
Reinotatakai | Origin Pt.2

The training has begun. Everyone has practised new skills and techniques in the few passing weeks before the training. Hanako practised to maintain his blood to finally make weapons that are stable enough to be used in combat, May focused on maintaining the spiritual energy that her mask emits and control the animal spirits she uses, Aoi did some heavy duty craftsman work to enhance her hammering skill which helps with her spirit technique and finally Sabito has been doing meditation in preparation to keep his spirit waves under control.

"Before we start…. We should do some warm ups first", Sabito said to everyone. Aoi was standing in front to help everyone with warming up before they start to train.

"Okay! Let the training begin!", Sabito yells at the top of his lungs. Everyone else yelled in excitement as well. Hanako decided to train with May while Aoi trains with Sabito.

"I won't go easy on ya!", May said to Hanako. "And I won't either", Hanako replied to her. May wore her Kitsun (Fox) mask and instantly gained the powers of a fox and she even grew spiritual tails from it. Hanako was amazed with her growth but he has also grown since they last trained against one another. "Wow! That's impressive May but I have something up my sleeve", Hanako said to her. "Oh, really eh!", May replied to him with a sarcastic tone.

Hanako started to release a decent amount of his blood from his hand to form a blood blade. "It took me awhile to maintain this", Hanako said to her. "Wow! You aren't joking but can that new blade of yours beat me though", May said to him. They both began to start their battle. While Aoi and Sabito have already started their battle against each other.

Aoi swung her hammer towards Sabito but Sabito created a temporary force field to block her attack. "You really think I'll let you hit me with that attack huh", Sabito said to her. "Oh, we'll see about that-", Aoi said to him as she hits the ground beneath her feet creating a temporary earthquake. Sabito lost a bit of his balance from it and Aoi was able to get in some swings at him. "Well, that was interesting", Sabito said as he pushes her away with his spirit energy.

"It's not that hard for me. All I did was focused my spirit energy into the front part of the hammer allowing me to cause a mini earthquake." Aoi said to Sabito. "Well that was fun-", Sabito said as he magically appears behind Aoi and releases a massive shockwave that knocked her back by a lot into the nearby forest. "God dammit Sabito! That hurt a lot y'know!", Aoi screamed at him. "Well, you should have prepared for something like that", Sabito told her as he approaches her.

The training continues from Hanako and May's side of the field. Hanako and May ran towards each other in full motion to attack.

Hanako was able to hit May first but May was able to knock him back. "Well, that went well didn't it", Hanako said while giggling at May. "It sure did", May replied with a giggle back towards Hanako.

Then, Hanako had something up his sleeve. May tried to move towards him but failed. "Wait, why can't I move?", May questions her situation. "It's because I was able to tap into your spiritual energy allowing me to control your blood", Hanako explained the thing he did to her. "That's why you can't move! It's because I made the blood in your leg frozen for a bit", Hanako said to her as he runs towards her in a full motion ready to attack. He swings his blade towards May successfully knocking her back into the forest behind her. May was able to contain the impact by changing her mask into her bear mask which has more force power than the fox mask. "Phew, thank god I had this in my inventory or else I would have been hurt badly.", May sighed in relief to herself. "I know that, that's why I attacked you at full force.' Hanako says as he appears behind her ready to attack her again.

But, May was able to punch Hanako into the ground pretty hard nearly knocking him out. Hanako was in immense pain from that sudden shock wave. "It hurt, didn't it!", May said to him in a cocky tone. "Well yeah, you idiot!", Hanako yelled at her while he is in pain. He then quickly gets back up and strikes her again when she invades him quickly. She switched into her squirrel mask while he was on the ground allowing her to increase her agility. After dodging his attack, May, went ahead and headbutt him pretty hard in the head leaving a bruise. "Ow! That hurts!", Hanako said in pain. "Take that loser!", May said to him.

After a few hours of training, they all decided to train against each other, all four them of them fighting against one another at the same time. This will truly test their skills on becoming a Spirit User.

"This will be the final training for today! You hear me!", Sabito screamed at the top of his lungs towards his friends. Everyone nodded and started the final training.

