
Reincarnted in hentai world

reborn in a world with ugly bastards that have the power of hypnosis and ntr he decides to get them first

Saiyannationyt12 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The First Bastard Teacher Part Two

Two Hours Earlier Flashback Kite Pov

A/.This first half will explain his wishes.

During the night as he was cultivating his magic he then remembered his wishes.

The whises he wanted for is that the skills he wanted like super-strength etc, elemental magic etc, and magic in general with one of it being able to resist mind control or hypnosis. And when he did it in his mind it will be like his own hyper bolic time chamber where it moves faster than real time. Then his third wish the power to stop time.

But what he didn't expect is the cuvlation timing. For instance if he wants to increase his mental strength it would take him two-hours for it which is thirty days for it.

Or for another instance if he wants to practice his magic he would have to spend five hours which is seventy-six days in here. The only thing that slowed him down was the drug in his system so he scanned for his healing magic and with the amount the previous host did it took almost a year to get it out of my system to continue.

Then when morning came as I checked my progress to see that I got taller and the bed floor accidentally cracked when I stepped on it. So I had to regulate myself to be more careful with others. Then I started off by taking shower etc, and breakfast was ready like always since I wake up at seven and school don't start until nine. So I still had time to cultivate some more.

After thanking Alexis I began to walk to school and the moment I arrived I saw something that made me shook my head in disappointment.

"K-kite Kun!"


Hearing my name called out and turned around to see it was Akane running towards me. I could see behind her that it was Coach Togou glaring at me, as I enternal smirked.

"Kite-Kun I'm going to the classroom let's go to then tee." Akane ran from Coach Togou to my side. Now that I have a clear look right now she just up to my chest.

"…." Coach Togou didn't stop her as he remembers what happened before.

As I can clearly see the relief expression on her face and I did my next move.

"*Oh well I can explain things to Kaede during lunch.*" Surprising Akane by my actions as she was being hugged uprgjgng by me.

When she was leaning against him she can feel his hard stone chest and with a strong sense of security. Heart beating non-stop cheeks turning hot and pink.

As Kite turned to coach and with a face that says. "*Nice try bastard but she mine for the taking*"

As if he was mocking him the trainer can only stare with anger burning in his eyes but he held back.

As Kite continued to look down at coach he saw him not making a move he leaned to whisper in Akane ear.

"Meet me in the cafeteria with Kaede then we will go and talk somewhere private."

As he whisper that to her Akane shh poster came to view as she was still leaning in his arms and not moving even now as well.

He then let go and went towards his class

"*Damn it I got to careless!*" He then went back towards the teachers building.

"Wait!" He stared at the back of Akane gloomily as she was catching up with Kite and they ended up going to class together.

Up until last night and today he hasn't been in a good mood, as he swore in his head he will have his revenge.

But through all of that it was like he wasn't even there and the person was Shouya Katase, freshman who joined the baseball club and has a crush on Akane Nano and he watched what just happened from the beginning to end.

Fear started to creep into him as he remembered about the harem law and with how rich the tall kid and also rumors about him starting dating the delinquent Kurogawa. The girl he loved in arms of another man who had a build bigger than the coach as he kept standing there in daze.


"What's happening? I thought nano and Shouya was dating?"

"But wasn't that the rumor boy to be dating the deluqient Kurogawa."

"Damn it is that rich tall bastard starting a harem?"

"I don't know but how does he Nano and how does she know him?"

"But from the way things looked it seems almost intimate it's hard to belive that the quiet one is starting a harem."

"What the relationship between the two." As members of the baseball club came to Shouya Katase for answers.

"Shouya you heard the rumors about him dating Kurogawa could it be possible that he's starting a harem and going after Akane next?"

"I don't know.."

"Damn could it be true that he have two already? The way nano smiled so brightly when she saw him."

"Shouya you realize you have to seize the opportunity or the person you like is going to be taken away and possibly join a harem!"

"But our baseball club doesn't allow dating so it's impossible for her right?"

Inside the building the pair that was 'dating' put on their indoor shoes that was on the first floor and Akane was still shy looking at Kite.

"I have two questions."


"Is it true that your dating Kurogawa-San?"

"Hai. And it seems like we will have to enter class at separate times so she won't think your my second girlfriend already."

"And for my second question is why did you do that?"

"Well obviously as you can see the clear height difference and muscle mass and skills it's all in a matter of patience if the bastard was going to 'attack' or hold back."


The bastard he refers to was coach Togou. Hes no afraid of him at all. And after witnessing his skills he can anger him whenever he wanted. My concerns are wavering should I be stronger next time. Akane looked at Kite who had a calm expression. Up until yesterday and today there was never a nervous or scared expression.

"*For just a test? He had to hug me so tightly. And with the fact that he came to help me yesterday as a classmate. I wonder if he's after me for more than just a classmate.*"


Once reaching too the classroom as they both went in separate times. He saw Kurogawa who was smiling brightly at him and was visibly happy.

"Morning Kade-Chan"

"Morning, Tenjo-Kun." She said but was a bit flustered as he addressed her by first name.

