

  Tyler's POV

  Brenda cried right from the moment Crystal took the ring from Bryce till I dropped her off at home reluctantly. I didn't want to leave her alone but I had to because I needed to see my Father and Mother to finalize everything.

  Daisy signed the divorce papers and left them in my room. When I saw it, it came as a surprise and my heart jumped up with joy.

  The joy that I can finally be with the woman I love. The joy that I can finally shower her with the love she deserves. The joy that I am free. Free from the shackles of forced and loveless marriage.

  I can't pinpoint the reason for Brenda's tears. At the time, I thought it was because she was happy for her friend who is getting married next month.

  Bryce insisted on getting married next month and his father supported him. Brenda's tears increased at that moment and I began to think that she was crying because she wanted a similar thing.