
reinkarnasi penyihir agung

Author: ghaniandgojo
Romansa Fantasi
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What is reinkarnasi penyihir agung


dia adalah penyihir yang sangat bijaksana,cerdas dan hebat , penguasa lima elemen,orang pertama yang membuat kontrak dengan raja spirit air dan es ,penyihir agung IVELLE. dia sudah hidup selama seribu tahun,ketika dia termakan usia ,waktu sudah menjemput,dia mati di Padang rumput yang luas dan hijau yang dia ciptakan sendiri,ketika dia berpikir dia sudah bosan dan inilah akhirnya. ketika dia membuka matanya ,dia terkahir kembali sebagai seorang putri kerajaan yang dijuluki sebagai "Kukang pemalas" kehidupan kali ini dia berjanji,dia akan meninggalkan kehidupan berdarah,dan kejam,dia akan hidup dengan santai

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Reborn As A Super Model Fated To A Jerk!

When we were alone, he crossed the room in quick strides and picked me from the ground as if I were nothing more than a rag. “How dare you try to use my dead mate against me?” “I am sorry, Alpha but you gave me no other choice,” I cried “I know you’ve been trying to bring to book the people behind her death but you stopped at some point because of the Blackwoods’ but I can help you bring them to justice. Just like you, I want to be free from their tyranny,”. He let me go and I staggered, nearly falling to the ground again “How am I supposed to believe that this is not a staged act from them to finally destroy me. I know they’ve had it in for me for a few years now… who knows, they could have sent you,”. “They have not!” I shook my head and ran towards the direction he was facing trying to meet his eyes “I agree I am supposed to be marrying Luke Blackwood a fortnight from today but believe me, I don’t want it. Not after everything I know. You, Alpha Oliver is the only person that can go against them,”. “And you will go against your family… your mate?” he quizzed me, his eyes darkening with disbelief. “Yes!” I answered without hesitating. If only he knew what they did to me in my past life, he would be pushing me to get my revenge. “And what will you gain from it?” he grabbed my shoulders “Why should I risk my life, my business, my pack and my family to join you on this suicide mission?” “Because we’ve both been victims. Well,” I paused with a sigh “For me not yet but I will be in the future. Plus aren’t you tired of them always getting away with everything? If we do not do something, one day, it will be us in an unmarked grave buried far away from Foxtrot without family, friends or even flowers,”. “Shit!” Oliver lets me go again and paces the room, his hands running through his hair. After a few minutes, he returns to me. “Okay… What do you want me to do?” “You will marry me…” I said with my heart pounding wildly in my chest “But it’s only contractual and that’s the only way you can save me when it is time. In return, I will expose the specific member of the Blackwood family who killed your mate,”. He didn’t look convinced… “I could get married to Luke Blackwood in a few days and live as long as I can if I am good… but you…You, Alpha Oliver, will live with the regret of not avenging your mate every, single, fucking day of your life. It will haunt and taunt you until you run mad,” I paused to catch my breath wondering where the guts had come from. “So, what will it be Alpha? Will you join me or not?” *** Ximena Foster in her previous life was on the verge of marrying Luke Blackwood when she discovered that she was just a pawn to pay off his family’s debt and acquire a piece of land left to her by her mother. What was worse, she caught him in bed with her best friend. But when she’s given a second chance to live again, she goes in search of the man who was with her in the last moments of her previous life. Alpha Oliver Halden lost his wife on his wedding day and it was clear that the Blackwoods were behind it, but he knew there was a limit he could go against them, since they were the most powerful and most influential family in the whole of Foxtrot. He resigned to his fate and was ready to live the rest of his life mourning his wife when he met Ximena Foster. To him, Ximena was the last piece of the puzzle he needed to get his revenge but for Ximena… he was her saviour… her ticket out of hell. Armed with the knowledge of the future, she will stake her life to help Oliver but what if appearances were deceiving and Oliver wasn’t the angel he claimed to be? From one dark secret to another… If Ximena must change the future… she must first change the past by trusting herself and becoming HER SAVIOUR.

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