"For today we're not going to meet up at the place like before." Kite said confusing her.

"How come?"

As kite and Kaede were having their conversation but in a whisper toned which confused her at first but then became more understanding as their classmate began to talk about their interaction.

"It's true, the quiet one and Kurogawa are dating!"

"Was he pretending to be quiet all along? And now starting a harem? Damn it!"

"Were they secretly dating!"

"I don't know go ask?!"

"Why the hell would I want to ask want me to get killed by the deluiqent!"

"Shit shhh! Be quiet or else she will hear you."

"Shit think she did?"


"*You fucking dumb piece of shits are terrible at whispering of course we can hear you!*" As Kurogawa and kite ignored she took one glance at Akane and then back at Kite. She was internally upset at the situation because she too knew what it felt like to be harassed by a teacher which is the reason why she became known as a deluqient.

Meanwhile no one well not no one (kite)notice the glare that was targeted towards him. He decided not to bother with it for now. But the who was glaring at him and his was name Sagei as he originally had a crush on her but wasn't able to and then when he heard the rumors he was pissed and now wanted revenge.

Back with Kite and Kurgoawa as they finally finished talking a yellow hair bastard appeared before him.

"You managed to get get a good seat. Hey you want to exchange?"

Aye yo what the fuck? Isn't this one of those yellow hair bastards. Kite thought to himself and wonder why he came to him then turned next to him and it became clear. A girl with long beautiful purple hair girl with large breasts that can rival Akane but not on the same size of Kaede had sat next to him to probably get away from the bastard.

"You have two beauties sitting next to you. How about it let's get to know each other. The name is Masrua Oha." He introduces himself where as I don't have to since everybody partially knows me.

"You shouldn't talk to him. He's not a good person." The girl that was besides him as Kurogawa turned her head towards the girl.

"You might get into trouble with him."

"Oy Natsuha, are you going to explain why I'm not a good person? Or is it because I'm not like your childhood sweetheart? Sure is a shame that he not able to enter highschool!"

"Shut up! You don't even know me. Don't even say my name!"

As Kurogawa and Kite watched their conversation unfold in silence while observing.

"Us Handsome guys got to stick together right? I mean what's the point if you have the size but not being able to fuck and please a woman right Kite-kun?" The yellow hair bastard said.

Kite was thinking of a way to respond but thanks to the bell class had begun and he had to take a different seat.

Kurogawa could see the annoyed look on his face and didn't know what to do.


And so during break time instead of going to there now usual place they went to the cafeteria first for meet up and then went along to another place where there was no one.

"So that is the situation and without Kite-kun I would've been in the palm of his hand by now." Akane had explained the situation to Kurogawa. Kite told her the reason why instead of meeting at the abandoned roof top because now coach Togou wants revenge on him probably through her and if they were caught there she would have probably been in the same predicament.

"I understand as I was once harassed by the perverted teacher and that's why everyone calls me a delquient. But I do have a question. Tenjo-Kun why haven't you said anything to the school or police?"

"Because as I loathe to admit the boy would possibly be kicked out and that what she dosent want so after when they win I'm going to expose the bastard and he will be sent to jail."

"Decent plan. So what are you going to do then nano-san he's going to continue to harass you until then?"

Akane sighed at that and began to speak on her plan. "I think that I might quit the Baseball club. Because I don't want Shoyua to be in trouble because of me."

"Well you don't have to answer right now but if you are fed up with him it's best to quit and join the lacrosse club." When she nodded that was the sound of the bell, and when they went back to class Kite frowned.

Kurogawa only started dating kite a day ago, and she haven't gotten a full idea of his personality so when she saw his calm to angered expression her eyes trailed over to see the yellow hair bastard sitting in his seat.

She remembered his name to be Masaru Oga who had a bad reputation just like the coach. He was talking to natsuha as she was looking impatient.

"Hey, hey Natsuha come with me to go karaoke after school?"

"I told you to not say my name!"

"Okay, okay Shinoyma, now I sincerely invite you."

"I'm not interested."

"Your rejecting your childhood sweetheart again."

"Hello there." Kite approached with Kurogawa and Akane behind him as Masura had to look up at him. His cold voice almost sent a shiver down his spine.

"Who said you could sit there?"

"Hey? Kite Tenjo hahaha you…."

"You dare smirk at me?"


His large hand stretched out and he unexpectedly grabbed his neck and it felt like a pair of iron shackles. As he was forced to his head upward he tried to get free but couldn't.

"Who said you could sit in my chair?" This was a perfect opportunity to show his strength and dissipate any glare sent towards him. The eyes that were watching was in shock.

"Uhgh…. Ohh." Masura grasped as kite strengthen the hand in his neck he tried to escape. But it was useless.

"Next time, you won't be coming to school for a few days. DORA!"

He shouted as the yellow hair bastard was sent flying and he knocked down multiple tables and chairs until he finally landed heavily among the mess of them including textbooks.

So this is the effect of culvating my magic.