
Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Ordinary day, ordinary life, that is until, I found myself getting stabbed to death by my fellow student for reasons unknown to me. Then some kind of holographic window prompting me to reincarnate appeared while I was busy drifting through the infinite darkness of the void. Of course, I pressed yes, it’s boring here, then found myself to be a dungeon master… As a fucking monkey no less…

IAmGuavaFruit · Fantasy
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255 Chs

Monke be Eliminated (Feels Bad Man), and Startling Confession

I opened my eyes with a startle, my surroundings giving me pause as my mind tried to figure out where I was. My chest heaved up and downward, my breathing a bit erratic as I recalled the final moments before I was ultimately consumed by the raging inferno that was the asshole's Attack-From-Fountain magic.

Looking around, I realized that this wasn't my Dungeon. My Dungeon doesn't have any gold-plated marble columns, with intricate linings made from who knows what metal. I also found out that I was lying in some kind of regal bed that would put kings and queens of incredible wealth to shame.

'So, I'm still in the Divine Realm… Not what I was expecting when I was eliminated, but I am thankful for their hospitality…' I thought that after being eliminated, the Dungeon Masters would be immediately sent back to their Dungeon.