
Reincarnator vs. Devil God

This story is about a time traveler on Frascoia Continent. Just like a typical time traveler or reincarnator who obtains a second chance, this protagonist uses his knowledge of the future to make things favorable for himself. He experiences many lucky events and even the favor of many beauties. However, the protagonist has no idea that his great providence accidentally clashes him with a terrifying Demon God. Moreover, his time travel seemed to have a direct relation with this Devil God. Read this story to find out! ~~ A/N: Heya everyone, I hope you all like the novel and support it. Please leave a good review for the novel. Thank you.

Evil_Dragon · Eastern
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56 Chs

Prison Break

Lian Ming soon entered the prison. Unlike Long Chen's uniform, she was wearing a dark blue-colored uniform. It seemed to be the uniform of the officers. Her ample bosom and curvy ass made her appear seductive in this uniform.

All the men couldn't help but stare in her direction and were lost in a trace. Even though they saw her daily, they still weren't used to her beauty.

They felt blessed that they had such a beautiful leader.

Lian Ming was aware of her beauty and had gotten used to these stares. She knew they meant no harm and would never dare to do anything to her.

Soon, a couple of men approached her with shy looks on their faces. They commended her for capturing Geng Ru.

Lian Ming knew that most of these stinky men just wanted to find an opportunity to talk to her, but she still felt happy upon receiving those compliments.

"Thank you for your kind words. Now, get back to your jobs!" Lian Ming ordered as she noticed that many of them were slacking off.

Noticing that Lian Ming was back to her commanding mode, all the men cleared the area and returned back to their duties.

Suddenly, a loud scream came from the prison's upper levels.

Even Lian Ming was startled upon hearing that scream. She instantly headed into the prison to monitor the situation.

Upon reaching the upper levels of the Prison, Lian Ming was startled as she saw seven convicts out of their prison cells and beating the guards.

These convicts soon noticed Lian Ming, and a terrified look appeared on their faces. They quickly grabbed hold of the guards and held them in front of Lian Ming.

"Don't move! If you dare to move, we will kill these men!" One of the convicts spoke calmly while grabbing the guard's throat.

All the other convicts noticed it and repeated his actions. Moreover, as they held these guards' bodies ahead of themselves, Lian Ming couldn't attack them instantly.

Dong Chao was the only 3 Star Warrior among these convicts, while the rest were 2 Star Warriors.

Since Dong Chao was the strongest among these convicts, there was a tacit understanding between them to obey his orders.

Lian Ming sneered in response while speaking, "Do you think I care about their lives? As long as you kill one of them, I will make sure to kill you. Not even the Mayor or anyone else can save you from me then."

The convicts shivered upon hearing those cold words. Dong Chao clenched the guard's throat a little tighter and spoke, "Don't try to frighten us. How will you answer their families? Will you tell them that these guards died because of your rashness?"

Those words did make Lian Ming stop for a second.

"What are your demands?" Lian Ming asked with a hesitant look on her face.

"…We want a safe passage outside of this prison. Once we are at a specific distance away from the prison, we will release these guards," Dong Chao spoke.

Lian Ming sneered in response, "Impossible! You might as well kill them now!" She even stepped closer with a cold expression on her face.

Dong Chao and the other convicts trembled in fear. Lian Ming noticed this and knew that she could succeed.

Suddenly, Dong Chao looked at the other convicts and spoke, "Do it!"

All the convicts suddenly threw the guards in their arms in different directions. Dong Chao threw the guard in Lian Ming's direction at a very quick speed.

Lian Ming could easily dodge or counter the incoming guard, but if she did that, she would gravely injure the guard.

She stretched her arms to catch the guard.

As soon as Lian Ming's palms touched that guard, she felt a dense current passing through her body, and the guard crashed into her. The two fell down. Lian Ming tried to move, but she couldn't.

Lian Ming instantly understood that Dong Chao had infused this guard with his Lightning Ardor, so whoever touched this guard would be temporarily paralyzed.

These convicts instantly turned and started running at their quickest pace.

Unfortunately, there were already guards awaiting these convicts. Except for Dong Chao, all others were caught.

Meanwhile, Dong Chao jumped out of prison. He remained unharmed as his body crashed into the ground since he had reinforced his body with enough Ardor.

At this moment, Lian Ming recovered her mobility. She instantly chased after Dong Chao. However, by the time Lian Ming arrived, Dong Chao was long gone.

With an intimidating look on Lian Ming's face, she ordered her subordinate nearby, "…Have the entire Suqui Town be on high alert. A vicious convict has just escaped from prison! Inform Hu Cheng to lead a couple of guards to the northern side of Suqui Town. I will go and talk to Yi Fen and request reinforcements from him."