Hanako jumps up high into the air and went for an air strike on Sabito. "I'm coming for ya, bud", Hanako says to him while he strikes towards him. "You really think that would work on me?", Sabito said to Hanako as he puts up a strong barrier that blocked Hanako's attack completely and knocking him back. Aoi started to move towards May to swing in an attack on her until suddenly she disappears. "Huh?! Where did you?", Aoi asked May without knowing her exact location. "I'm below you", May says as she burst out of ground and hitting Aoi in the face pretty hard. "Gotta test out new masks y'know", May said to Aoi while she wears her new Armadillo Mask.

"Since when did you have that as a mask?", Aoi asked her. "Since a week ago", May replied while giggling at her. May then rushes towards Aoi and she was able to get in some good hits on Aoi. But Aoi was able to grab one of May's hand and she slams May onto the ground and hit May with a powerful hit from her hammer. May screamed in pain from the amount of damage that had been dealt to her. Aoi prepares for another attack but May quickly dodges it and wears her Fox Mask to do some quick work on Aoi. May repeatedly attacks Aoi from behind in a quick session and she knocked her out cold.

Hanako and Sabito are still going at each other with constant back and fourth attacks. "You're really going to play defence the whole time with me?", Hanako asked Sabito.

"Nope-", Sabito replied as he quickly appears behind Hanako and he sent a huge spiritual shockwave that knocked Hanako onto the ground. "God dammit- You weren't kidding that you have trained huh", Hanako said to Sabito. But then, Hanako quickly gets up and puts his blood back into his body. "But here is the thing Sabito- You're one mistake was getting close with me in the first place", Hanako said as he had something planned all along. "What do you-", Sabito was cut off as he can't move his mouth, actually, he can't move any parts of his body. Hanako used his spirit technique to control Sabito's blood cells. "This is something I haven't tried out before but I like to call it 'Bloody Puppeteer' which allows me to control someone like a puppet", Hanako explains his new technique to Sabito as he controls Sabito to move towards him.

As soon as Sabito got close, Hanako focused a lot of his spirit energy into his left arm and he was able to increase the power output of that arm and he swings his arm towards Sabito as he knocks him down onto the ground knocking him out completely.

"Well…. Both of the are knocked out", Hanako said to May. "I think we may had overdone it", May said to him. "May, you have that elf mask right?", Hanako asked her. "Yes?", May questioned what Hanako is about to say after asking her that question. "Can you go heal them back up- Don't wanna leave our friends in pain now do we", Hanako said to May. "Oh sure", May replied to him as she wears her Elf Mask which gives her the power of the fictional species.

She sits besides, Aoi and Sabito and began to sing a calming melody simply known as 'May's Harmony', the tune was so beautiful it even made Hanako cry. After a while, both Aoi and Sabito were healed completely and have awoken from being fainted. "Sorry for knocking you guys out", Hanako and May apologized to the both of them. "It's fine you two, this is all part of the training so we don't mind", Aoi said to them. All of them are exhausted after their training and they quickly went ahead and pack their stuff up before they leave the training area. "How about I buy us all dinner tonight?", Hanako asked the three of them. Everyone was jumping in excitement and they all went to the nearest restaurant and ate there. After finishing with their dinner, they went ahead and ordered some food for their own family members back at home.

They all went back to rest from their very tiring training. They continued training for the next two weeks with each other learning to use new skills and practising some old skills.

After the weeks of training, it's finally here. The Trial of Supirittsuhai. All four of them are ready for the true trial to begin. People were muttering around them before the gates to the trial opens. "We've been training for two weeks now- Let's not waste that time we spent training- You hear me, you guys!", Sabito said to his friends. Everyone had fire glowing through their eyes in excitement for the training. The gates finally opens and everyone was let in for the true trial to finally begin!

Hope you enjoy the second chapter of this novel~

I already finished writing the first three chapters somewhere else originally but decided to post them here. Later, I'll post chapter III of Reinotatakai and also this is the ending of first arc of the story and the third chapter will be the second arc of the story <3

Okanahcreators' thoughts