staring hard at me like I was done kind of criminal. 

''Sure, next time Alexis,'' Blake said, making me nod my head at him before I turned around to leave for my class. I don't know if it was just me, but I think I saw a hint of a smirk on his face. Shaking my head to clear the image from my head, not knowing if it was just my paranoid illusion or reality. 

''So, we are already caught? What next? Should we leave for the next destination?'' I asked my fake wolf, knowing all too well that she must have had her own opinion concerning this matter. 

''It's just, I don't know what to day. It looks a bit suspicious to me. Did they let us off like that? I am sure they were here to catch and punish us. Did you see the look in their eyes when they gazed at us? It looked like they'd skin us alive if given a chance. More than that, the way they changed their emotions within seconds is what is concerning me more,'' 

''The Blake gut, I felt something strange about him too. He seemed quite powerful to be considered an alpha, don't you think so? And the most important question is why they let us off in the first place. Are they planning on something?'' Ariana said, and for the first time, I agreed with her.

When I was looking at the boys, they were indeed looking at us with squinted animosity-filled eyes, but after pausing for some time, the emotions vanished. their eyes just like that.

''Maybe it was because I told them I was a lantern, and knowing that lanterns are practically useless without wolves, they left us alone?'' 

''Who said you don't have a wolf? When will you start addressing me? Will I always remain as your stupid conscience because that is not what I am,'' Ariana said, making me scoff at her.

''Can you concentrate on the topic? We're talking about life and death here. If I get caught, then it is over for you too. You do realize that, don't you?'' I asked before continuing toward my class. 

''Maybe it's because they pity me? I mean, didn't you see the look in Blake Guy's eyes when I told him I was living alone and fending for myself? If that's the reason, I'm honestly happy for being a lantern and living alone. I wasn't happy with my old pack anyway. Think whatever you want, just leave me alone,'' I said to Ariana, who just hummed in response, saying nothing.

''Alexis, over here,'' Matt shouted at the corner of the room, his voice making everyone turn to look at me. I couldn't help but release a chuckle over his over-enthusiasm.

''Bro, can you stop the shouting? I know where to sit and where you are. I can smell you,'' I said, widening my eyes when I realized what I had said.

''Come on girl, I don't use such strong deodorant for you to make this comment. It's just a little bit of puff here and there, I swear,'' Matt said, and I was glad he didn't find my words weird.

After just one day of pressure of meeting the alpha, I was already losing it. Damn it!

Honestly, what I wanted to do right now was go on top of a cliff and scream my lungs out. I was feeling frustrated with this hiding thing. That's when I haven't met the aloha yet.

When will my life become better with no more surprises from random alpha and running away? I thought, pouting my lips in annoyance

I love travelling. I swear I still do, but travelling is fun when you are enjoying it and not using it as a shield to run away from the alphas and pack wolves. Knowing all too well that they'd kill you the first thing if they knew I'm the infamous rogue.

''Well, if you had taken my advice and bought yourself some more cash in your initial days, then you wouldn't have to live a nomadic life. Kill rogues, and steal food from other packs. Not only did you put yourself in danger and wanted by all, but also put my cover at stake,'' my conscience butted me again. And I swear if she was a girl in real life, I would've smashed her head on the desk in front of me.

I mean, does she not get she's a part of me and not alone? Can I smash her head in my thoughts? I heard a random thought coming. And I couldn't help but groan at my imagination. 

This wasn't a time to be funny. But it is time to find a solution to this.

''Shut up. I need to concentrate on this lecture and study well so I can make up for those demerit points I had gotten because of hiding,'' I said to my ignorant conscience, who for some reason, agreed to my words and stopped disturbing me for the time being.

Well, that's strange.

''So guys, let me introduce you to the members that had come from the founders team,'' the chancellor said, standing on the podium. That's why my conscience left me.

It was because in front of me, standing, were those guys from earlier, and I could feel their eyes boring holes in my head, which I must tell you is uncomfortable.

What is with them staring at me? OK, I get that I am the so-called criminal, but cut me some slack, will you? I am a girl for god's sake.

''You are a girl only for humans. To them, you are a wanted lantern, who is living with humans and breaking rules,'' Ariana said.

Does that smash on the desk harm my thoughts? If yes, please do so. I told my mind, rolling my eyes at my craziness.

''Hey, you okay? You look a bit pale,'' Matt said, placing his hand on mine, making me look at him with a shaky smile before nodding my head at him.

If not being locked in prison or dead is considered normal, I think I was perfectly fine.

Well, until they take me with them.