"Yes, captain!" Her subordinate saluted and was on his way to inform Hu Cheng of Lian Ming's order.

Hu Cheng was Lian Ming's deputy and was a 3 Star Warrior. It didn't take long before Hu Cheng received this information and left the prison.

The one managing the prison was Lian Ming's other deputy. His name was Cai Tai. He was a 2 Star Warrior and somewhat skilled in management. Lian Ming was sure that Cai Tai could calm down the situation in prison.

The entire Suqui Town was on high alert. The Law Enforcement Department had sent two teams to help Lian Ming search for those two escaped convicts.

Lian Ming and the Law Enforcement Squads searched many inns and pubs, but there was no sign of Dong Chao.

It seemed that they were hiding in a house.

Searching each house was bound to be time-consuming, but Lian Ming had no other choice. The Law Enforcement Squads started to check each house carefully.

The day ended.

Lian Ming was very distressed as they found no signs of Dong Chao. She even thought that he might have already left Suqui Town.

However, Lian Ming shook off that thought.

Dong Chao couldn't have gathered much Ardor inside the prison since he was trapped in Anti-Ardor Chains all this time. Using that Lightning Ardor to paralyze Lian Ming, fortifying his body to survive the jump that height, and quickly escaping, ought to have expended all his Ardor.

Dong Chao required food, some resources to recover his Ardor quickly, and a safe place to stay.

Reaching the nearest town or city to Suqui Town would take him nearly four days.

Thus, it was highly likely that Dong Chao was hiding in Suqui Town. Maybe he was waiting for the security to relax and slip out of Suqui Town.

Unfortunately, Lian Ming didn't plan to give him this opportunity.

In the meantime, Cai Tai recaptured the six convicts and placed them in their cells again. He ordered some warriors to interrogate these convicts.

It was necessary to figure out how these convicts freed themselves from the Anti-Ardor Chains and Talismans.

Only an officer was informed of the seal that could free these convicts of their bindings.

Cai Tai wondered if there was a flaw in their security. They had to find out and cover it quickly!

Unfortunately, these convicts refused to say anything. Actually, they did say something.

"I don't know anything. When I woke up, I was free of those bindings. I soon heard a commotion and left my cell, only to see Dong Chao fighting the guards. I joined him and started fighting the guards as well."

It seemed strange that all of these convicts were uttering the exact words even when they were exposed to a torturous interrogation. At the least, one of the six should have opened his mouth by now.

This indicated that someone freed these convicts without their knowledge. Only an officer could have opened their cell and freed them from their bindings.

This made Cai Tai believe that there was a traitor among them.

As the day ended, Lian Ming returned with distressing news. Dong Chao and his comrade were nowhere to be found.

"…Captain, I have something to inform you," Cai Tai spoke.

"What is it?" Lian Ming asked straightforwardly.

"All of the prisoners I interrogated said they had no idea who had aided their escape," Cai Tai spoke seriously.

Lian Ming remained calm as she spoke, "I did suspect that we have a traitor among us when I saw Dong Chao and those other convicts. Moreover, this traitor is an officer who knows the release seal of these Anti-Ardor Bindings."

Cai Tai solemnly nodded. He spoke, "We need to be extremely careful and capture this traitor as soon as possible."

"Hm," Lian Ming grunted in response. This was only natural.

"…There is another thing, Captain," Cai Tai spoke with a look of hesitation.

Lian Ming asked him, "Speak freely."

Cai Tai nodded and spoke, "…In the last three years, there has never been a prison break. However, it occurred right after you captured Geng Ru. Isn't this a bit suspicious and worth looking into?"

Lian Ming's pupils widened slightly. She hadn't yet thought in this direction.

"You mean to say the JRA is involved in this?" She asked and felt that these words made sense.

"I am not sure if it's JRA or someone is using them as scapegoats. However, I believe it's definitely related to Geng Ru," Cai Tai spoke.

"…What exactly is their aim? Do they want to free him? Or are they planning something else?" Lian Ming wondered aloud.

Cai Tai spoke hesitantly, "Should we transfer Geng Ru to another prison and conduct a background search on all our officers?"

Lian Ming shook her head while dismissing the idea, "No. Perhaps this might be what the JRA wants us to do. They want us to take Geng Ru out of his cell to save him. Besides, the background search will take too long."

"Then what else should we do?" Cai Tai asked with a puzzled expression.

"At present, only you, me, and Hu Cheng knows the location of Geng Ru's cell. Keep an eye on all officers who are curious about Geng Ru's cell. Even if it's a casual conversation, keep an eye on the person," Lian Ming ordered.

Cai Tai seemed impressed by Lian Ming's quick thinking and also felt that this was the best course of action for now.

Meanwhile, almost all the workers left the prison and returned to their houses.

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